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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    How's Call of Cthulhu? What type of a game is it, and is it any good?
  2. Bear

    Last years best hip hop track. Should come as no surprise with a title like that, and hearing all the amazing references throughout the song is awesome. Lots of great movies being referenced. Anyone who reference the movie Bastard Sworsman gets a massive plus from me. One of the best movies ever, and this is one of the best RZA tracks ever. Fun fact: a couple of months ago I put together a track I called Sonny Chiba. I felt like Sonny Chiba when cooking it together asas I had just rewatched The Street Fighter and feltstuff inspired. A month ago me and my friend added the vocals and shit to it. Not released yet as it misses a proper mix and master, but everything else including coverart is done. (RZA got the better track, we got the better cover art). This also happens to be a hip hop track, but it is more a straight up tribute to the man and legend himself.
  3. Bear

    Cold Ground - Really cool and clever found footage horror about a bunch of journalists hiking through the woods up the mountain with a couple of tour guides and an investigator. It's not original, but it's really cleverly made and it sets up the atmosphere in a brilliant way. Slow-burn, but well worth it at the end. Great film! Halloween - Let me just start off by saying how much I hate this film. We got an original Halloween, a remake named Halloween and now a sequel to the original film called Halloween? What the actual fuck? The stupidity of film makers and producers, man. Anyway, I didn't expect much from this but this was actually really good. Yes, there's plot holes and people make stupid decisions, but hey it's a slasher so what do you expect? Great atmosphere, Michael Myers was awesome and shit was fairly brutal. Yeah, really liked this film.
  4. Still though. Hiring a well-known rip-off and massively disliked person to be in your band isn't all that clever to begin with. And releasing the album on his label, which again is well-known for ripping people off, is just as stupid. But I bet he's learnt from this, and I hope he gets the justice he deserves here. Such a dickish move from Bart, but sadly expected. So let's all enjoy the original, and much better, Batushka. CULT OF FIRE!
  5. Bear

    The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader - I haven't read the books so I don't know how long the stories are and such, but this feels really rushed. Prince Caspian lasts for two episodes but should've been at least three, maybe four episodes long and the same goes for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Four episodes are way too little and it just back and forth too fast for its own good. Is it good? Yeah, it is. But it's a HUGE step down from The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe
  6. Bear

    Aquaman - Eh. Best DC film so far, but that ain't saying much. Felt like they had 4-5 different scripts and didn't know which to use, so they just took one part of each and turned it into a long film where the entire tone of the film changes every half hour or so. Didn't get the feeling at all, despite a lot of cool scenes. Every attempt at trying to be funny falls flat on its ground. Most of it due to Jason Momoa's lack of comedic timing. Looked so damn uncomfortable every single time he delivered a line that's supposed to be funny. I do like him, but his comedic timing just isn't anywhere to be found. The other thing that made these attempts cringy as fuck was the music. Like, what the actual fuck? No idea what they were thinking. That type of things works for parody's and weird comedies, but felt stupid as fuck in this film. They land in Sahara and suddenly we hear Putbul's cover of Toto's "Africa". Seriously, what the actual fuck? What's the point? Felt like a mix of Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Lord of the Rings for most part. And that's one of the things I did like. It felt more like a traditional adventure film, than any of your recent superhero films. But as a whole it felt unfocused as hell. As the tone of the film went from serious to comedic so cringy to serious to cringy to comedic to serious and so on. The things I really did like though was the cast, and I thought the vast majority of action scenes and especially hand to hand fights where superior to most other superhero films. It actually looked like they were fighting at times, and it looked like they had actually spent time both putting together a cool choreography, unlike most other superhero movies where the fights are the worst of it because it's so poorly choreographed. A step up, but still fairly meh. 5/10 ARQ - A Netflix film with the same concept as Groundhog Day, Edge of Tomorrow, Happy Death Day and many other movies, so it's not original or anything like that. But it's a really cool and bleak dystopian sci-fi flick, albeit flawed. But I truly enjoyed this a lot. Thought it was awesome.
  7. Liked the album too. A milder, more commercial and less good version Cult of Fire, but I still liked it quite a lot. Two-three fo the songs were proper bangers. However I would not mind seeing the vocalist getting kicked out. By far the weakest aspect of the band.
  8. Bear

    It probably has a lot to do with the timing of when they started making more nu-metal inspired music as well as when they began touring the west when this type music was peaking. Right place at the right time, which also goes for bands like Iron Maiden, Satyricon, Killswitch Engage and the vast majority of bands who's broken through within their genres.
  9. We've got some Batushka drama on our hands. As far as I know, Христофор is the actual creator of the band and the one who's written 100% of the music and so on. While Варфоломей is merely the vocalist and nothing more. He's also a known rip-off whom people within the community really dislike. Even without knowing the actual story behind this it's hard not to take the side of Христофор.
  10. Bear

    Vendetta - Mid-80's WiP (women in prison) trash. Full of cheese, titties, badly choreographed fights and good-bad dialogue. What's not to like? Nothing. This is a great film if you enjoy this type of 80's cheese. The NeverEnding Story - As far as fantasy films goes, this just has to be among the very, very best the genre has to offer. The story is brilliant, the directed is fantastic, cinematography is top notch, it's well-acted and the best of it all, the sets, costumes, make-up and special effects. They're so good! Imagine if The Hobbit had sets, costumes, make-up and special effects that was 1/100000th this good, imagine what film The Hobbit would've been then. But nah, Peter Jackson, whom I like, as well as The Hobbit movies, had to run over to the cheap effects store, buy cheap costumes, get someone bad at SFX doing the CGI and so on. What could have been. Anyway just an overall brilliant film. As far as traditional fantasy goes, it's up there with The Lord of the Rings, Excalibur, The Princess Bride, Dragonslayer, Clash Of The Titans, Conan The Barbarian and so on. It's among the very best.
  11. Bear

    Ended my 24 days of Christmas horror with Gremlins and Black Christmas, two of the best movies in their own genres. One is charming, fun, heartwarming and incredibly atmospheric while the other is dark, cold and atmospheric. Two brilliant films. Simple as that! You Might Be the Killer - We've had meta-horror movies in bucket loads over the past decade or so, and this is another addition to the meta movies. Is it any good? Hell fucking yeah! It's a meta-slasher and it does things hella lot different from every other meta-slasher I've seen. Self-aware, but not too self-aware. It got plenty jokes, but it never ends up relying on the jokes. This is, to the core, a horror movie with comedy thrown in here and there. And at times, I found myself laugh out loud. So, it's cheap and you can easily see that Brett Simmons and his crew isn't the best at their jobs. The lighting is seriously off at times and so on, but I can see past that as most other things are top notch. Really fun! Do watch! Dead Heat - As far as 80's action movies goes, this is up there with Big Trouble in Little China in form of weirdness. It's a really odd mix of genres, it's all over the place and way over the top. But it's so cool, so fun and so charming. One of the huge, hidden jewels of the 80's. And like I said, a weird mix. Buddy cop action-comedy mixed with horror and sci-fi. How fucking weird is that? It's really weird, it's really fun and it's damn fucking awesome. Must watch for fans of cheese.
  12. Bear

    http://www.metalinjection.net/editorials/this-is-armageddon/this-is-armageddon-sighs-mirai-kawashima-on-early-days-of-norwegian-black-metal-varg-was-always-boasting-about-burning-down-churches-and-told-me-to-do-the-same-in-japan Great interview.
  13. https://acidwitchofficial.bandcamp.com/ Two wicked Christmas songs based on Black Christmas and Christmas Evil. Both tracks are fantastic. Love the lyrics too. "The magic in the air on Christmas Can be used for evil too (Ritual) The same power used by Santa Is how I slip into your room " "All grown up now, certified insane The trauma that is Santa infects my schizo brain I've come for those who laughed at me Humiliate, abuse or don't believe "
  14. Bear

    A Blade in the Dark - Lamberto Bava was approached and asked to make a mini-series, and so he did, but the mini-series was deemed to violent for Italian TV and so he cut it and released it as A Blade in the Dark. A Blade in the Dark is a tightly written giallo with lots of atmosphere, a great soundtrack, an interesting and good plot and some top, top notch suspense. A must see for fans of giallos. I've said it before and I'll gladly say it again, Lamberto Bava would never reach the heights of his father, Mario Bava, but he was still a fantastic director and is proper underrated like. Cannot believe he isn't more appreciated among horror and exploitation fans. Like how can you enjoy horror and giallo and not love the shit out of A Blade in the Dark, Macabre, Demons, Demons 2, Delirium and Until Death (as well as other of his made for TV-movies), or love action and exploitation and not love Blastfighter? Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever.
  15. Bear

    Finished The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the same day as I wrote that, and it was just fantastic. Truly superb throughout. Recommended as fuck! The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe - When I was little in the mid-90's we used to watch this every Christmas, but it's been a few years since I last watched it. But upon re-watching it now I realized that it's still a fun, charming and lovely as when I was a kid. The story is fantastic, the actors are all amazing, the sets, costumes, make up and special effects are nothing short of brilliant. Like the drawn creatures that's featured, they're just amazing. They don't look real or anything, but that's not needed. This is fantasy near its best. Almost Tolkien-esque, which should come as no surprise considering C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were good friends and attended the same literary discussion groups together. Just brilliant! A must-see for any fan of fantasy. In the middle of Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader right now. Not quite as good as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but still excellent. Been even longer since I saw this and The Silver Chair. So this feels exciting.
  16. Bear

    Twilight Zone, season 2 episode 11: The Night of the Meek - There's not much horror to be found here, but it's more of a fantasy-drama with quite an uplifting message and feeling to it. Dark and sad at times, sure, but the positivity of the episode trumps that. Got that nice, false Christmas spirit to it that everyone for some weird fucking reason think is a good thing. Good episode, tho. Tales from the Darkside, season 2 episode 12: Monsters in My Room - A sweet little horror Christmas story about a kid whose step dad is a rather naughty man. Really good episode! Can't wait to dig into the rest of the show soon enough. Wolf Cabin - Low-budget Finish short horror movie clocking in on about 40 minutes. Could've been decent, but the director chooses some incredibly cheap solutions to the problems and awful characterizations. Was looking forward to this, but was very, very disappointed. Makes the dumbest slashers of the 80's seem like movies that'll make your IQ incredibly high. That's how stupid this was, and not in a good way either.
  17. These golden old school sounding black metal releases from recent years should be so much more popular than what they are. Top, top notch music in the vein of Sabbat, Destruction, Sodom, Venom, Bathory and such. 10/10 releases.
  18. Bear

    I spent my entire food budget on beer and coffee yesterday. Felt like the right thing to do there and then, but I am not so sure right now. Only got a single bread and nothing to have on it until the 12th of January. I got more than enough money to actually buy some more food and all, but a budget is a budget and you can't go over the budget. Would be useless with a budget if you starting spending more than planned. But as soon as I start cracking open the Cervisiam cans I'm sure I'll feel like it was worth it. By far my favourite brewing company and beer simply doesn't get much better than Satanic Panic, The Toxic Alevenger, Hocolate Salty Christmas Balls, Bhuthurt, Bad Mango, Jungle Juice, Pecanisher, Dankins, Scaphism and Nelson Mandalea. Salty Surprise, Enough to Make a Mango Go Sour, C.H.U.D., Seasonal Stash and Shoryuken are also top notch. Only one of the many I have tried which I do not yet worship is S'Morbidly Obese, which is an incredibly sweet and powerful imperial stout. But I got 4-5 in the fridge, and it's been a while since I tried it. So hopefully I'll do the trick this time around. I really liked it last time, but I felt that 0,33l was a bit too much. Could've been halved down. Was perfect for sharing, despite not being much. Another thing is that the cans and bottles look beautiful. You know, the type of cans and bottles you'll wash out and put on your shelf when finished drinking.
  19. Not at all what I was expecting. Thought it would be half 'n' half black metal and rap, but it surely isn't. Songe viking is gorgeous! Not really feeling the new version of 666 millions d'esclaves et de déchets, but the new Des médecins malades et des saints séquestrés is very cool. Simply because it is very different, yet easily recognizable.
  20. Bear

    All the Creatures Were Stirring - Anthology horror that is uneven as fuck. Kinda seemed like they had several good ideas, but didn't have enough money so they spent the majority of the budget on the one they thought would be best and just used leftovers for the rest. All the Stockings Were Hung centers around a Christmas party at the office gone wrong. Basically a lame rip off of Saw, Cube and such. Pretty meh. Dash Away All were fantastic. Beautifully shot, well-acted and written and by far the best one in the movie. All Through the House is another lackluster film. It's got one funny joke, but all around it's just not all that. Arose Such a Clatter is the shortest of the films only clocking in at 7 minutes, and it's another meh. In a Twinkling is clever, but lacks the talent to make it stand out. Good ideas and such though, but as all the budget went into Dash Away All they couldn't do much different. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, season 1 episode 11: A Midwinter's Tale - A bit of a cheat maybe, but it's a stand-alone, monster of the week type of story so it works. The entire season was really good, and so was this. Great atmosphere, beautiful visual style and a good story. Wish it was a bit longer, but it was really good nonetheless. Scary Little Fuckers - A short film clocking in on no more than 23 minutes, and it wears its inspirations on its sleeve. Gremlins, Gremlins, Gremlins, Gremlins and Gremlins were clearly an inspiration for the film. But it's a bit sleezier and dirtier, with a dirty, old dad who'd love to fuck his 15 year old song's friend, who gives his 14 year old son condoms for Christmas and so on. A bit cheap-looking at times, but all in all loads of fun. I was surprised at how fun it was. Dead End - Low-budget horror movie that, at the time of its release, was a smash hit and with good reason. It's very simple and straight-forward, but extremely effective, much due to a strong cast lead on by Ray Wise and Lin Shaye. Absolutely worth your time! Calvaire - Belgian arthouse horror that's slow, weird and mesmerizing. Not sure how much of a fan I was, I'm not sure if I understood it, but I did enjoy it to some degree. I think I would've enjoyed it more if I had known what it was. Wasn't really in the mood for this type of a film upon watching it. Weird movie. Interesting. Noch pered Rozhdestvom - Christmas Eve - Russian fantasy/comedy from 1913. I thought it was supposed to be more on the horror side of things, but it really wasn't. Was more comedy than anything else. At times, especially in the scenes involving the demon or witches with the broom stick, it's actually no less than brilliant. But the mid-part of the film didn't do much for me. I wish it was more about the demon and the witches, because they nailed those things.
  21. After listening a few times more to the song I'm not quite so sure. The drum production sounds off. Hope it's just the sample. Anyway: Alghazanth are releasing this, and as they do they've decided to disband. Quite an underrated band tbh, and this track is fantastic. Semi-symphonic and melodic black metal. Majestic!
  22. Sounds very cool. The song has that Mystifier sound which is cool.
  23. https://devilmaster.bandcamp.com/ Black metal/punk. Raw and mean. https://blotogbod.bandcamp.com/ Black metal/punk. Groovier than Devil Master, but still both raw and mean. Sounds more like Bone Awl meets Hellhammer or something. New track from Blue Hummingbird on the Left, one of the many Black Twilight Circle bands. Raw and cold black metal. Sounds great. Another Black Twilight Cirlce band (I guess), one-man project by Coapahsolpol, the bass player of Blue Hummingbird on the Left. Way more experimental than BHotL, but sounds very good. From a split with the fantastic Volhan. https://canbardd.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-rain A new track from the upcoming Cân Bardd album, The Last Rain, to be released next year. Think a mix of Gallowbraid and Caladan Brood. Very Tolkien-esque. This entire song could easily have been a part of The Hobbit soundtrack. I really like it. https://sentientruin.bandcamp.com/album/consumed-by-oblivion Void Rot. A new death/doom metal band in the vein of Spectral Voice. Sounds dark and neat. https://witchinghourthrash.bandcamp.com/album/and-silent-grief-shadows-the-passing-moon Black/thrashers Witching Hour are releasing their first full-length in 7 years and it sounds cool. Similar to stuff like Hellish Crossfire, Nocturnal and Cruel Force, albeit a bit more melodic I guess. Sounds cool.
  24. Bear

    This sounds pretty good. Maybe a bit too much on the sugar coated gothic side at times, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.
  25. Bear

    Currently watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and this is just beyond everything I'd ever expect. I'm not familiar with the comics, but I do of course know that the comics it is based on is a darker version than the original one. But so far this is exceptional. It's a coming of age story wrapped into a dark, grotesque and interesting universe with clear nods towards 50's, 60's and 70's gothic horror and camp. Beautifully directed with good and interesting cinematography, good character, great special effects and beautiful visuals. I' really enjoying this TV-series way, way, way more than I'd even thought I would. I know some people have a huge problem with the distorted edge that's used some times, but I can't get enough of it and I personally think it is a genius move. Visually it sets it apart from everything else that's on screen, and it gives it that special bewitched atmosphere. Also, despite being more of a young adult type of story, it kinds wears its influences on the sleeve. Think of Mario Bava's gothic films like Black Sunday, Black Sabbath and Kill, Baby, Kill, Dario Argento's Suspiria and Inferno, Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby, Clive Baker and the gothic Hammer Horror films. Just beautiful!
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