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school food punishment - How to go

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I'm quite disappointed that there is no review for school food punishment's new single here. It's time to fix that.

How to go is my favorite school food punishment after the riff-rain era with the exception of line from amp-reflection. After the disappointment that was Prog-Roid (I call it a disappointment because it featured more of their pop sound and downplayed a lot of their electronic influence) I'm glad to see that this band is starting to incorporate more of the electronics back into their music. This is a vibrant poppy track with a very nice chorus and standout piano work and it's easily becoming one of my favorite tracks of theirs. Considering how selective my tastes have become over the course of this year, this is a good sign.

The first B-side Kaeru plays it safe. That's not a bad thing but it doesn't blow me away like How to go does. It feels like it would fit on Prog-Roid if they dropped all the electronic work - and since I just talked about how much I prefer this band when they dabble with that you know that it's inclusion is a nice thing. The production on this track is slick but the way it meanders and the pace it takes puts it somewhere between a ballad and a straightforward song. It confuses me because I don't know how to treat this song but it contrasts very well with the A-side. I wouldn't listen to this alone often but when paired with How to go it sounds nice.

The second B-side 君に、胸キュン。-浮気なヴァカンス- is unconventional for this band and I like it. I've read that it's a cover of something and I can believe that because this doesn't sound like a song that the band would craft considering their current compositional direction. Cover or not, this band takes the song and does a very good job. This relies much more on the electronic effects and a lot less on the instruments. Guitar jangles can be heard here and there and the keyboard comes in and out but for the majority of the song it's just electronic effects and Yumi's voice. I would firmly call this a ballad but it's so different it's worth listening to at least once.

This single signals good things to me because as a fan of riff-rain the lack of that sound in their recent releases makes me a little sad. This comes the closest to returning to those roots ever since line from amp-reflection and that makes me much happier. I hope that school food punishment realizes that this is the sound they should stick with. They do pop fine but they do this much better.

No rating but How to go > 君に、胸キュン。-浮気なヴァカンス- > Kaeru. Not mentioning the instrumental track because there's little point to that when the exclusion of Yumi only weakens the track.

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School Food Punishment have always been good at creating catchy melodies.

and this single is no exception.

[How to go] reminds me a lot of [RPG] in that it's exciting and has a lot of energy.

One of my favorite things about the song, though, is Yumi's use of falsetto (It's so lovely!)

Although, I do feel like her vocals sound a bit more reserved, but maybe it's cause it's 2AM right now o_O

[Kaeru] is my favorite track on the single (actually ^^"). I love the synth parts and the chorus is super catchy. The song has the qualities of a ballad as far as melody, but the song really moves. The contrast is actually really nice and refreshing (reminds me of kakenukeru).

I love the cadence of acoustic guitar plucks (or maybe it's the synth...probably...) in the chorus a lot too.

*Okay, so I actually did my research and it turns out this song is a cover. I listened to the original and I don't...really...like it...

Considering this, I like SFP's version much better and they did a great job making it their own. It's a lot different than previous songs in my opinion. I kind of do wish that they either created a new song, covered a different song, or remixed one of their own songs, but I think I just need time for it to grow on me.

Overall I laaaaaav the single. Then again, there isn't one SFP release that I don't love, and almost one SFP song that I don't love.

(I kinda don't like [hikari] on "PROG-ROID", but that's it.

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