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The Piass

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Everything posted by The Piass

  1. The Piass

    Live limited.... :c
  2. The Piass

    I'll buy it !
  3. The Piass

    No i don't have a last.fm account :c Sometimes i go in the MH chat but as i'm quite shy i leave it >< Oh yes i'm sad too... but i'll take their last mini album at least :c
  4. The Piass

    And yet this is a good band i'm sad that we don't have some news about them :c Thank you everyone !
  5. The Piass

    I saw that i didn't present me so let's go ! I live in France and i love visual kei since more or less 4 years. Of course i also listen j-rock,traditional japanese music,metal,classical music and so on I have been learning Japanese for 6 years. Next year i hope to be accepted in a school where i could have a better mastery of the Japan in general I listen to a lot of old school visual kei bands and some who are quite new. I don't know what to add so bye bye ! :B
  6. The Piass

    Let's see what they'll do !
  7. The Piass

    Hello ! I hope you'll have fun on this forum :B
  8. The Piass

    Great !
  9. The Piass

    New look R-shitei :
  10. The Piass

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1cphny_gremlins-故-pv_music 故、(yue) pv :B
  11. I hope they will not disband... D:
  12. The Piass

    I'm curious about the type of music they'll offer
  13. The Piass

    I'm impatient to hear their new single ! :B
  14. The Piass

    I think lyrics are important as well although my weak understanding of Japanese don't allow me to understand all the lyrics an it's for this that i reinforce my Japanese !
  15. The Piass

    Maybe i'll buy it °O°
  16. The preview is quite cool but as i didn't follow them a lot i can't say something on them :c
  17. The Piass

    Pv preview Chronos :B
  18. Pv preview Calmando Qual - Nuritsubusareta Elegy
  19. The Piass

    It can be interesting n_n
  20. The Piass

    It's quite expensive for just one song...
  21. The Piass

    The Piass-Aki Ryuusa !
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