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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Superb cover art and some titles that closely resembles older chambara and spaghetti westerns. Can't complain about that.
  2. Bear

    I'm not sure if I can say this to one of the members of the board, but first off I thought the promo picture was a joke. Automatically wrote you off as another non-asian visual kei parody. The vocals are OK I guess, but it sounds like a 105468th rate VK vocalist. The music sounds like a 674687467167674657416th rate visual kei band. Don't get me wrong, this is far from the worst band I've ever heard. But there's nothing memorable about this whatsoever. You've heard worse, but out of the previous 674687467167674657416 bands you heard playing this style of music, 6746874671676746574 were a shitload better. But it's not awful. I don't get cancer listening to this, and just that is a huge positive for me in 2018 where 90% of the VK-scene are giving me cancer or worse.
  3. Bear

    True Detective season 3 confirmed. Hellz yah! Also looking forward to Lovecraft Country. Never read the novel, but I hope it's truly Lovecraftian. Currently watching Blood Drive, which is a crazy grindhouse TV-series which is all over the place and way over the top. Just real sleazy and trashy fun. It's not a TV-series for everyone, it's a TV-series for genre freaks like myself as it doesn't cut any corners to please the masses, which is also why it was also cancelled after one season. But kudos to SyFy and everyone involved for actually making something like this. I'm only 5 episodes in, but so far they're working through different Grindhouse and exploitation genres with a new theme every episode. Think Death Race 2000 and Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, with elements from zombie flicks, sexploitation flicks, martial arts flicks (even though I expect this to be covered much better in a later episode), cannibal flicks and whatnot. Really diggin' this so far.
  4. Bear

    Dark City is one of the best sci-fi, or just neo-noir flicks ever. One of the few films that's been able to give me much of the same feeling as I get when watching Metropolis.
  5. Bear

    More Steven Kostanski Fantasy Beyond - Animated film with a girl in an art museum that ends up being saved by two rock 'n' roll maniacs. It's a very cool film, rock 'n' roll as fuck and got a very interesting style to it. There's not much substance tho, but who really gives a fuck? Insanophenia - A really Lovecraftian-esque comedy about two dim-witted exterminators. Really fun, and the blend of real actors and stop-motion creatures are superb. Geostorm - A new disaster film that greatly disappoints. I expected something over the top as fuck, similar to 2012, The Day After Tomorrow and all those film. Like, bad films that still have some entertainments value. This had nothing. Was pure shit from beginning to end. Worthless.
  6. Bear

    After watching Summer of 84 I was drawn into a world of short film, more precisely fake trailers from François Simard, Anouk Whissell and Yoann-Karl Whissell (KRSS) and Steven Kostanski (Astron-6). Let's start with the KRSS ones: Ninja Eliminator - Hilarious 4-5 minute long fake trailer spoofing/paying tribute to Godfrey Ho, the master of Z-grade ninja films. It's very similar to the excellent TV-series Ninja the Mission Force, also a homage to Godfrey Ho. It's fun, and every single time the voice over comes I cannot help to laugh out loud. Absolutely genius! Ninja Eliminator 2: Quest of the Magic Ninja Crystal - Another hilarious fake trailer, this time a minute longer. It's basically the same, just even more absurd. Again, the highlight is the voice over and the repeat NINJA ELIMINATOR voice overs. Hilarious! Ninja Eliminator 3: Guardian of the Dragon Medallion - By far the best one in the "series", and I just can't get enough of this. Seen it several times already. Hilarious, and the voice over is just killing me. The NINJA ELIMINATOR part. Holy cow, it's so good. The voice and everything is just fantastic. Amazing! Ninja Eliminator 4: The French Connection - This one was actually released before Ninja Terminator 3, and NT3 even used some clips from this. This time the torch is handed over to a French man, and the quality drops drastically. It's not bad, but it's just way, way, way too long for this type of a fake trailer. Fake trailers can be long, but then they have to be a bit different than this. And now over to something Astron-6 related, both directed by Steven Kostanski (The Void) Bio-Cop - This is hands down the best fake trailer out there, alongside Rob Zombie's masterpiece Werewolf Women of the S.S. It's a 5 minute long action-comedy with more wit and humor than a regular 90 minute long comedy nowadays. Just hilarious throughout, and kind sad tbh. Exceptional! Lazer Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove - This fake trailer is twice as long as the "usual" lenght, but unlike Ninja Eliminator 4 this does it right. It doesn't feel too long at all. Hilarious sci-fi action-comedy that's so over the top, silly and fun. "With great laser comes great responsibility." Will continue to watch KRSS and Astron-6 related fake trailers and short movies later tonight. It's just loads of fun.
  7. Bear

    Summer of 84 - The trio François Simard, Anouk Whissell and Yoann-Karl Whissell, also known as KRSS impressed me hellalot with their nostalgic 80's homage film Turbo Kid, a low-budget post-apocalyptic action/sci-fi/horror-comedy that captured everything that was magical about 80's low-budget films. Superb soundtrack by Le Matos as well. They've got several short films that are well worth your time too. Summer of 84 really isn't much different. Or, it's a way different film, but like with Turbo Kid it's 80's through and through. It's obviously inspired by films such as The Goonies, The Monster Squad, Adventures in Babysitting, Stand by Me and so on, just like Stranger Things, and it's close to Stranger Things in tone. Maybe a bit darker and gorier. So I'm sure a lot of people will throw this off as a poor man's Stranger Things, but it really isn't. Yeah, it's about a small group of teenagers and the characters are the same old, same old. The good guy, the bad guy, the nerd and the clumsy/fat one. We've seen it before. We've seen the story before as well. But this film, like Turbo Kid, captures everything that's good about 80's horror and teen films, although this is a bit too dark for the youngest teens. A bit slow-burning in a good way, great characters, superb cast, magnificent soundtrack and impressively directed. This is everything you could be looking for in a film like this. Massive spoiler: Upgrade was fantastic but did not last long as film of the year. Summer of 84 is BY FAR the best film of the year. Holy cow! Film of the year!!! The Funhouse Massacre - Silly, over the top, gory and fun slasher in the vein of the 80's. Brings nothing new to the table, but if you like over the top slashers you'll like this one. Loads of fun!
  8. Le Matos once again worked with RKSS after they did really well with Turbo Kid a few years back, and this time both Le Matos and the production team RKSS steps everything up to the point where Cold Summer is among the best songs of the year, and the movie (so far) IS the movie of the year. Superb!
  9. Not as different as I'd have thought it would be, but sounds really damn good anyway. Good shit!
  10. Bear

    Malibu Express - This 1985 triple B film (bullets, bombs and babes) by Andy Sidaris is his first in the long series of triple B films, or L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies which is some incredibly light-hearted action adventures with tons of Playboy Playmates and Penthouse Pets. In this film there's so much of it that it's not exactly wrong to call this a soft-core film. Because the amount of titties and skin shown is insane. Anyway, film is about a womanizing P.I. with a great mustache. Lots of fun, but far from the best in the triple B series. Cheese and sleaze. Extinction - Cool premise, but poorly executed and fairly predictable which makes it feels like such an underwhelming sci-fi actioner. Potential wasted. Shame.
  11. Bear

    Very nice. Gallows Gallery are by far the best heavy/power metal album ever, and easily the most underrated metal album ever. Such a unique and catchy album.
  12. No matter how good the music is I'd never want that in my collection. Eeew.
  13. Bear

    American Animals - Crime film about a heist based on a true story. It's smart, witty, well-acted and superbly directed. The way it moves between the live action film itself and interviews with the real guys involved is just superb, and it actually make it all a bit confusing at times. But in a good way! Really liked it.
  14. Bear

    Upgrade - I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to post this in this thread, or the regular film thread. But I ended up here because at its core this is pure body horror, even though it's not quite as horror-esque as body horror tends to be. Upgrade is Leigh Whannell's second film as a director, and his thousand movie as a writer. His first attempt at directing was the very, very disappointing Insidious: Chapter 3. This however is on a whole new level than that. Not only is it a lot better than Insidious: Chapter 3, it's the film of the year so far. Upgrade is a low-budget genre film, a pulpy revenge flick. Part sci-fi, part action, part camp and fully body horror. Part Robocop, part The Crow, part Death Wish and part Hardware. It is something as rare as a high-tech grindhouse film. Upgrade tells a familiar story of revenge, but the way it is done is just top notch. The visual style is cool as fuck, the campy dialogue is really nice and the actors are all amazing. Logan Marshall-Green truly shines here. Delivers the superbly choreographed action scenes as well as he delivers the off-beat comedy, and he really shines throughout. So does Harrison Gilbertson as a genius tech-bro and millionaire with one of the most empty-looking eyes I've ever seen. He is truly creepy. Highly recommended.
  15. Bear

    How amazing is this track?
  16. https://satanssatyrs.bandcamp.com/ New Satan's Satyrs. At first I was in complete shock by that cover, but after about a minute just staring at it I fell in love. Amazing! Again they've changed their sound a little. Still rock, but a lot more classing and 70's sounding with twin guitars and shit. Really like the track. The two last A Forest of Stars albums have been greatly disappointing, but this sounds sublime. Really good!
  17. Bear

    That's interesting.
  18. Bear

    I always go to Pstereo, a Norwegian music festival in august and this year I was really looking forward to Lil Pump. Easily one of the artists I was looking the most forward to. He was awarded 45 minutes, just like everyone else that's not on the smallest scene or a headliner. First 10 minutes was just the DJ. Then the next 15 minutes was the hypeman raping and dancing. Then Lil Pump came on and he walked slowly back and forward, mumbling over a vocal track with no energy or power. He did this four two half tracks or something. 3-5 minutes maybe. Then he went behind the mix table and stood there for the remainder of the set. Mumbled a few lines now and then. Then spent the last 5 minutes opening a birthday present and singing a birthday song, because it's hit birthday tomorrow. That was it. Holy shit, I will not support this lil dick with a single penny for the rest of my life, unless he was and can prove that he was really fucking sick. Like close to death-sick. Pathetic and embarrassing.
  19. Bear

    Sex Drive - Teenage comedy in the vein of American Pie, Road Trip, Euro Trip and so on that came 5-8 years too late. It has its moments, but I think I would've loved it if it had been released some years earlier when I was young and very much into these types of silly flicks. Like, I still like a lot of them, but the new ones rarely touch my heart. I'm getting too old. But it was fun tho.
  20. Bear

    The Gate - Creepy, creative and very fun and charming "kids horror" film from 1987. And with kids horror, I basically mean horror that's perfect for 12-15 year olds. Think Ghostbusters, Gremilins, Arachnophobia and so on. The entire film feels incredibly nostalgic to me, despite not having seen it when I was young. Superb atmosphere, beautiful cinematography, brilliant child actors and superb effects. Masterpiece!
  21. Bear

    Not really sure about what you're looking for, and I don't really listen to rap metal so I can't help you there. But I do listen to a lot of rap that is dark or brutal, and are quite popular among metal fans. Scarlxrd is pretty fucking metallic and way, way, way more brutal and metallic sounding than any "rap metal" act out there. Brutal beats, screaming and all kind of shit going on. But it's not your regular wimpy rap metal shit. You won't find those wimpy, half-groovy riffs or anything. Death Grips is also very metallic sounding, albeit not metal. Experimental and brutal rap, but without the wimpy side. Bones and Suicideboys just because they're dark as fuck. Run DMC are a must for fans of rap and rock. The perfect combination. A mixtape put together by Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust fame. Dark and twisted Mephis rap. Stuff like Necro, Circle of Tyrants, Heavy Metal Kings, Jedi Mind Tricks and related bands might also be of interest. Again, not rap metal or anything tho. And this might be of interest. Not exactly metal, but got a lot in common with some of the rap metal bands of the past.
  22. Bear

    Primal - Decent enough horror film, but I was let down but certain things. The stereotypical slasher characters doesn't fit the plot and seriousness of the film, and there is some decisions by the director I just don't understand no matter how I look at it. Should've been better. A lot better than its IMDB score of 4,7 tho. The Rezort - After a zombie outbreak and humanity's war and win over the zombies, a company finds out that they should keep some zombies alive so that humans can come and hunt for them. From the moment I realized they were going to an island I also understood what this would be like. It does deal with a few really deep themes, but at the end of the day this isn't much more than a cheap, zombied up version of Jurassic Park. Ok for what it is, but nothing more. Just watch the three first Jurassic Park movies instead. Doom Asylum - Low-budget horror-comedy from 1987. The acting is bad, the cinematography is poor, the special effects is cheap but fun. Yeah, as you might get this film was right up my alley. It's just some real cheesy, old fun. Highly recommended!
  23. Bear

    My Scientology Movie - Louis Theroux and director John Dower wants to make a film about scientology, but because they get no access to the cult whatsoever they decide to talk with people who was involved in the past, hire actors and act out a few scenes from how it's supposedly is. And being a Louis Theroux film, this is of course both very interesting and funny. It's not as dark and twisted as Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief from the same year, but if you want something lighter and funnier My Scientology Movie is the way to go. The Package - This felt a bit like a blast from the past as it felt like I was watching a film from the early 2000's. A bit cheesy, filled up with dick jokes and all type of childish humour, but I did entertain myself quite a lot. The humour is right up my alley, even though it doesn't end up as a masterpiece. But it was fun nonetheless. Very fun! Tag - A comedy that stars Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress, Jon Hamm, and Jeremy Renner, as well as Annabelle Wallis and Isla Fisher about a group of friends that spend one month a year to play tag. It's loosely based on a true story about a group of friends who actually did that, though this is probably a bit darker and more cynical than it actually was. But it's good, lighthearted fun with good pacing and a lot to laugh at. Nerve - I say this advertised as a techno-thriller and thought that this had to be right up my alley, and while it does have a lot to enjoy it's not focused enough for my taste. It ends up being just another teenage flick with boring characters and a boring plot. Shame really, because this could and should have been a lot better.
  24. Not too bad. Got some gorgeous solos, some decent riffing and all that, but the production is so boring. Doesn't fit the music at all.
  25. Gorgeous album and a superb way to end Cosmic Church, a band who's never made anything subpar in its 13 years of existence. Love the cover art too.
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