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Ito's Best Albums of 2011

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In no particular order:


Russian Circle – Empros

Genre: Post Metal

Sample song: Mlàdek

This was easily the release I was most excited for all year, and I am honestly not disappointed in the slightest. Though I really could care less about the last track, everything else on this album is amazing. Every track seems to be driven with purpose, never meandering like what seems to happen on many post rock/metal albums. Some parts of song are just absolutely crushing, like the last few seconds of Mlàdek. And there is the drumming…god damn, the drumming. Dave Turncratz is perhaps the best drummer I have ever heard.



Genre: Metal

Sample Song: UNTIL I DIE

After SHADOWS was such a big disappointment for me, I wasn’t expecting much from this album. Boy was I in for a surprise. This album became my “driving” album for the summer, the songs were fun, powerful, and driven…the kind of stuff that makes you want to push the pedal against the floor. Perhaps there are too many songs that are in a similar style, but they are all done so well that I don’t care (reminds me of -OZ-‘s VERSUS in that way). The album does have one slower track, “BEFORE YOU KNOW IT”, that I feel like has always been a trademark of lynch’s since “latin maria” on Greedy Dead Souls, and it is one of those tracks that I just love zoning out to.



Genre: Post Rock

Sample Song: Lyman Alpha no Mori

I think one of the things that separates great bands from good bands is their ability to make long songs seem short. And Sgt. is one of those bands with BIRTHDAY. I, for the life of me, can never seem to realize that Cosgoda is a 9 minute song…I just can’t. While there are some kinda short filler tracks on the album, the long tracks are wear this album truly shines. The violin and piano mixed in with bass and drum make for such a refreshing sound… Did I mention the drummer isn’t shabby either?


The Human Abstract – Digital Veil

Genre: Progressive Metal

Sample Song: Complex Terms

2008’s Midheaven was kind of a meh album, but with Digital Veil, THA marked the return of their original guitarist/composer and a new vocalist. Damn, it is amazing how much that changed this bad for the better. This album is best described by saying “imagine classical composition woven into metal music.” I will admit, this album did take a few listens for my ears to figure out everything that was going on in some parts of the album, but I haven’t gotten even remotely sick of it yet. Really, the only weak side is that it is too fucking short.


Crossfaith - The Dream, The Space

Genre: Metalcore

Sample Song: Stars Faded in Slow Motion

Talk about a guilty pleasure album. This band just does a perfect blend of guitar and electronics for me…not to be annoying, but just enough to compliment the guitars and give the songs more character. This album isn’t going to win anything for being the most deserve album in the world, but it is just a solid metalcore album. And let’s face it, their cover of “Omen” was just awesome.


Turisas – Stand Up and Fight

Genre: Symphonic Metal

Sample Song: The March Of The Varangian Guard

Turisas really matured with this album. They toned down their metal side quite a bit; there is far less screaming, and most of the tracks aren’t that heavy. BUT the inclusion of a full orchestra when needed, beautiful production, and a great mix of tracks more than make up for it. Some of the tracks almost feel cinematic in nature. You can just tell how much effort was put into some of these tracks. I perhaps still like “The Varangian Way” a bit more, but this is still an incredible album none-the-less. And I still giggle at the “Look at all these fish” link in “End of an Empire.”


Animals As Leaders – Weightless

Genre: instrumental progressive metal

Sample Song: An Infinite Regression

8 string guitar. That is all you need to know. Tosin plays the guitar like an absolute beast, with really technical tapping that still manages to remain interesting instead of just showing of. The mix of electronic elements also really adds something to this album. Just listen to the guitar though and let your mind be blown away.

Runners Up:

The HIATUS - A World of Pandemonium

Much better than their last two albums and they really let the drummer (who is also in toe) show off his skills. I still find myself missing Ellegarden though.

D - Huang di ~Yami ni umareta mukui~

Since I didn’t really like Vampire Saga, this mini took me by surprise. I really thought it was going to be junk, but I ended up enjoying it.

A - White Album

Best VK mini-album of the year? Probably.

EAT YOU ALIVE - The world is mine

MaveRick’s “a counterfeit heart and my true intentions MOSQUITO” back in 2006 was a great album. Well apparently they are back under the name EAT YOU ALIVE. Some of these tracks are re-recordings, but I will be damned if “RD in hope” doesn’t sound way more badass now.

Miaou - The Day will come before long

Some really nice relaxing post rock. Nothing to really freak out over, but some solid stuff either way.

sleepmakeswaves - ...and so we destroyed everything

Though I think I still like “In Today Already Walks,” think album has much nicer production and some just plain awesome songs…I dig the hell out of “in limbs and joints.”

*shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo

More post rock! I just love the song “Butterflies on Luci's Way,” and the rest of the album is pretty good too.

Blood Stain Child – Epsilon

I don’t much care for the direction BSC is going in, but I must admit that they pulled it off well.

Sadie - Cold Blood

Yeah, I’ll admit, I enjoyed this album. Nothing spectacular, but for whatever reason I still found myself spinning it.

Scale the Summit - The Collective

Another post rock album, but this one is focus mostly on clean, soaring guitar and it just makes for some epic tracks. The songs are exceptionally short, but they all flow together really nicely.

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