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ELECTRIC RED Gt. PEATH2 new band NOXIOUS 1st album announced

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Wow, that was a mouthful.

After almost a year and a half of inactivity, PEATH2 managed to crawl out of whatever rock he was under long enough to update his OHP. In it, he announced that the upcoming release wasn't going to be another Touhou arrange album. Instead, it's going to be what's all the rage in the doujin scene these days - making music that isn't doujin while criminally throwing as many scantily clad lolis on the cover as possible.

The title of the new album was finalized as "The Remnants of a Chaos" and it is set to be released at C83. So, tentative date is whenever PEATH2 is set up which could be any time between December 29th and December 31st of this year. Might be all three days. May be just one or two. I'm sure he'll come out of his rock again and let us know.

Artists that he is collaborating with include:

「石井幸輔」氏 from [TelePHONICA]

「ケンカワ」氏 from [butterfly Kids]

「ノーザン・キラー」氏 from [sick Of Nail]

「Hasshin」氏 from [iNHALE]

「大和」氏 from [大凶作]

and of course Rib;y(uhki), because Rib;y(uhki) is literally everywhere.

You can stream the crossfade from his Soundcloud here.

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The title of the new album was finalized as "The Remnants of a Chaos" and it is set to be released at C82.

Shouldn't it be C83 as C82 happened this summer ?

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In it, he announced that the upcoming release wasn't going to be another Touhou arrange album. Instead, it's going to be what's all the rage in the doujin scene these days - making music that isn't doujin while criminally throwing as many scantily clad lolis on the cover as possible

He's only in it for the lolis. Maybe the djent-djent too, but most definitely the lolis.

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