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Everything posted by Kawaii_Minpha

  1. Kawaii_Minpha

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  2. Kawaii_Minpha

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  3. Kawaii_Minpha

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  4. Kawaii_Minpha

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  5. Kawaii_Minpha

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  6. Kawaii_Minpha

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  7. Kawaii_Minpha

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  8. Kawaii_Minpha

    And now i'm curious to see a preview of the PV
  9. Kawaii_Minpha

    The covers are not interesting... But, of course, it's a case of "don't judge by it's cover", because v[NEU] is a very good band Already?! wow, it's a good thing that i already pre-ordered my Type A copy on November 20. ps: if someone here ordered the Type A and receive a cheki of Kayuu, please remember that i will want to exchange my cheki with yours (of course this is only if i receive a cheki of another band-member, which is unfortunately 80% going to happen. I really want the cheki from Kayuu).
  10. Kawaii_Minpha

    huh!! I need it! First time they'll release a live distributed, from what i know. I used to think they're amazing not only for their music, but also because they never released live distributed. Keep saying "at least some rare bands such as Blu-BiLLioN never released these live distributed cd", now i'll need to mention another band.
  11. Kawaii_Minpha

    Did they release the full PV? Because they made PV making, the full song, but what about the full PV?
  12. Kawaii_Minpha

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  13. Kawaii_Minpha

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  14. Kawaii_Minpha

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  15. Kawaii_Minpha

    v[NEU] will release Best on 2014/12/24 ν[NEU] BEST 2014.12.24(水)発売 【First Press Limited Type A】 (Gold Edition) SRCL-8720~8724 Include: CD1, CD2, DVD1, DVD2 Privilege: ①A cheki autographed (from 1 member random) ②Gorgeous photo book booklet ③Autographed Christmas card ④Jacket size wall calendar Price:10,000円 (tax include) 【First Press Limited Type B】 (Silver Edition) SRCL-8725~8727 Include: CD1, CD2, DVD1 Price: 5,000円 (tax include) 【Regular】 (Bronze Edition) SRCL-8728~8729 Include:CD1, DVD1 Price: 3,500円(tax include) ■CD1 1.RED EMOTION~希望~ 2.カレイドスコープ 3.恋模様 4.cube 5.Restless Love 6.YES≒NO 7.The 25th Century Love 8.APOLLON 9.starting over 10.妄想接吻 11.everlasting light 12.ひとりじゃない ■CD2 1.PULSE 2.New World 3.ピンクマーブル 4.アマオト 5.エコー 6.LIMIT 7.START 8.in my secret... 9.-wave- 10.E.Y.E 11.existence“oblivion” 12.スプラッシュ! ■DVD1 BEST MUSIC CLIPS(41 Min) 1.RED EMOTION~希望~ 2.カレイドスコープ 3.cube 4.Restless Love 5.The 25th Century Love 6.APOLLON 7.starting over 8.妄想接吻 9.ひとりじゃない ■DVD2 BEST LIVE Digest (38 Min) I need the First Press Limited Type A edition absolutely omg, i will finally have the PV of APOLLON and starting over.
  16. Kawaii_Minpha

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  17. Thanks for informations anakuro
  18. Kawaii_Minpha

    I think 寛-HIRO- was Gt. too. Vo. of V-last. was Shyena.
  19. Unless you don't want to tell me... Can i ask you where did you find a person to pick the CD? Even if she couldn't grab it, i'm curious to know because i was ready to pay money for it, but nobody on the forum was ready to purchase it for me, so i assume nobody was in Japan. Maybe you have friend in Japan?
  20. I understand what you say, but even if they don't expect to have many oversea fans to purchase their cd, they would have nothing to lose to do this: Giving for free the cd at the Live, and also sell the cd at the usual price of a single on their webstore for fans who can't go at their Live,, oversea or not. I mean, this way, everyone would still be more interested to get it for free at the Live of course, but those who really want the cd but also really can't go at the Live, would still be able to buy it. There's no reason for not doing this, and this is what i believe is ridiculous, why they don't do this? They even refuse to sell it when someone contact them to buy it.
  21. I know Yeah, and it's exactly why i believe it is ridiculous. They don't care about their oversea fans, and i think it's ridiculous. What about strangers fans? oh yeah, they don't care. Sorry, my opinion don't change; i still believe it's ridiculous.
  22. This band is getting ridiculous; another live distributed single impossible to get. I guess they don't like money.
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