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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Holy shit, I did not expect that. Their demo are one of my all time favourite death metal releases and it's nothing short of perfect, but their debut album was a huge letdown. It's way too polished and it lacked the power od the demo. Their previous release, an EP called Cimmerian Shade, was a step up after the debut, if not amazing or anything. But it's alright. This song again sounds great and the cover art is exceptional!
  2. I hate the new Kreator albums. Nowadays, and ever since the shitfest that is Enemy of God they've sounded like a watered down gothenburg thrash metal band. They've basically taken the weakest, most watered down gothenburg death metal sound and turned it into watered down, thrash metal. Disgustig. Violent Revelution also had plenty gothenburg influences, but not nearly as much as later albums. And it's only decent anyway. And no, I am not someone who needs a classic thrash metal band to do the same over and over and will bash anything they do differently. I dig Endorama, just as an example.
  3. Let me guess, you prefer Kreator post-1990 and prefer their outputs in the 2000's?
  4. How about you just contribute some yourself? Anyway, I post a shitload of music without any black metal influence or blast beats here. Always did, always will.
  5. Bear

    I actually got around watching Tron: Legacy yesterday, after having been in love with the original Tron since 2001 or something and having played the soundtrack to the film almost weekly since it's release. The characters are flat and the plot is as thin as it is unoriginal, but I really like the visual style, the setting and the environment the film is set in. Top this off with an Olivia Wilde that is a real pleasure to the eye and is among the most beautiful women to have ever walked this earth and a soundtrack that is superb and you've got yourself two great hours IMO. I really liked the film despite all of its flaws. The Tron: Legacy soundtrack is by far Daft Punk's best release IMO. Way, wya, way, above the rest of their discography.
  6. Bear

    Ningen Isu are amazing. Overlooked as fuck.
  7. Bear

    I'm pretty sure we'd have John Wick without Equilibrium. And yes, gun fu is cool as fuck. The world needs more gun fu films IMO. I can't get enough of it. Never could, and I started watching gun fu flicks at a very young age. Thank god for bootlegs!
  8. Bear

    I'd say it's above decent to be honest. It doesn't bring anything new to the table, but it's got a solid story, decent cast and is very nice to the eye. It was a lot better than expected. I can't believe Universal Pictures decided to offload this. A smart purchase by Netflix IMO. I also rewatched Equilibrium yesterday. It doesn't bring anything new to the table and is basically a mishmash of several other films' (ideas), but I love the shit out of this film. I think it's excellent!
  9. So Tony "IT" Särkkä passed away yesterday. He was involved in bands such as Ophthalamia, War and Abruptum in the 90's. Was is great, but it's what he did with Ophthalamia that'll be remembered, a band which was focused all around a fantasy-world created by It. A really unique band blending epic black metal, doom metal and progressive music. It's just very different from other bands at the time. But this is an album band. Everything about the band gets better when listening to the albums from A to Z.
  10. Bear

    Just rewatched Boyz n the Hood for the first time in 10+ years. Still one of the very best dramas that's been made. It's close to perfect, if not actually perfect. Just fantastic and brilliant from every angle you try to judge it from. Which one do people prefer, though: Boyz n the Hood or Menace II Society (I or II)? Or another one? I'm heavily into all three, but imma go with Boyz n the Hood for sure. It's slightly better IMO.
  11. Bear

    I fucking love Piranha and I thought Piranha 3D was really awesome, but I've kinda delayed watching Piranha 3DD for many years now because it looks so shit. And it was. Piranha 3D isn't exactly a good film, but it's silly and dumb as fuck, but it feels so natural and genuine. This however feels so forced like they're just doing everything in their power to be crazier than the first film. Weak as fuck, and not in the Sharknado kind of way.
  12. Bear

    Frankenhooker is so good. Really cool film. Would kill ti get meself one of the original VHS tapes. It's a shame Frank Henenlotter didn't make more films, because those he made back in the 80's and early 90's were fantastic.
  13. Looking forward to this. Underrated band and Ice-T is cool as fuck. Heard a few snippets of the album too and it sounds awesome.
  14. Nice, happy you liked them. A few more Vektor-esque progressive thrash metal bands that I like quite a lot, but for most part we're not talking carbon copies or anything. Black Fast seems to get a lot of inspiration from mid-era Death and black metal, as an example. Vexovoid https://vexovoid.bandcamp.com/ Black Fast https://blackfast.bandcamp.com/ Teleport https://teleport1.bandcamp.com/ Obliterated https://obliteratedthrash.bandcamp.com/ Black Fast is probably my favourite out of these, followed by Vexovoid. I recommend all fans of Vektor to check out these bands.
  15. This is a really nice release. Progressive thrash in the vein of Vektor, Hexovoid and Black Fast. This release is truly awesome! https://droidcanada.bandcamp.com/ This is also really nice. Progressive thrash/speed metal with obvious inspirations from Vektor, Voivod and Annihilator and more, but it's less aggressive than the mentioned bands. Much more melodic. Parts of the vocals takes some time to get used to, though.
  16. Superb song and a beautiful album cover. Fantastic!
  17. Felt like the time was ready for me to "review" this now. Árstíðir Lífsins - Heljarkviða Árstíðir lífsins is a band I already knew and a band I quite like. The band is made up by Marcel Dreckmann (Helrunar), Árni (Carpe Noctem) and Stefán who's played live with Helrunar for a long time now. I'm not sure who compose the music, but I believe it's Árni making most of it. But despite this Árstíðir lífsins are heavily inspired by Helrunar which I feel is the most natural comparrison, but there's also some clear Enslaved influences here too. And the way these two songs are built really reminds me of the newer, more progressive side of Moonsorrow as well, but also the atmospheric pieces with acoustic guitars, ambience and such carries a strong Moonsorrow-vibe. But music-wise we're talking pagan black metal in the vein of Helrunar, but with a heavier influence of both folk and black metal. The balance between bombastic landscapes, beautifully melancholy and grimness is nothing short of superb, and if you're into pagan metal I see no reason why you should not take your time to get to know this release and band. Setentia - Darkness Descent And now the reason why it took me such long time to post this. Progressive death metal in the vein of fellow countrymen Ulcerate, but it's not too far off to drag in bands like Gorguts, Portal, Deathspell Omega and so on either. It's progressive, it's complex, well-produced, superbly performend and it's really well-written, but at the end of the day it just isn't my cup of tea. It's not awful, but it's not something I enjoy listening to. I also feel like the drummer is way behind the rest of the band. It's like he's on a whole other page. The entire band minus the drummer has evolved and gone all the way to page 291 while the drummer has barely managed to get to page 100. His drumming is really boring and doesn't fit the music at all IMO. Earth and Pillars - Pillars I Long atmospheric tracks heavily inspired by Wintherr/Wroth's Paysage d'Hiver and Darkspace. It's not nearly as frosty as Paysage d'Hiver nor as dark and spacey as Darkspace, but unlike its foresty and green debut this is something inbetween. It's grey-ish. But despite this it's impossible for me to listen to this without drawing the comparissons that way. It's hypnotic and fairly repetitive, but it's always atmospheric and massive. And it's just great. Superb album! Only thing I could wish for was that it was a bit more on the rawer side. A bit less produced or something.
  18. Bear

    I don't think I am stretching it when I say that this is the most important film of 2016, and maybe also the most important film in many, many, many years. This documentary about race in the United States criminal justice system might not be pitch perfect, but it sure as hell should be a part of every 9th-10th grader's (or something) curriculum from here on and til the end of days. I also rewatched Under Siege yesterday. Late 80's to mid 90's Steven Seagal were fantastic, and this is probably his masterpiece. This is Die fucking Hard on a god damned boat, with Steven Seagal at his very best and Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey showing their skills as badguys. What a film this is!
  19. I just want to mix myself a hurricane, sex on the beach or something, get out in the sun and look at beautiful women tiny bikinis when listening to this song. Or just drive through a Miami that's neon lit with beautiful girls on ever single corner at night in a beautifully painted red ferrari testarossa with this playing loud. In other words, this song is brilliant!
  20. It's not my favourite Gorgoroth album or anything, but I've always loved the shit out of this album. There's something so angry and hateful about this album, but at the same time it manages to capture other types of emotions as well. Especially on the more "epic" tracks like Om kristen og jødisk tru. Probably my favourite track on the album.
  21. I guess there's a few who still cares about this shit, so I'll post it here. Wintersun's debut is still a decent album with a handful og really good tracks, but its pacing is really off and the whole album could've benefited from a rearranged tracklist. Music-wise it's good as it is, but the tracklist is just all wrong. Time I is a pile of shit and one of the worst metal albums over the past 17 years. Godawful album. Everything about it is horrendous. It sound so cheap and disgusting. That's so fucking stupid. Any fan who helps pay for his own studio and shit should just perish in a fire. Fuck off!
  22. Nah, it's not too unusual from them. They're a heavy metal band with a super poppy edge. Not at all what this thread is about, though. Been blasting VHS Glitch - Evil Technology these past days. Holy shit, what an album! A masterpiece! But I can't seem to really get into the other albums, though. But Evil Technology's super good.
  23. It is for fun, but I feel like when you participating in something like this or the trade off the other "trader" deserves that you give it a fair chance. I'm always surprised when people review the trade-offs right away, after a listen or maybe two because I always give the mixes at least 10 listens. Music can so easily grow and judging music by your first impression are often very wrong. Anyway, contender of album of the year is already here: This shit sounds like it was recorded and released around 88-92. So old school sounding. I feel like it's a bit less Pestilence-esque this time around, but after some listens it sounds just as good at the debut. I've had a lot of positive things to say about Rude's debut album Soul Recall, and I'll give it a few more words now because it deserves more listeners. One of my most played death metal albums over the past 2-3 years and an instant classic in my eyes. Sounds a lot like a mix of old Pestilence (Consuming Impulse and Testimony of the Ancients), Morbid Angel (Altars of Madness) and Death (Leprosy). Check both albums out if you like old school death metal from the late 80's/early 90's.
  24. I'm sorry it's taking so long @Visutox but I've had some problems with Setentia. It's not bad and much better than I expected, but it's not really my cup of tea either. I think at least. But it has grown a bit, but it's just a bit too much for my taste. But I'll give it a bit more time before I post anything about it.
  25. Bear

    Good. Make a few more super butthurt posts about movies you don't like please.
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