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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    You have to be fucking joking me. You actually wanted to see this, and you actually like "modern vampires"? Fucking hell, man. There's so much wrong with this. This is what vampires should be like: Vampires should be cold, hynotizing and classy, but still somewhat nasty and menacing. Give me none of those romantic fucks in newer films. Sparkly vampires that feels as threatening, menacing and hypnotizing as a god damn potato. No thank you, good sir.
  2. Bear

    Ex Machina - Smart, clever and really interesting sci-fi thriller by first-time director Alex Garland who also wrote the film. While the film is very toned down and straight-forward, it offers much excitement throughout the film, and despite a rather limited budget it's visually stunning and every shot seems to have a purpose. Well-directed and acted, there's nothing not to enjoy here. It's just a very, very good film.
  3. Funny you'd say that, but the vocals of the new Dødheimsgard are easily my favourite part of the album. I think it's brilliant. And as far as Devouring Star goes, it's a band that takes time. While not quite as hard-listening as for example Deathspell Omega, it's still the kind of music that needs time. One of my favourite albums from this year: Occult and psychedelic rock with a black metal-vibe.Cheesy as fuck, but I really like this band. It features the excellent EP's Symbols of Great Power and Panzerwitch, as well as three new songs.
  4. Bear

    Lake Mungo - Lake Mungo is a horror-drama that almost plays out like an episode of a TV-series about ghosts and the supernatural, with calm, downplayed and monotonous performances by the actors which gives it a sense of realness and naturalism. The film is shot documentary-style, but not in the way of Blair Witch Project or Noroi. It feels more like a cheap special made for TV. While that does sound bad, it might be the best thing about this film. About 85% of the film is about grief and dealing with loss, secrets and lies, and the rest is a asking questions about ghosts and so on. So it's not a film that's "ice cold" the whole way through, but it offers a few very, very chilling moments and I'm sure it'll freak you out a couple of times. The Resurrected - A very cool flick based on H. P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, by Dan O'Bannon (The Return of the Living Dead). The entire look of the film is very TV-like, as if it was made for TV and I get quite a soapy feeling from this, much in the same vein as Twin Peaks. It's one of the more serious Lovecraft-adaptions, with great, dark, disturbing atmosphere and superb special effects. It's a very Lovecraftian film, and O'Bannon nails the atmosphere IMO. The film is way more faithul than Roger Corman's excellent The Haunted Palace, even though it doesn't quite reach the same hights. But this was superb anyway!
  5. Bear

    Prince of Darkness - Very underrated and very cool John Carpenter flick with Donald Pleasence and Victor Wong among others. The atmosphere, very Lovecraftian I'd say, is superb and while flawed, it's such a charming and cool film. Eerie, claustrophobic, mystic and occult. No idea why this film is viewd on as mediocre or poor. Ain't even close to that IMO. Great film, and the special effects are beautiful. Gorgeous! Superb soundtrack too!
  6. Bear

    Gremlins 2: The New Batch - I like this fil a lot, but saying it's anywhere close to the original would be a lie. It's sillier, more lighthearted and satirical. I guess you could say it's a lot more campy. It's very fun, but it lacks the horror of the original IMO. Half the film is just special effects, sillyness and movie references, but I can appreciate that, and I do. Very fun film. And it's got Christopher Lee! God!
  7. Bear

    Have you seen the original Roger Corman classic The Little Shop of Horrors, which Litte Shop of Horrors is based on? Totally recommended from me. It features Jack Nicholson is one of his first roles too. It was made for only $30k, and in true Roger Corman style it was made quick (2 days) and shot with the same sets used for Roger Corman's A Bucket of Blood. A great film IMO. Well, both are great. Together they only cost $80k to make, which I find very impressive. Typical Roger Corman business. Legend! Fun thing though is that the film made just for the sake of utilizing the set, The Little Shop of Horrors, is better than the film they made the sets for, A Bucket of Blood. I find that hilarious!
  8. Bear

    Should be very easy. Aside from the podrace in Episode 1 there's nothing of value in those three films. They're so bad, man. From what I've heard, Episode 7 is more just a film to get the series started again with a lot of elements to please older fanboys, as well as getting new ones and have something to build on for a further walk into the universe. Looking forward to the film, though with quite a sceptic eye. But I am hoping I'm in for a real treat.
  9. Bear

    Gremlins - I've said it a lot of times, but I'll say it again: Joe Dante was, from 1976's Hollywood Boulevard and up until 1998's Small Soldiers, among the coolest directors un the world. I haven't seen all the films between these two films, but films like Piranha, The Howling, Gremlins, Explorers, Innerspace, The 'Burbs, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Matinee and Small Soldiers are just top notch films. Small Soldiers also stands as one of the most underrated films in history of films. Anyway, it's a very hard pick but Gremlins might be Joe Dante's best film. It's fun, it's charming, it's cute, it's hilarious, it's frightening. It's got everything, and the special effects are among my favourites ever. Not only does both the Mogwai's and Gremlins look good, the way they move and act are brilliant as well. The atmosphere, the story, characters, actors and everything just clicks. There's absolutely nothing not to love about this film. Perfection! Yeah, it's among the best horror films, comedies and christmas films ever. For the latter it' only challenged by Die Hard IMO. Which says a lot. And as for Joe Dante's filmography, this, Piranha and The Howling are more or less equal. So good, man!
  10. Bought tickets for Ghost and Tribulation in february today. Saw them in Trondheim in the same place around two years ago today, and it wasn't even sold out. They put the tickets out for sale at 9am today, and 10 I read that they were nearly sold out. So I got a hold of a pair, and before 11 I checked again and they were sold out. And after the debut album, so many moaned about how this band would fade into nothingness sooner rather than later, and that they were only popular because of their image. But they just keep getting bigger and bigger. Very impressive business from the side of the band. Really well done. People should know Ghosts just doesn't disappear. They will stay!
  11. Bear

    If I went to the cinema to see a film and people clapped, cheered or made fucking noises while the film was playing, I'd seriously go over and kick their fucking teeth in. I don't pay $14 for people to listen to retards make noises. Fucking hell.
  12. More black metal to the people. Damn, I seem to forget 50% of the albums I've heard and enjoyed this year. Kampfar - Profan This album is easily the best thing Kampfar has done since 1999's Fra underverdenen. It's less black 'n' roll-oriented than the previous 3 albums, and much more focused than Kvass, which I enjoy. More pagan black metal. A big surprise if you ask me. Hades Almighty - Pyre Era, Black! Their first release in 14 years, and Hades/Hades Almighty's first release without original vocalist/bassist/keyboardist Janto. While they continue the progressive black metal of The Pulse of Decay, I feel like this has more influences from old Hades. The melody lines sounds so much like Hades at times. Which is good of course. Marduk - Frontschwein If you ask me, I'd saythat this is just another Marduk release musically. While the band has yet to reach the level of the fabolous Rom 5:12, it's still a good listen. A soundtrack to a total fucking warfare! Death Karma - The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I This and consists of 2/3 of Cult of Fire, and that's something you'll hear if you're familiar with Cult of Fire. Epic and melodic black/death with a heavy Master's Hammer-vibe, just like Cult of Fire. But this is by no means just a Cult of Fire-clone or anything. A bit different, and most excellent! Do check out! Also checked out the new Cosmic Church EP, and it was great as expected. Very good! Really looking forward to Helheim - raunijaR too. Should be good!
  13. Bear

    I've worn my Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) t-shirt a couple of times over the last week, and people just can't stop talkign about Staw Wars with me. Doesn't matter if they are first graders, third graders, seventh graders, co-workers or parents: there's just too many who wants to talk about Star Wars. It's hilarious! I can barely get anything done at work because of all the talking. Also, one day a week I am with first grader with downs, but due to illness I had to be with her today as well, which is cool. She's awesome. Now every single time she's picked up she wants to give us a hug which is nice and all. But when her mom came to pick her up today, she did like she usually did and wanted to say bye, but she just grabbed me by my chins and tried to kiss me on my mouth. Her mom couldn't stop laughing. I barely managed to turn my face because she was so quick. Got a hug though. Jesus.
  14. Yes, Ghost Bath's Moonlover was very good. A nice mix of Deafheaven, Austere, Woods of Desolation and Alcest. Very good album! I will also add Cradle of Filth to the list as they released their best album since 1998's Cruelty and the Beast. Hammer of the Witches is just really, really good. It also happens to be their most black metal-oriented album since that one too. And a qick look and I see that I have forgotten these albums too: Sigh - Graveward Took quite some time to get into this one, but it's Sigh and it's excellent. Weird, original and awesome. Melechesh - Enki Melechesh the Melechesian way. Black/death with a middle-eastern folk-vibe. Great album. Negură Bunget - Tău Atmospheric and progressive black metal with folky touches. Good album and another fine Negura Bunget album. Solefald - World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud Solefald continue their path of weird. Avant-garde black metal with lots of different styles. Their best since the excellent In Harmonia Universali. Forefather - Curse of the Cwelled Black/viking metal that offers nothing new and is basically the same they've done for the past 10-15 years, but it's really good and really catchy. These guys know their choruses!
  15. Bear

    War of the Shaolin Temple - This is something like a B-grade martial arts film by a man who (according to IMDB) only made four movies, and I didn't recognize any actors in it either. Non of the leads seem to be very talented or experienced at all. As soon as I turned this on you could see the cinematography was lackluster and all, but I gave it a proper chance and I'm happy about that because it was really good. Cool fight scenes, decent actors and all that, and a few very cool characters. The drunken monk was really, really cool. Hilarious guy! Good film, and a very big surprise. Awful cinematography and lighting throughout the film, but not something that bothered me too much. Was really enjoyed!
  16. Bear

    Santa's Slay - Silly film with a cool concept and shit, but the execution by David Steinman is so lackluster. It doesn't help with neat ideas when youcan't get them out on the screen to fulfil your imagination of that certain idea. Some cool violence, some fun humor, but it's never enough to satisfy me. Lacks some serious amounts of cheese IMO. Disappointing.
  17. Bear

    You should thank your brain. Horror movies > education. Fact!
  18. Because kids love them. Few animated movies are more popular among kids in the ages 4-8 than Cars and its sequels.
  19. I'm not impressed by that list. The lack of Dødheimsgard is seriously disturbing. And a list that has room enough for Deafheaven but not Dødheimsgard is a list not worth paying attention to. Next please.
  20. Bear

    Spy - I'm not a big fan of Melissa McCarthy which made me very sceptical to this film, despite my love for Jason Statham.But to my big surprise McCarthy ended up doing fairly well in this, and she even becomes funny during the second half of the film. But this film is all about Jason Statham who from nowhere turned into a comedian with brilliant comedic timing, as well as Rose Byrne and Jude Law. They are this film. OK, the film relies a bit too much on weight jokes, but the entire film is what Kingsman: The Secret Service so hard tried and wanted to be. But Spy is a better film in every way, and much of it because it's naughtier, dirtier and rawer in many ways. While childish, it's so obviously aimed towards an older/more mature audience than Kingsman: The Secret Service. But this is Jason Statham's film. He's everything here. He IS the film. This is easily his best role alongside his roles in Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and these are also films that proves that he's a lot more than just looks, muscles and kicks.
  21. Bear

    The Killer Snakes - Weird mid-70's horror by Chih-Hung Kuei (Bewitched, The Boxer's Omen) that, while fun, is very disappointing. I had expected a lot more from Chih-Hung Kuei. The film is about a rather messed-up man with some serious problems, and his best friends - the snakes. I like the atmosphere and the setting, but I felt the film was a bit too slow at times. But the cold, grim atmosphere of the film makes up for it. Sleazy, mid-70's Hong Kong exploitation for us weirdos. It'll be a hard watch for most, but for those very much into sleaze cinema and grim tales this might just be for you.
  22. And here's a small list of black metal releases that I've enjoyed from 2015. Most are fairly known within the world of black metal, but you might be able to pick up a few good albums from this list: Mgła - Exercises in Futility You should all know Mgla by now, and I will not spend any more time talkign about them. A must-have! Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator Dark, heavy and brutal black/death metal in the vein of Blasphemy, Beherit and Teitanblood. Another great album from a great band. Cultes des Ghoules - The Rise of Lucifer A rather unique black metal band that can be seen as a mix of Negative Plane, Mortury Drape, Katharsis, Necromantia and Mayhem. Fantastic band! Macabre Omen - Gods of War - At War Epic black metal with huge nods to bands such as Rotting Christ, Bathory and Hades. Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples Cold, minimalistic and mid-tempo black metal that's just 100% greek. Great release! Misþyrming - Söngvar elds og óreiðu One of the many new Icelandic black metal of top quality. Semi-experimental black metal in the vein of mid-era Deathspell Omega and fellow countrymen Svartidauði, with strong The Ruins of Beverast vibes to it. Dødheimsgard - A Umbra Omega Dødheimsgard the way Dødheimsgard should sound. Avant-garde, experimental and mental. Crazy good shit! Drudkh - Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) A huge step backwards for Drudkh as this is the album after their first four that sounds the closest to their first four albums. Might be their best release after the firstfour too. I don't know. Good, epic album made for a walk in the forest. Downfall of Nur - Umbras de Barbagia While not very original, this is a very cool album that sends nods to bands such as Agalloch, Ulver and Wolves in the Throne Room. Folky, depressive and nice. Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable This is the album that shoul've followed 2011's L'Ordure à l'état Pur. Experimental, avant-garde and fucking white trash black metal. I think this album is superb! Autarcie - Retour en crasse Autracie is a band that walk the path of Peste Noire, or, the path that Peste Noire started with their demos and first full-lenght. I think "medieval black metal" is a very fitting term. Another fantastic album by a fantastic band! Sale Freux - Crèvecœur Another band that has found the majority of their inspiration from the old sound of Peste Noire. More rural than Peste Noire and Autracie, but it shuld please fans of old Peste Noire or Autracie. Maybe a bit more ritualistic. Glaciation - Sur les falaises de marbre A french "super group" with Neige, Winterhalter and Indria Saray of Alcest/Peste Noire, RMS Hreidmarr of Anorexia Nervosa/The CNK and a few others. I was really impressed by their debut 1994, and this isn't much weaker. For some reason I think both this and the debut got a really pure DIY spirit to it. Not sure why. A bit punky edge to it. Devouring Star - Through Lung and Heart Another one of those dissonant black metal bands in the vein of mid-era Deathspell Omega and Svartidaudi. A bit easier to get into than the two bands mentioned, but still hard enough for most. Lugubrum - Herval These guys call their music "farmer black metal", and that's quite fitting for newer Lugubrum. In "recent" years they've gone down a path of weird, experimental and jazzy black metal unlike anything you've ever heard. To take one small example - you'll find traditional US power metal riffing, reggae and surf rock in this album. Well, on one single track. That is weird. Ithaqua - Initiation to Obscure Mysteries This ain't nothing but a big, fat homage to Rotting Christ anno 91-93. Both the sound and quality of the music here reeks of Rotting Christ from this era. Brilliant release, and easily among my top 10 this year. It's so good, man! Megiddo - The Holocaust Messiah Great black metal in the veind of old Bathory, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer and Beherit, with more than one nod to bands such as Amebix, Motorhead and Black Sabbath. Top notch again from Megiddo! That's it for now. Will check out the bands on Jiggy's list too. Also, looking forward to hearing the new Cosmic Church EP. 2013's Ylistys was a really good and impressive album. Amazing to be quite honest. Should be good as fuck!
  23. Bear

    While I am not celebrating christmas myself, I'm doing my best to help my girl get a certain christmas feeling so we've started watching some christmas horror films. I feel nice helping her to the right, murderous and black christmas feeling. Silent Night - A very, very loose "remake" of the 1984 classic Silent Night, Deadly Night. While I don't think it is as good as the original, this certainly is entertaining. It's all very old-fashioned, and it works really well. It's quite obviously better handwork than the original, but I prefer the original for its feeling and atmosphere. Nice cast with Malcolm McDowell and Jaime King too. Recommended for dark december nights for sure. 7/10 But to be honest, I wouldn't call this a remake. It's more a homage and tribute IMO. And All Through the House - The second episode in the first season of Tales From the Crypt, and this is still my favourite episode of the show. It's fun, it's atmospheric and it's awesome! A really cool episode, and it does say a lot that it is the best of the show. 10/10
  24. Seems like a lot of the rumors about Abbath being hard to work with is starting to make some sense. Kevin Foley (Creature) and Per Valla are both out of the bands, and Abbath and King ov Hell are the only two left, and both are known to be way to hard on the drugs. It's starting to look as if Horgh and Demonaz shoul get a reward for holding out with the guy as long as they did.
  25. By the way, this one deserves a mention as well: This deserves a mention for the fabolous poster alone, but the film is as good as the poster. Not too far behind The Great Mouse Detective in my eyes.
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