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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Who is playing? I'm Empire on Daragon Trail! Give me a shout if you want to play on my server! My characters are Arithmetica and Quadrilateral (I haven't decided on a main). I won't play this as obsessively as I did WoW but it'll be occupying a lot of my video game time.

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ive played the beta phasse and i had early acces from the 17th or something and hooked on since.

in the beta i had a Bounty Hunter and now im busy with my level 25 sith inquisitor, really awsome!

when i came to Nar Shadaa last week i pinked away a tear

everything is so awsome and full of recognision for star wars fans

plus its just an really awsome game! ive also got a Sith Warrior, a new Bounty Hunter, a Jedi Councilar

and i really want to make much more classes=p i WOW i only had Paladin/Warrior, but here i like all classes

also space battles are epic!

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It was fun until about level 25 and then it turns into the same grind bullshit that was in WoW. I just want to complete my class quest but instead I find myself on these shitty worlds that I don't care about solving shitty problems I don't want to solve because I'm Sith and fuck yall. Usually the same old, oh we can't do anything but you can please go kill 30 rebels and blah blah blah.

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It seriously looks like Wow. Even the gained XP thing that pops up when you gain some, is of the color.

Every MMO feels like the rest of them, I only enjoyed this one more, because I could literally play the whole story line by my self.

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I played, got bored after hitting level 32 (right after getting my Legacy), made another character, hit level 34, said eff it and just quit today, actually. (I also had another alt at level 20, and about four more at 10+. I basically no-lifed it for a bit... lol)

My problem was I got bored, and it had the same problem as RIFT did for me; grindy, no real endgame except for raids, and even then... I had my fair share of raids in RIFT.

Overall, it felt like a single-player experience. I enjoy that to a degree since I am generally very unsocial (despite playing with a guild), but it's an MMO. If I wanted a single-player experience, I would have invested in Skyrim or something.

It was fun while it lasted. Which was about a month.

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