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Everything posted by Crube

  1. Crube

    The meowing in the first sukekiyo album would make a lot more sense in that store. Also, tequilla sucks.
  2. Honestly? If they want to give work with the high flyers, they should really bring back the Cruiserweight Title. Not everyone has to go for those two large pennies known as the Tag Team Title nor the stupid looking WWE Shield belt. Sure, we have the Intercontinental and U.S. belts, but with the Cruiserweight belt, it can really emphasize the agility of the high flyer wrestlers such as Neville. Also, I really can't wait to see KENTA wreck some shit in the main programming. He really doesn't need to work on mic. All he needs to do is go in, clean house, and GTS the crap out of others. I agree with Balor coming in as well. I just hope they don't mess with his character too much. Did you see that he re-twat the furry fan art of himself on his Twitter account?
  3. From the looks of it, it seems that's the case, but then again it could be from both. As far as NXT talent jumping onto the main programming? I just hope they go somewhere with Adrian Neville. He gets really good pops and I don't know if it's the writers, but it's funny how they leave out his weight during the billing. After all, he is the man that gravity forgot, which makes weight irrelevant for Neville.
  4. Crube

    So, I might have to try out the new DBZ game. Also, I need a next generation console first.
  5. Crube

    Tempted to download it, but I rather wait for the release.
  6. Crube

    I bought a bag of Candy Honeycomb and a chicken rubber stamp. Clearly I was bored.
  7. Crube

    I was trying to aim for that. Don't get me wrong, I love Digimon.
  8. Crube

  9. Crube

    It looks like someone just scattered a lot of pogs and decided to call it a menu.
  10. Crube

    Really? I was going to say something like Friendster, but that works too.
  11. Crube

    Wait, really?
  12. Crube

    So... this is a no go?
  13. Crube

    I'm excited more about Ant-Man over Age of Ultron. Yeah sure, there's Captain America and the such, but it's time for the lesser known heroes to shine. And by lesser known, I meant to the people that have never picked up a comic book their entire life.
  14. Crube

    I recall an earlier discussion with me and my mates several years ago about watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time 3D at the local movie theater. Sure, I'm a fan of childrens card games, but I wasn't sure about paying full 3D movie ticket price for a OVA. So, while I was browsing through Best Buy the other day, I stumbled upon a DVD copy of the OVA for a good seven dollars. It's not bad for a small OVA and if this were to be released like... in the Suncoast era, it would have been four times the amount for the DVD. Also, it would be available on VHS as well. Either way, I needed a little bit more source material since Sting lost at Wrestlemania Play Button and my challenge was to type up a crack fiction between Juudai and Yuusei. Anyway, this turned out just as I expected unfortunately, a very long Yu-Gi-Oh! episode with more card playing than ever. That actually took up the chunk of the OVA itself. For some reason, I expected more character interactions between the three protagonist from the different eras. Something along the lines of "Oh wow, Juudai, your hair is normal compared to Yuusei and I!" While I didn't get a lot of character background from the OVA, I was left with a fun little card game.
  15. Yeah, that talking segment with Rousey, The Rock, and The Authority dragged on and on. Too bad the entrances for Sting and Wyatt was ruined due to the presence of the Sun. Imagine how brilliant it would have been to see the full force of the fireflies along with the scarecrows for Wyatt. (Pretty sure I stated that already, but it warrants another mention I guess.) Also, I didn't expect a lot of an upgrade for Sting's entrance considering they probably used the majority of the budget solely on bedazzling a Sgt. Peppers Club jacket for him. The crowd was weird for Mania, but the crowd really goes all out when it comes to the Raw After Mania. Everything from the Suplex City chants to New Day Sucks really shows the smarks in the crowd. And typically, it's the entire crowd that are smarks in these types of shows. However, I am curious as to where they are taking Ambrose. I hope he continues on with the Roddy Piper meets Steve Austin type persona he has going on and he's a genuinely nice person outside of the ring and gimmick. It is amusing how the crowd seemed to turn on Reigns since last years Royal Rumble, but people forget or choose to forget that it was either him or Batista and not a lot of people wants to see a part-time wrestler make it to a main event. (Although, this didn't stop The Rock from doing two ONCE IN A LIFETIME match with Cena two years in a row.) One of the many complaints I see for Reigns is that he sucks on the mic. I agree, but why couldn't we have a wrestler that is just about intimidation and wrestlingentertaining rather than how good he is at the mic. Not everyone has to try to outmic the likes of The Rock or Phill Brooks. Also, sucks for Augayo Jr. I saw this weeks ago, but I didn't know how much people here knew about the event let alone the wrestler involved that isn't No Knees Mysterio. As far as Kane? He seems to have something stable to fall on after he eventually retires from the Dub Dub EEEEE. He and his wife started their own isurance company in Knoxville, Tennessee. After all, this guy is pretty smart and it really blows ones mind when they actually hear him discuss all things politics, finances, and so forth. (Although, his support for Ron Paul and Ru Paul is kind of weird, but to each their own.) Big Show on the other hand? I guess he can be the butt end of jokes for large guys in every family friendly movie that comes out from now until the end of time.
  16. Typically the Raw after Mania tends to be the best Raw. Usually in the form of the crowds though. I'm still waiting for them to make Orton the next Stone Cold by giving him a leather vest with a viper on the back, R:KO on one side on the front and ORTON on the other. It also didn't help out Bray's typical fireflies entrance either. Imagine it being dark with the fireflies AND the scarecrows.
  17. Crube

    I thought that was not uncommon in Tumbler?
  18. Crube

  19. Crube

    I'll give it a try if I can find it on DVD somewhere. Speaking of Digimon Adventure, I'm happy that they have the subbed version on Netflix. The opening is a lot nicer than the cheesy pseudo-rap thing they tried to do for the English dubbed version.
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