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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Allll the seasons NEVER LAST, they ruuuuun, so beautifully in us (fleeting), WAKE UP, those dreams are out your window... Kick you out the door if you don't MOVE ON.

  2. Playing VAMPS 「Time Goes By??with the bagpipe setting on my synth. Tear-jerking.

  3. All you need is a dream, and the belief that it can come true. (Revs Engine).

  4. Tetora

    I can't reply to PM right now since it is so HUUUUGE that it pushes my phone to the limit to open now, but thanks for the msg!

  5. That new Rono Cro. They coming for that V Neu spot?

  6. New LOG album. I gotta hear this.

  7. Getting tired of the latest generstion of self-help 'guru's' trying to scam people out of their time and money. No replacement for hard work. Lift that weight and read those books, forget the magical ab workout and chitty cliff notes.

  8. Haven't listened to THE PILLOWS in a loooong time, gotta spin then later.

  9. Got back to my house and noticed I had 35 updates pending for apps.... Updated Ameba and wth is this new logo, it's not an ameba, it's not a piggy, it's a dog with plane wings. Why.

  10. Japanese brahs dominating Metal Gear Online.

  11. Always used `Economic Picking` but mind=blown at how easy it is to shred using Yngwie Malmsteen`s up-stroke technique and how did I never know this. Feels so much smoother.

  12. SuG has done it again!

  13. So worked up on the vocals I am practicing, been practicing every spare second, got them all pitch perfect for the notes, recorded, but still feel like they sound like chit. Trying to perfect the tone and timing etc...

  14. New girugamesh vid out but I am watching the Dem Debate. DAMN IT.

  15. New addition to the collection... Can't decide if cool or fail: http://imgur.com/Q8vbFav

  16. Shazna, Cascade, Ippu-Do, TM Network mix, yesss.

  17. UNiTE strikes again!

  18. New UNiTE is so fresh. Signature sound and elements but used in a new way with an unusual structure and delivery. New DIV, I dunno, such a laidback sample, need to hear more to get a feel for where this is going.

  19. Got this Marshall for playing in the office when I feel like. Still getting used to the settings. Effects are nice for being built in. http://imgur.com/bLfQFck

  20. Spending more time on keyboard is paying off, able to improvise much more complex stuff and play different species of counterpoint off the top of my head. Now trying to plug different styles into more modern music.

  21. Just got notification of SOUND DESIGNER magazine with article on SuG. Ordered it, can't wait to see what the article is? My favorite soundscape atm for sure.

  22. Latest CURE is so good, all the bands look JUICY in it. But ticked off the SuG article in SD Magazine is only two pages, expected all sorts of secrets. Lots of good info even if not enough Visual bands.

  23. GET IT BY YOUR HANDS REMIX : https://youtu.be/Eu8Ok2-VrxE (Tags: Electronic Japanese Music, Eureka Seven)

  24. Listening to World`s End Girflriend.

  25. WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:shock::shock::shock:

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