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Everything posted by Naaaaani

  1. Pretty solid stuff, sweet
  2. Naaaaani

    It would be awesome to hear some new Scissors garden stuff. But he is too lazy, lol.
  3. Yohio just registered as "xxx" and still trying to promote his weaboocore? What a tryhard.
  4. I'm the one who liked both "Madrigal de Maria" and "GANGSTA", lol
  5. Naaaaani

    I can't understand when and why this guy became so retarded and why he can't write godlike music anymore like he did in 80s-90s.
  6. Naaaaani

    Happy birthday, pinkmakona!
  7. Naaaaani

    Lol, what a shitty pop-rock they are playing now. Honestly, this band has died for me since their "Diamond" single.
  8. Naaaaani

    Awesome news
  9. Never liked this band and their poppy sound but "BANG ME" was fucking awesome
  10. God damn you, Rare. Please release some not live-only shit.
  11. Naaaaani

    Why this shit is in the News section? First disreign, then bataar and now this shitty russian alternative.
  12. Naaaaani

    Sounds pretty nice though, lol
  13. Naaaaani

    Just use proxy or VPN, lol
  14. It's ok, vk is already dead so it can't become worse even with this shit
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