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Versailles - Rhapsody Of Darkness [Single]

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Since Holy Grail ive been skeptical of any Versailles release, and I used to be a huge fan. However Holy Grail was such a disappointment compared to Jubilee and Noble, nothing's been particularly memorable. Now with this in mind, this isn't a godawful track. Its not quite up to par with some of their better songs, but I can definitely see them curving around to something bigger and better. This one isn't amazing by any means, but I prefer it over most tracks from HG. Lets just hope they go somewhere with it this time, and learn from their mistakes. 7/10

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Kind of hard to write a review of something that isn't technically out yet.

But I have heard it also, in a very low quality radio rip.

I wish I could hear a higher quality version before I make a final judgement, but of course I love it. To absolutely no one's surprise.

I swear they could shit in a bottle and I'd buy it.

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I'm fully aware of what you were doing, but it would be better to save the review threads for releases when they come out in full for a few reasons (if the whole single was leaked it wouldn't have been a problem). In this case, reviewing only the title track is of the same nature as reviewing the entirety of an album based on the song that has a music video for it. Of course this is of a much larger scale than what actually happened, but similar nonetheless. While you haven't done anything intrinsically wrong, I think it would be better to make threads that review releases completely instead of just 1 part of them next time since we do use this sub-forum to review releases instead of single tracks (unless said release was actually 1 song).

The other reason I pointed that out was because not everyone has heard the radio-rip, knew where to find the rip, or, quite possibly, even knew that there was one and could have taken this to mean you were flaunting how awesome you are for having the files weeks before anyone else. Again, not saying that that is what you did, but there is the possibility of that unwanted backlash and it is better to quell those flames before they're even a problem. ;)

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I found both songs quite boring. Nothing memorable... =(

On Rhapsody of the Darkness, my main gripe is with the partitioning. The heavy sections are clearly the heavy sections, the lighter sections are clearly the lighter sections and nothing fits the way it should. Choir backing Kamijo doesn't add the effect it should, but it's not annoying either. There's a small runaway section that doesn't clearly fit into "verse" or "chorus" which sounds really nice. Everything else suffers from this partitioning, which makes the song sound like just a run-of-the-mill manufactured song from pieces that were written at different times, instead of the epic, sprawling sound that they were going for.

Illusion is completely out of Versailles' element. They played down the symphonic elements almost completely, which makes you realize a) how good they are at guitarwork and B) how much Versailles' music depends on the background elements. I say this because most of the neoclassical/symphonic metal bands I listen to actually have the guitarists do rhythm and the orchestra do the melody. Having Versailles' guitarists carry the melody for a change sounds...different. I suppose that's why it is a B-side.

Things I've noticed listening to this single: like I just said, symphonic/neo-classical elements have been turned down a lot, moreso on the B-side than Rhapsody of the Darkness. The mastering on this is a lot better than the mastering on their last two singles. Kamijo's Engrish is still Engrishy. The choruses seem more poppy to me this time around. It's not that it doesn't suit them, but they need to use them more judiciously when the song calls for it, and neither of the songs call for that kind of chorus. Lastly, does the use of the harpsichord (is that what I'm listening to? Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not good with identifying instruments) signal that HIZAKI and co. are influenced by Renaissance music this time around? (which would explain the lack of symphonic/neo-classical elements IIRC, it's not "true" to the time period).

I'll let this grow on me. I wasn't too keen on ASCENDEAD MASTER when it first was released, but I grew to love it. Perhaps this will be the same.

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What you're hearing is the harpsichord, yes.

I do feel like this will grow on you, because it does kind of remind me of Ascendead Master in a lot of ways. It's definitely one of Versailles better (recent) songs. I love both it and Illusion. I could go into excruciating detail, but I just don't feel like it right now. I'm just content to say I'm really super happy with this single and hope this is a representative sample of the next album.

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The choruses seem more poppy to me this time around.

That's what I immediately picked up on, the vocals, especially the chorus seemed pretty poppish. For all this talk about this being a dark and heavy song, the vocals where incredibly light and poppish.

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I found both songs quite boring. Nothing memorable... =(

Illusion is completely out of Versailles' element. They played down the symphonic elements almost completely, which makes you realize a) how good they are at guitarwork and B) how much Versailles' music depends on the background elements. I say this because most of the neoclassical/symphonic metal bands I listen to actually have the guitarists do rhythm and the orchestra do the melody. Having Versailles' guitarists carry the melody for a change sounds...different. I suppose that's why it is a B-side.

THIS... What I think is Illusion > Rhapsody

Maybe this is a little expansion, but where is the epic versailles go?

Just hope the next single give more epicness than this single....

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Sure it's not their usual epic style that they usually release but nevertheless this was a really good single in it's simplicity. I look forward to ROSE and since that's the actual REAL 1st single to come after Holy Grail since this was just a digital of songs they played live that fans really wanted, I guess we still have to see what direction they will take.

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Just got the chance to listen to this today in some down time.

I love "Illusion" - it's a great song all the way through and it doesn't lose momentum for a second. :wub: Makes me not want to completely give on this band after all.

The title song doesn't impress me nearly as much, but I definitely see what people mean when they say it is a potential grower.

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