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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Uh ........ Ok, lol.

  2. My fellow Americans, rest a tad easier watching your porno lol



  3. Gotta love 2016.

  4. Good luck guys.


  5. Dis Game doe.

  6. I'm going to fucking destroy Chromium. How in the hell are you still on my PC?

  7. Finally! I got my FF DLC Codes.


  8. I actually got epsxe to run on launchbox.


    Holy shit. 

  9. Tokyo Winter Fashion looks very disappointing this year.

  10. Holy shit. That ransomware epidemic is no fucking joke.

  11. People trolling each other up at this donald Trump rally haha.


    Gotta love stupid people on social media.

  12. I'm getting real tired of your shit YAHOO.

  13. Just found out they are opening a SUPERDRY store in chicago.


    I am so happy and pissed at the same time.

  14. God I love being right.

  15. "Top coffee pot is my stuff." "I dont drink that peasant's shit." Hahaha god I love getting my haircut in the morning.

  16. Shit, I really need get things done before I start classes again.

  17. Shit, I'm forgetting people's birthdays left and right.

  18. Boy, does my coffee taste really good this morning.

  19. Sometimes I wonder if I should, or really should.

    Eh. Soon.

  20. Doing a good job there bud.

  21. Dem tracks are too crisp, please stahp.

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