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Everything posted by Alsdead14

  1. Alsdead14

    Oh ok Still, first row is amazing, you get to see them very close and stuff Omg, I would die to hear Genesis live! Or Sphere, or the original Libra. and Strike in fact. XD there's too many. On another note, I still remember my only j-rock/v-kei show, Dir en grey, 8 years ago. I had no voice at the end of the show, best show ever. They rocked the crap out of it! They played Kodou, my favorite song ever. I screamed my lungs out when he does the scream when the song stops a little and then the other scream. I swear all the people around me were like wtf XD anyway, this song means so much to me. Have you seen any other jrock/v-kei band in show?
  2. Alsdead14

    I remember when I came here only for the news and used trombe's posts to post on some blog. That was 8 years ago. I don't know what happened and it doesn't concern me, so yeah. I did like a few bands because of his posts but I'm pretty sure people will still post things and I'll be able to read news about my favorite bands even if he's not around anymore. You did a good job Trombe, may you find happiness elsewhere.
  3. Alsdead14

    Hey! You're welcome! You're so lucky you've seem them live! I own their latest dvd and it's amazing, I just can't imagine hearing Genesis's solo in my face XD Destroyed? You probably headbang and moshpit during the whole thing? Did they played songs from ZeTeS? Yeah, on my profile I wrote other bands I like, feel free to check it out or ask me bands I like, I might make you discover some new.
  4. Alsdead14

    Hey! I just commented your art post and wanted to welcome you to the forum! I'm kinda new too but eh I see you like Dir en grey and Nocturnal Bloodlust! I love those 2 bands! I also like D and Deviloof. Hope we see eachother on here!
  5. Alsdead14

    Wow! Must took you lots of time to do those. You seem pretty talented. I stumble on your post on random, but would love to see your painting. I knew kyo have a lot of tattoes, but not that much! If you ever feel like posting your painting I would like to see them!
  6. Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know. It's impossible for them to have choosen someone so fast. On another note I've been following them almost since they started, I really wonder how they're going to go on without anzi. Loved every album except avalon.
  7. Did they choose a new guitarist yet? (I think anzi didn't leave yet, or maybe I'm wrong) . Anyway, good news for the mini looking foward to it!
  8. Alsdead14

    Anyone still playing Battleborn? Currently playing it, waiting for Final Fantasy 15 soon, Persona 5 and Tales of Berseria next year!
  9. Cool! Really looking to hear music from then now!
  10. Cool to see they played some old songs Quiet wish is so epic! My favorite song by them
  11. Alsdead14

    I feel like I haven't listen to them since ONE. I kinda like it, need the full song now
  12. Alsdead14

    Nice new look! Their last dvd was purely amazing and I look forward to that album! They release stuff so fast, my poor wallet lolz.
  13. This is purely amazing! Dir en grey is back, hell yeah! Can't wait for the whole song now
  14. Alsdead14

    I'm glad they played Nobady songs! THE ANTHEM is a really nice song
  15. Alsdead14

    Cool! Never heard of ORGE though.
  16. Alsdead14

    Good news! I enjoyed Nobady quite a lot. I wonder who will be the singer?
  17. Alsdead14

    Miko is as stuning as ever!
  18. Alsdead14

    Puzzle est bien, j'ai bien aimé cet era là. Chaque album de alsdead amène un nouveau son, mais ils restent fidèles à leur base electro. Kill the King est juste sublime Oh et si jamais tu veux découvrir des groupes, hésite pas à me contacter, j'en connais pas mal. Je connais pas mal de vieux groupes d'avant 2010, j'avais un dossier de musique avec au dessus de 300 groupes. Pour ce qui est des nouveaux groupes, je suis pas vraiment une référence. J'ai un peu de misère avec les nouveaux, ça sonne souvent pareil. Mais j'aime bien BLESSCODE et Defiloof.
  19. Wow, I've been following this band for a long time now. Shame he leaves, I hope the new drummer will be as awesome as he is!
  20. Alsdead14

    Salut vous deux! Alimentons un peu la discussion! Y'a-t-il des groupes que vous avez vous dans votre pays ou encore même si vous avez été au Japon? De mon côté, ça remonte à loin, j'ai vu Dir en grey en 2008 à Montréal, j'avais pu de voix à la fin. Meilleur show ever!
  21. Alsdead14

    Hey! Je te souhaite la bienvenue aussi! Tu aimes ALSDEAD, devenons amis
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