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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    I love how Ray accuses everyone else of talking a lot when he's the one who usually talks the most LOL. especially at instores he just can't. stop. talking. totally not complaining though since he's fucking adorable. and i fangirl over him too much.. which @Mihi can attest to
  2. hiroki

    i'll post them soon. i can't seem to find my copy of yougenkyo 3 but i'll try looking again later..
  3. Ongakusenkasha, which publishes the monthly visual kei magazine SHOXX, ceases operations and files for bankruptcy. The company owes an estimated 4 hundred million yen in debt. Source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160920-00010000-teikokudb-ind
  4. There's also an interview accompanying this comment video which you can read in the glamhaze thread.
  5. hiroki

    glamhaze was featured on ViSULOG today Comment movie: Interview: Q: Please tell us more about the formation of glamhaze. SaToRu: We've been working together since our previous band... Ray: and the members wanted a new impetus... Neru: that was when I joined... Hayato: and we became... YOSHI: glamhaze. Q: How did your band's name come about? SaToRu: It's a combination of glam, as in "glamor," and haze--the cloud of mist that everyone has deep down in their heart. We formed glamhaze because we wanted to sing about things people tend to conceal. Ray: So one origin of our band's name is the paradox between elements that are in conflict with each other. Neru: Yeah, basically what they said *laughs* Hayato: The meaning behind our name is important, but we decided to go with "glamhaze" also because the name has a nice ring to it. YOSHI: Initially we tried to select a name from the ones we had assembled together. When we thought hard about which name among these is able to express the connotations and wordview we wanted to pursue, we decided on glamhaze. Q: Tell us more about the appeal of glamhaze. SaToRu: As our name suggests, the appeal lies in our lyrics which reflect what's deep down in people's heart, as well music that's easy to get into. Ray: You can't find a band whose lives are like ours! Neru: I think in various ways we are a rather dramatic band. Hayato: Great songwriting and great vocals. YOSHI: Our songs are easy on the ears, and we can get people excited at lives. Another personal appeal in my case is the attention we pay to setting up our drums--that's something you'll be able to see at our lives. Q: What's SaToRu like? Ray: He's more self-disciplined than everyone else. He's also more idiotic than everyone else. Neru: He's like the protagonist of a manga *laughs* Hayato: He's a genius. Who has zero sense of direction. YOSHI: He's surprisingly clueless! *laughs* Q: What about Ray? SaToRu: He's serious, but occasionally frivolous. Neru: Loves to mess around *laughs* [*word is "charai" which describes someone who's not very serious, flamboyant, loves to mess around/chat people up, etc... you get the idea] Hayato: He's a fake half. YOSHI: He's THE star of our band. [*the word is "hanagata" which refers to the person in a group who's most capable of attracting attention] Q. And Neru? SaToRu:The little brother in our band. He's cute, but when he's playing his guitar solo he suddenly becomes a different person. Ray: He's like the classic otaku, but he talks a lot and has a ton of jokes up his sleeves! Hayato: Otaku. Pertaining to various things. His personality is kinda similar to mine. YOSHI: He has lots of talents and is interesting. He's quite playful too. Q: Hayato? SaToRu: He's an idiot. But he taught me a lot about the good stuff in music. Ray: He talks a lot. And rather kind. And he talks a lot. Neru: He's a "small giant" [*this can mean various things, e.g. someone who's petite but has a big heart] YOSHI: He's a man of sense. He has diverse tastes in music. On the other hand, he's short. Q: And finally YOSHI? SaToRu: He's smart, and he's the joker of our group. Ray: The joker. Neru: Joker. Hayato: Ditto. Q: What can we expect from your 4th single "Last Scene"? SaToRu: It depicts the scene of separation between a guy and a girl. It's a rather heartbreaking and moving song. Ray: There are lots of nuanced connotations within the song, and this isn't a song that you will get everything out of just with 1 listen. Neru: It's a song full of details and connotations--in that sense it's an epic song. Hayato: Just like the final scene of a drama, it's a song that unfolds in a dramatic fashion. YOSHI: It's a heartbreaking song even by glamhaze's standards, but that's not everything. While we recorded the track with emphasis on the vocals, there are certain points where they are foregrounded and others where they recede. That's the kind of texture we had in mind when we recorded it. Q: What are you looking forward to when it comes to your one man live "Under the skies of the city"? SaToRu: There's always an ending to any story, and that's when a new story begins. This live will be when one such story draws to a close, and in order for us to be able to embrace the next challenge we will want to challenge our limits at this live. Ray: We want to make this a day that fans who come to see us won't forget. We won't take a single note or a single moment for granted. Neru: This will be an important point for us, and we want to give everything we've got. Hayato: We want to move as many people as possible, and we'll work hard to achieve that. YOSHI: This day will mark the conclusion of one drama. We will bring to the fans the climax of our story that had begun in January. We want to show them how much we have grown as a band, as well as individually, so please look forward to the 8th of October and come to see us at O-WEST! Q: Any final message to the readers of ViSULOG? SaToRu: For newcomers, and those who already know us, please come and see glamhaze live! You'll then be able to experience the full depth of glamhaze such as our lyrics and the "kyara" of our members [*kyara is the "character" that bandmen put up]. Ray: Thanks for reading! We're serious in bringing good music to you. We'll be having our oneman at O-WEST on 10/8 so please come even if it's just this once! Neru: For those new to glamhaze, as well as those who are familiar with us already, let's have fun together at our live!! Hayato: For now please search "glamhaze" in youtube. YOSHI: I'm YOSHI on drums. We have been around for less than a year as glamhaze, but since we formed we haven't slowed down in bringing you lives and new releases. So please come have fun at our one-man at O-WEST on 10/8!! --- Source: http://v-kei.jp/pickup/?pickupId=72
  6. hiroki

  7. hiroki

    lol i doubt i'm persuasive enough to change minds when it comes to music taste, but it will def be nice if more people can get to know them and maybe like them? haha. one main purpose of these artist threads is for me (and other fans of the band) to share random/ridiculous/fun info or pics without spamming the official news threads ceaselessly. i always feel like this is such an impt part of the vk experience that's often disregarded as delusional "fangirling" among foreign fans, which is quite unfortunate. but that's a whole different topic altogether lol. MORE LOVE FOR GLAMHAZE PLS and yes i totally agree with what @chemicalpicturessaid about satoru's emotional tone. he puts everything into his singing without being overdramatic (hello kamijo), and listening to satoru feels like sitting down and being told a story. he's also capable of so many styles but i love his heartbreaking ballads the most. contrary to what most ppl think, i find ballads among the most demanding to pull off (well) because if you're simply not good enough, there's not nearly enough background instrumentals or effects to cover your ass this song still kills me:
  8. hiroki

    i agree that "mousou spice" is a little iffy for me too. i guess i'm just more fussy with jazzy songs in general, and like, it's kinda hard to make a jazzy song in the vk style that's distinctive and memorable (so far only anfiel does it for me, but that's just me haha). have you heard the B-side of mousou spice though? that's actually my favorite glamhaze song *_*
  9. hiroki

    @Yukimotoyup basically what echo said. oneman lives are especially important for indies bands because they are usually thought of as a barometer of the band's popularity. so even if i can't go, i usually buy the ticket nonetheless, which counts as 1 "mobilized fan" for them. ofc i don't do this for all bands i follow, that would be crazy haha. there are also cases where these people i pay to see the band become their fans after the live, which is a nice bonus lol. @Mihi why haven't you listened to their first 2 singles???
  10. ジャシー(JASSY) new maxi single "Journey / シークレットナイトパーティー(secret night party)" (2 songs, 1,000yen) will be released on 2016/10/12.
  11. hiroki

    Info for their last live is out: 2016/12/11 HOLIDAY OSAKA FoLLoW LAST ONEMAN "Bokura no monogatari." ("Our story") Open:17:30 Start18:00 ¥3,000 excluding drink fee Tickets go on sale 10/22(土) A: e+ http://sort.eplus.jp/sys/T1U14P0010843P006001P002203961P0030001 B: FoLLoW buppan C: Day ticket There's no band reservation. You're eligible for a 6-shot after the live if you spend more than 3000 yen at buppan. tagging @CloudyTree since i think he's going
  12. hiroki

    HELLO! i didn't know you like them too :DDD when will you be back in japan?
  13. hiroki

    lol i try to keep it to 4-5 >_> that doesn't mean i succeed all the time haha. omg i totally forget it's on the same day as the FoLLoW live XD nope they don't usually tweet about their deban.. it'll be such a shame if you miss them though >_> umm i guess i can try asking but i think bands usually only find out really close to the actual taiban? aaaand don't even mention disbandment ._. i'm living in perpetual fear of seeing 大切なお知らせ tweets on my timeline. i really hope glamhaze can become a big band because they deserve it ;3
  14. LONDBOY will hold a one-man tour 10/14 Nagoya ell.FITS ALL 10/16 OSAKA RUIDO 10/22 TSUTAYA O-WEST
  15. hiroki

    Lolol dont worry i totally get that XD it can be super exhausting to keep up with multiple bands at once orz. i've been following them forever but they have always been in my '2nd tier' of bands... but now that FoLLoW is disbanding i have one free slot to promote someone into wheee i really hope you get to see them again soon though!! actually they have a oneman at o-west on 10/8 but it's a saturday so i doubt you'll be able to make it >_> i'm kinda excited + worried at the same time since it's a big venue. i'll probably be paying a friend to go for me~
  16. hiroki

    @echo i had absolutely no idea you like them as well :'))) @Yukimoto omg yes... i literally can't wait for last scene! the preview sounds stunning already. today they did an acoustic ver. of last scene and covered the theme song of 'kimi no namae wa' at their fiveStars instore anyway.. any favorite songs? member? lol.
  17. hiroki

    グラムヘイズ (glamhaze) Active: 2016.01.29~present Vo. SaToRu [twitter] Gt. Ray [twitter] Gt. Neru [twitter] Ba. 芹沢隼人(Serizawa Hayato) [twitter] Dr. YOSHI [twitter] || Official Homepage || Band Discography || I thought i'll start a thread for グラムヘイズ as I've been following them closely since JILLED RAY. I'll update with misc news of the bands so pls follow if you're interested in them as well!! Address for fanletters/gifts/etc.:
  18. hiroki

    i also think ソノ嘘ホント and Muzzle are their best releases so far! i loved all the tracks off ソノ嘘ホント - only complaint i have being wtf is with that cover art??? their early releases weren't bad by any means though! i hope i can catch them live one day >_>
  19. hiroki

    i'm not even that big a fan of the Raid. but that video was really..... the flowers at 3:00 with a message card that read "To all Raiders who couldn't come today: Thank you so much as always. From the Raid." was just the sweetest thing ever T_T
  20. i'll probably be crucified by people here for saying this, but when it comes to lolita23q i'm on #teamsoshi XD still happy to see sou back though, he's been gone for too long since lemming disbanded
  21. the LOTUS will continue with the same 4 members, and Ryuto will be both in lolita23q and the LOTUS. source: tsubasa's blog
  22. ^ wow, probably their best look so far. not sure why but mell looks veryy different from early jassy lol. hoping for a new release soon!
  23. hiroki

    I'm surprised the font size for Miyuu isn't 10x bigger than the rest of their members LOL count me as a fan
  24. hiroki

    Artois will disband after their live at Fukuoka DRUM Be-1 on 2016/10/25.
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