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The Piass

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Everything posted by The Piass

  1. The Piass

    Yes i say that and i do that but when i want to share a CD someone else has already put it here. Anyway it's not the place to speak of this so after this message i'll not respond to you anymore
  2. The Piass

    Are you serious ? xD I'm not at my house so i can't share it for the moment. I just have a tablet,moreover i'm very busy and i don't know when i'll come back to home.
  3. The Piass

    Reita has opened his twitter : https://twitter.com/gazette05Reita
  4. The Piass

    I received the single and it is awesome
  5. The Piass

    タコス(tacos) is he serious ? xD
  6. The Piass

  7. New look : https://scontent-a-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10509602_556891751082743_4424740606302613911_n.jpg
  8. The Piass

    Good preview !
  9. Awesome ! it's a pity that we can't buy it :/
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