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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Since the Status Update was locked: Other people have different opinions, none of which are objective, and should be allowed to post them here without being insulted. Everyone`s opinion is nice no matter the brevity. I come here to see what people hopefully feel free to express. Thank you.

    1. Tetora


      And no drama or hard feelings (besides the one in my pants) intended, just speaking my mind, like I do.

  2. Teddyloid mix of girugamesh: https://youtu.be/vGbcnr4GzmI

    1. yakihiko


      I heard it on Rockaholic's video event. It sounded amazing.

  3. New site www.getaroundjapan.jp from CDJapan who are offering CDJ points for posting things such as pictures.

    1. eiheartx


      I received the newsletter; CDJ is so cool.

  4. Gonna be tough to balance work and play this weekend. Can't stop thinking about Bloodborne, plus I gotta finish Skyrim (slowpoke I know), then I gotta beat the Type Zero PS4 version. All before WM this Sunday which is 4-5 hours long. Wanted to watch a movie too.

    1. yakihiko


      I played bloodborne a little, It's a good game *\o/* I don't liked Skyrim XD about FF, give a try on the FFXV demo first :)

  5. So glad it's a nice, long Pagan week-end. Need some time away from the bs.

    1. Tetora


      Also can't wait to listen to HBKY, and go see Fast7, hehe.

  6. Very surprised by the new band DiVOID! I recommend checking them out.

    1. paradoxal


      i really like them too!

  7. Let us not forget that Royz is releasing their latest Bangya Buster next week, and TMR is coming back the week after that to remind them who still claps the most cheeks.

    1. Tetora


      And let us also not forget that Tequila Tokyo is arriving next month to revive sales of the alcoholic beverage worldwide.

  8. This band and PV look awesome, but the preview ends right when it kicks off, want to hear the rest; Umbrella: https://youtu.be/HruKx3cLfKA

    1. Seimeisen


      Fucking love the hell out of these guys! I hope they stay on Danger Crue.

  9. In anime, games, whatever, somebody always comes running to save them. In battle, when they have no friends in school, when they don't have anybody that loves them. Sometimes, in real life, nobody comes to save your @ss. What you gonna do?

    1. Spectralion


      That's the question of my life, bruh.

  10. Just finished Hannibal... Bloody good show. Now that I am caught up on this and Suits, I am going to try and find a new show... Trying sense8 because people are bugging me about it.

    1. CAT5


      Have you tried true detective? I've been mildy curious about that one.

  11. DOG new look is epic. ONLY (only?) 3 more months to wait...

  12. The feel when you are in 'THE ZONE', and watching PV's on Youtube feels so much better than the hundreds of hours listlessly going through tracks in yoir day-to-day life.

    1. Tetora


      Big difference from the reason I love music, to the way I usually use it.

  13. Starting watching Wangan Midnight anime (one episode every time I eat at my house). They really messed up the narrative, especially by condensing it so much. Would have loved if they gave it a proper push with faith like they did for Initial D. Though I know D was always more popular.

    1. Tetora


      Car scenes are over way too quick and most of the actual show is just talking about the Akuma no Z. As opposed to D which had races that lasted several episodes DBZ style. The animation is also like a young boy`s Slice of Life show or something. Why.

  14. SECRET NUMBER THREE---- Hehehehehehehehe -SPLOOSH-

  15. Recently heard that the guy in Fukushima is still taking care of all the abandoned animals: http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aVWvXv8_700b_v1.jpg and that he has a funding page : http://www.plumfund.com/community-crowdfunding/savefukushimaanimals

    1. Shir0


      true hero, what an amazing man!

  16. I just saw the gif you made, nice stuff bro.

  17. Anybody know which Koda Kumi tracks were produced by Mutt Lange (producer of Def Leppard and ACDC)? Doing some research and this is the first I heard of this lol.

  18. Time on this Planet is limited brahs, gotta have as much fun and whoop as many @sses as you can in the time you got. I got a lot of dreams but maybe if Abingdon Boys come out with one more album, and I can do a knife only no damage run in every Resident Evil then I can die happy.

    1. yakihiko


      Good luck with the knife party on RE, you will need :)

  19. CLOWD on DC and LONDBOY getting repped by BPR. Nice.

  20. girugamesh digest does not do the songs justice, Youtube can't handle their sound, and you just KNOW you gotta hear the whole song to understand how awesome it is. Can't wait.

    1. Greyen


      yeah the previews are way too short,Horizon ended up sounding exactly like I expected it too though xD

  21. Those albums that just keep getting better every time you listen to them.

  22. Feel like using a little creativity when I have the time to make something about VK. Not sure what though. Some kinda new list or review or something.

  23. Still hard to believe the standard quality of PV's with modern technology. Even the small bands often have great images.

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