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Everything posted by Naaaaani

  1. Comparing Kyo and his fanboy Mao is still funny in 2018? Nice then.
  2. We need a new album. And a new Kyo.
  3. Naaaaani

    Would be nice if that reunion would never happen
  4. Oshare gods of generic songwriting are still trying hard in 2018
  5. Naaaaani

  6. Naaaaani

    Now bring Thera back on bass
  7. Pretty unskilled vocalist, generic riffs/structure, awful mixing and mastering as was said before. Much work to do, improve these things or be another one low budget weeb-kei band.
  8. Naaaaani

    Kyon, where are you?
  9. I don't see any reasons why this band is still alive
  10. Naaaaani

    Lold like never before, 10/10
  11. Naaaaani

    Breaking news, lol. Delete the thread ffs.
  12. Naaaaani

    Nope, it's not her. This is the real one: https://twitter.com/kyon_chima0425
  13. They are already dead as a band for a long time, so not a big loss for the scene
  14. Naaaaani

    The last hope of visual kei
  15. Naaaaani

    Visual kei belongs to white people, they will make visual kei great again
  16. Naaaaani

    Where can I donate to cure his mental illness? Even yohio with his coverband looks better. Western vk tryhards should die in pain, no discuss.
  17. Naaaaani

    Ah, good old terrorism-kei الله أكبر
  18. Naaaaani

    Both should burn in a bioreactor /thread
  19. Naaaaani

    Man, you just need to RTFM to understand the truth what @reminiscing2004 tries to say. Vinyl is an analogue media, it doesn't have all these bits and sampling.
  20. Naaaaani

    Only 2 metal songs, kurenai and X, and much yoshiki shit, so predictable. Also, cutting Art of life is a blasphemy.
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