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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Nightmare Cinema - I downloaded this movie only because the poster where fucking awesome. Didn't read about it or anything like that. Download > watch straight away. What kind of a movie is it? It is an anthology horror movie with five different directors. Two whom I'd call legends and cult figures of horror, one I'd call excellent, one promising one and one I'd call...mostly useless. The wrap-around story is called The Projectionist and is directed by Mick Garris (Sleepwalkers, Critters 2) and starring none other than legend and cult actor Mickey Rourke. Sadly this is underdeveloped, but it does the job. The first proper segment is called The Thing in the Woods and are directed Alejandro Brugués (Juan of the Dead) and is by far the best segment. Hilarious, exciting, bloody and gory. 9/10 The second segment is called Mirari and are directed by legend Joe Dante (Gremlins, The Howling) and are underdeveloped. Poorly directed and edited. Could've been something good, but the editing really ruins it. Richard Chamberlain is a brilliant casting tho. 5/10 The third segment is called Mashit and are directed by cult hero Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus, Aragami, Azumi) but is a total waste. Awfully written, acted and directed. A huge meh! 4/10 The fourth segment is called This Way to Egress and are directed by David Slade (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night ) are are the second best of the movie. A slow-burning, weird and chilling tale in black and white. Gorgeous stuff! 9/10 The fifth segment is called Dead and are directed by Mick Garris. A total waste of time really. Poorly acted and written. 4/10. Overall I'd give this 7/10. Always enjoy the ride despite the quality of the short movies.
  2. Not a fan of brutal death metal myself so Sepsism ain't really my thing, but the cover art for Purulent Decomposition are gorgeous. Not a fan of the title font, but everything else, including the band's logo, are awesome!
  3. Bear

    Finished Good Girls season 2 today and really liked it. Without a doubt a huge step up from season one which I quite liked. But this season was proper good. Looking forward to a new season.
  4. Bear

    Watched Kite last night. Crazy stuff for sure. Ultra violent and dark. Deals with subject like revenge, pedophilia and loneliness. Explicit and disgusting in many way, but the action scenes are amazingly drawn, animated and directed. Two episodes around 55 minutes or so.
  5. Bear

    Isn't the series redubbed simply because it was the only way to actually get it released in English because of licensing issues and so forth? So they had to take a choice: 1) Not release it. 2) Release it without no (English) dub at all. 3) Redub it so they can have a (English) dub. Would it really have been better if they had gone with either of the two first options? PS: Anime dubs suck major fucking ass no matter what and are, unless you are a kid or have some kind of dyslexia, a retarded fucking way to watch anime. You're really gonna blame Netflix for what director Yoshiharu Ashino and writer Eugene Son?
  6. Bear

    Retro Puppet Master - The year is 1999 and the franchise is still going strong. Or, it's going at least. Greg Sestero, best known for his role in The Room and as a friend of Tommy Wiseau, stars in his first lead. James Franco also auditioned, but didn't get a role. Anyway, the story of what happened to Tommy Wiseau is a lot more interesting and better than the movie itself. Because this is by far the worst in the franchise so far. Not even enjoyable. Even the retro dolls are boring, both by look and how they're used. The story about Greg Sestero and Tommy Wiseau, really is. So both were trying to get a role in Hollywood at the moment when Greg Sestereo landed this, and as he had to spend time on set Tommy Wiseau got really sad and alone, and slowly went into some kind of a depression. And this is how he eventually went on to write The Room. Weird shit. Amazing!
  7. Bear

    Comrade Detective - Comrade Detective is presented as a long lost Romanian TV-series that resemble a non-existent gritty 1980's Cold War Romanian police show that promoted Communist ideals. It's shot in Romania with a Romanian cast, but is dubbed by the likes of Channing Tatum, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and loads of less familiar faces and voices. It's six episodes and it works both as a crime comedy and a fake anti-socialist propaganda series. It's exciting, it's fun and very, very well made. Probably a top 10 series for me, maybe quite high on that list too. Excellent!
  8. Cool title and a very nice album artwork. I hope the music fit the title and artwork, but I doubt it. I guess it'll be another Borknagar album that won't be for me.
  9. Bear

    Puppet Master 4 - Puppet Master 4 takes a different twist and the puppets turn...good! Yeah, they're good and fight demon puppets from hell. Cool enough, but not as good as the previous movies. The demon puppets however looks AMAZING, they feel amazing to the eye and all that. They're totally badass. Puppet Master 5 - A pure continuation of the fourth, starting just days after and shot back to back with the same actors and such. This was a bit cooler than 4, but more or less the same. Sadly not as many demon puppets, but the one we got is amazing. A thing of beauty tbh. Curse of the Puppet Master - Fans of the franchise ofte say this is the best one, but I disagree. Worst of the first 6, but it's entertaining nonetheless. Better than its IMDB score for sure. This franchise is so cool, but very different from what I remembered.
  10. Bear

    John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum I love where this shit is going and John Wick are a massive step in the right direction as far as American action movies goes. Loved that obvious homage to The Villainess. So cool! Avengement I'm a huge fan of Scott Adkins and this is Scott Adkins near his best. A proper banger. Mental fucking Adkins! Glorious action flick. Directed by Jesse V. Johnson, the man behind the recent Scott Adkins movies Triple Threat, The Debt Collector and Accident Man, all really awesome films. Looking forward to Scott Adkins in Yip Man 4. Should be loads and loads of fun. Hope he's got a big role. The Meg Decent enough monster movie that feels like a modern day Jaws, albeit not 1/10 as good. Always love me some Jason Statham, and I'll gladly see more of both Bingbing Li and Ruby Rose. But this movie could've done with more blood, and should've been cut 20-25 minutes for sure. I Am Mother Good sci-fi thriller. Another success for Netflix. Cool concept, cool atmosphere. Nice and bleak.
  11. Bear

    I finished When They See Us and I can't believe no-one's said anything about this yet. True crime drama series based on the Central Park jogger case. Heartbreaking, devastating, brutal and really fucked up. Holy fuck, the last episode of When They See Us, man. That shit was actually though to get through. Devastating stuff. The story itself is just scary. How anyone involved with the police and prosecution could let something with this happen as late as in 1989 is nothing less than shocking. Superb series, with Jharrel Jerome standing out as one hell of an actor. Crazy good performance. 9/10
  12. Bear

    Love Shot - Low-budget romantic crime movie that feels different than the rest. There's something really cool and laidback about it that I really liked. Not a masterpiece, but really awesome anyway. Ying - Yimou Zhang returns to the epic style of wuxia that he made in the early to mid 2000's with movies like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The entire movie, with the exception of human skin and blood, are mostly different types of grey, black and white, and it looks absolutely gorgeous and Yimou Zhang really succeeded in making a film that looks and feels like an old Chinese painting. Chao Deng is brilliant in a double role which should've earned him an oscar for the best actor (among the best performances I've seen in a long, long, long time), the story is good and interesting and the action is top notch. Must see for fans of wuxia! Top Knot Detective - Fictional documentary about the rise and fall of a Japanese samurai/detective series that was called in Ronin Suiri Tentai (Deductive Reasoning Ronin) in Japan, but Top Knot Detective in Australia. This is actually fucking fantastic. Hilarious stuff. And it is so good on so many levels. As a comedy, as a drama, as a documentary and as a homage. I want them to make the actual Top Knot Detective series. Looks so good! Universal Soldier: The Return - 8 years after the original cult classic Universal Soldier they returned with a sequel that didn't really do much. Decent entertainment, but not more really. Probably won't see it again. Universal Soldier: Regeneration - 10 years after US: The Return we get another sequel, and this time it's much better. Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren and Andrei "The Pitbull" Arlovski are top billed, but it's actually Andrei Arlovski and Mike Pyle that has the biggest roles. Jean-Claude Van Damme have a big role in the last 30 and Dolph Lundgren have an even smaller one, but considered they starred in the original it was always gonna be them who stole the show. It's still far from the classic original tho, but it's fun. There was one really memorable scene that's a long stealth murdering party, as well as a few cool death scenes.
  13. Bear

    Finding Steve McQueen - Romantic heist movie with a ton of references to Steve McQueen who, as we all know, was a bloody muthafuckin god. I like it. Witty, romantic, cute. Yeah. Not exceptional, but good fun nonetheless.
  14. Bear

    Castle Rock - Another new anthology series that's excellent, and hopefully this'll get more seasons than Channel Zero despite the fact that Channel Zero were superior to this. That doesn't mean this is bad tho, not at all. This was actually excellent from beginning to end. Psychological horror inspired by Stephen King, but which is not actually a Stephen King adaption. So this is basically a Stephen Kingian series, like the brilliant Shadow Bound (TOP 3 SERIES EVER! Watch it!) was a Lovecraftian series. Really looking forward to new season. Wondering if it's gonna be another Stephen Kingian season, or if they base it off someone else. Anyway I'm really interested in it.
  15. Bear

    A Quiet Place - Well-directed, superbly-acted and with loads of story and heart. A Quiet Place has been seen as really original and fresh, taking new twists and turns to a familiar genre. Then comes Bird Box with a similar plot, although based on a book written long before this was thought off, and shit was off the hook with people moaning about this and that. Fair enough, as the world is full of idiots anyway. It's a good film and all, and I can see where the hype comes from and why. I do. But I was left disappointed. And the main reason why is the aliens that looked like shit, acted like shit and just didn't make much sense overall. A Quiet Place has got the drama and heart, but Bird Box has the horror and suspense and being a horror fans, horror always wins over drama. And the main reason why Bird Box is so much more intense and scary than A Quiet Place, is because you don't get to see the monster. You only get to see a few drawings which are all way, way different. Such a simple thing. But as well all know, the unknown is much scarier than the known. Not a bad film. In fact, it was really good. Just not quite Bird Box. Fuck the Bird Box haters btw.
  16. I must say this album surprised me a lot. If I had listened to this without knowing it's Misþyrming I probably would not a guess it in a million years. More easy on the ear, way more melodic, and less Deathspell Omega- and Svartidauði-esque. But that's not negative and my first impression is that it is way, way better than their debut album. Really enjoying it.
  17. Bear

    Old fellas delivering good fucking grime. This song is so neat. This shit cracks me up. This shit is absolutely legendary. Adamn Killa from muthafuckin' prez!
  18. Bear

    The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre - This one is directed by Joseph Stefano who produced The Outer Limits with the thought og making a new series in the vein of The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone, but with more emphasis on horror than sci-fi and fantasy. However, the original pilot, which went under the name The Haunted, was not picked up because it was deemed too scary and disturbing for TV so they added some footage and released it as a movie. And it's easy to understand why, because at times it's fucking terrifying. It's a slow-burning, atmospheric piece of haunted house cinema and it's gorgeous. A must see for fans of the genre. The Whip and the Body - Classic Mario Bava picture. Gothic horror that's all about the gorgeous setting and amazing atmosphere, as well as Christopher Lee. I really enjoy this film, and I don't know how you can be a fan of gothic fiction and not like it. The atmosphere, man. THE ATMOSPHERE!
  19. Bear

    I see. I din't know that. I got into Kagrra a couple of years later, but at that time (06-ish) it was very highly regarded and often highly recommended to new fans or people who just very curious alongside San. Stunning album btw, but that goes for the bands' entire discography. Even their last two albums.
  20. Bear

    But this isn't very disliked is it? Isn't all their albums and EPs up until and including Shizuku generally well liked? And with Core the fans got a bit divided, but with Shu and Hyakki Kenran most fans were really disappointed. But I don't really follow the community today so I don't know what albums are seen as good or bad, but back when batsu was active and last.fm was still active you'd never see anything negative about the albums up until Shizuku. But things obviously change over the years, and albums that were much liked loose their popularity and vice versa. That can have happened as far as I know, because I ain't exactly very active in the jrock/vk community anymore.
  21. Bear

    We could add their self-titled album to this, can't we? I feel like everyone dislikes it, but I really like it.
  22. Bear

    Is it? Isn't Macabre pretty much universally loved among the fans, and generally considered a VK classic? I'd say Missa, tho. Love it.
  23. Man, this is so weird. These guys were among the early South-American black/death/thrash metal bands alongside Vulcanos, Sepultura, Mutilator, Sarcofago and so on, but after one wild album, the classic Campo de Extermínio, they moved into a more straight-forward thrash/crossover sound and then moves even further away from that playing around with more technical and progressive stuff, as well as some industrial shit. But then in 2016 they returned after 11 years of silence (or something) with something that sounds like the proper follow-up to Campo de Extermínio. Wild, barbaric and brutal black/death/thrash in the vein of the mid-80's South-American sound. Back in the 80's this shit was known as deathcore. Sounds amazing!
  24. Bear

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space - This just has to be one of the coolest horror-comedies, or sci-fi comedies ever, all depends on what genre you want to put it in. It's goofy, fun, terrifying, hilarious, charming and whatever positive words you can think of. The creativity, the visual style, special effects and rubber suits, the soundtrack, the acting. Everything's just awesome. It's also incredibly original and unique even to this day. The Cleaning Lady - A surprising, slow-burning horror that are sure to both creep you out and catch you off guard. Twisted shit. I kinda got a bit of a Audition feeling from it, although it's very different. Us - Another solid, but incredibly overrated Jordan Peele. There's not really a lot of flaws here, but I feel like it's way too long and it's too disjointed. Would've been a much better horror movie if it was shorter. Would've made it more suspenseful, more intens and more fun. As good as Get Out. Lupita Nyong'o are truly brilliant tho. Like outstanding. That is a 10/10 performance on all levels. Hands down! Ghost Squad - Everyone who's been slightly active in this or the Japanese movie thread knows I'm a huge fan of the new wave of J-splatter movies, with Noboru Iguchi being one of the more known of them. He's the genius behind movies such as The Machine Girl, Mutant Girls Squad, RoboGeisha, Zombie Ass and Dead Sushi, so my expectations were high. And they got even higher after the wonderful trailer. But I was disappointed. It was way too long (could've been cut by 30 minutes tbh), far from absurd enough and it lacked that complete and utter weirdness that his movies usually got, and he put way too much time and effort into the serious side of the movie. It's actually got a decent, emotional story behind it all. But it's not what I want to see when I put on a movie like this. I want to watch shit that makes me go WTF for 90 minutes. I want this shit:
  25. I can't play any instruments, I can't sing or anything like, so I'd like to join someone that's already shit so I won't be the reason why the suck. Bands like (the current state of) The Gazette, as well as Deathgaze, Nocturnal Bloodlust and Deviloof and so on would be perfect as I can't make them sound any worse no matter what instrument I take up. Fuck, chances are, even though I can't play guitar, bass or drums, I would make them sound a bit better if I did pick up any of those instruments and played for these bands. Would not like to join anyone good or decent, or just listenable, as I would just make them less good.
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