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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

  2. hiroki

    damn, they have such awful luck with members. i hope they press on cos i fucking love them T_T
  3. hiroki

    Just a heads up that you can get either Type-A or B of DVDs containing live footage from their last live if you purchase more than 5000 yen of stuff from their webshop, or both if you spend >10000 yen. Last day for placing orders is 4/30. https://axkey.base.shop/
  4. hiroki

    mine but i haven't really been updating haha
  5. honestly not a big fan of their new look (wtf mizuki?), but curious about what the limited single sounds like o.0
  6. hiroki

    shibuya's still as adorbz as ever
  7. hiroki

    Yeah agreed. oh wait... thought you were referring to your respective profound comments in forum threads.
  8. hiroki

    All members are ex-Lux
  9. hiroki

    i love it<3
  10. hiroki

    super happy about this T_____T have been waiting for masaya haha. btw Dr. Keita is ex-LAGNA, Ba. Yuzuki is ex-Irodori. Don't recognize the other 2
  11. hiroki

    yeah i figured it would help to have snippets of songs i like, but i always get super distracted by the songs when i'm editing the vid lol. you're welcome and thanks for listening
  12. hiroki

    @chemicalpicturesyay glad to know you enjoyed those bands too! LOVE LOCK's singles were both good, but 東京パブリック is my fave. it sucks that Kai left, hopefully they can find someone to take his place although i'm not too optimistic. it's kinda depressing that the DOPES guys came back after so long (e.g. Jun in REVLOW) but disappeared again. @yakihikotbh I never paid much attention to Ryoga as well when ViViD was around (Team Shin ftw) but his vocals surprised me would be great if they had more vk visuals haha, but i'm not complaining cos i really enjoy the music. @The Reverendaww, thanks for always reading my lists!! <3 as for lagless, ironically i've been supporting them from way before cos i knew dog (their vocalist, also the guy in my profile pic haha) from the host scene even though their first 2 singles were tbh a little iffy for me. so you can imagine all the delight/relief/regret i felt when literally the last thing they wrote blew me away x.x agreed on FAB too, they're so underrated and i hope more ppl can know about them! @Neurosisthanks for listening! hope you found some songs you like
  13. hiroki

    @Hanieli'm glad you found some songs you like in my lists thanks for listening!
  14. hiroki

    hi!! i know it's almost march, but in the spirit of "tradition" here are my end-of-year lists, which i've almost forgotten to do if it weren't for some friends who have been asking as the title of this post implies, here are the releases i enjoyed most from 2017 without staking any claim for them being the "best." in fact it's likely that you'll either love most of them or hate all of them as i have scant patience for artificially padding my lists in some vague interest of showcasing "variety." there are 3 lists in total: top 10 albums & mini albums, top 10 singles, top 10 limited releases (i.e. distros, live-limited, digital releases, etc.) i apologize for not having time to write comments for individual releases as i used to, but i'll be delighted to know your thoughts if you have any (either specific or general) so feel free to leave a comment below <333 Top 10 Albums & Mini Albums In this list I omitted best albums or compilations of sorts. I figured this is the only way to avoid a situation where the list is dominated by a bunch of disbanding bands pitting their entire discographies against one another (glamhaze, BLESSCODE, Astaria, BLaive, etc.) which is frankly quite ridiculous. This also means, sadly, that Purple Stone's album is out, even if i fucking love it ;_; overall this is the weakest list among the three. there were a lot of releases in the bracket that ranges from 'enjoyable' to 'very good' but there wasn't one that really blew the rest out of the water. and yes, i potentially hear shouts of 'is this even vk??' but i'm not about to wade into that debate lol. btw shin is sexy, yup Top 10 Singles as always this is where all the competition lies. GARAK'S, Acephale, DEVIZE, Dangan no LIMIT, IGGY, LAVANS, CLOWD, Jack+MW all put out releases that didn't make the list but had songs that i'd be happy to loop on end for a couple of weeks. Top 10 Limited Releases aka "the great depression." honestly, making this list every year is always an emotionally draining experience. this year is without doubt the worst: of the 10 bands here, only 1.5 survives today (anfiel, and sheepsleep in their new lineup without kairu). everyone else is gone T____T still, i continue to do it because a lot of bands here are particularly close to my heart and i think of this as a way of paying tribute to how huge a part these bands/bandmen have played in my life. #1 here is also #1 of the year for me. thank you for reading/listening!!
  15. hiroki

    omg, i really really like it
  16. hiroki

    They first performed their new song ガラス越しの君へ last month at a live I was at, and I still can't get over how emotional Ohayuuki got when he was singing it T_T I'm glad they were able to at least record it and put it in their last album <333 Gonna listen to it and die 123712938 times haha
  17. hiroki

    omg reading @echo's live reports is literally one of the few things i come on MH for these days haha. i really wish i could capture the mood and live atmosphere as well as she does but i think it's impossible ._. anyway, because lux is such a fucking important band to me i just want to add on to what she wrote, even if it feels like my words are so inadequate T_T
  18. hiroki

    finally managed to get phase faith's 'WILL' after a couple of years of wondering if it was ever released, together with their new single which i never knew existed either o.o; as well as: yoh's beautiful song he wrote for his bro's wedding, anfiel's re-recording of 'timeless' distributed at their 3rd anniv one-man on 1/21, and lux's dvd they gave out before their last live on 1/22.
  19. hiroki

    bleached my hair some time ago
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