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Posts posted by Alsdead14

  1. 20 hours ago, echo said:

    @Alsdead14no problem! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^ of course I'm going to their first one man!! I'm leaving work early just to make it in time! LOL I'm also going to the 2nd one!! And okay I'll try to make a live report... my live reports suck though. It's usually like "THEY PLAYED SONGS AND IT WAS AWESOME" haahaha I'm gonna go see them on the 16th so I should be able to get KAMIKAZE when I go!! :DD

    :) COOOOOOOl! YAY FOR KAMIKAZE :D. But haha, no prob for the report lol. Just telling what songs they played would be just enough for me :D and also thanks for the disco! I'll make sure to check it out! But I think you already sent me what I was missing.

  2. Omg that picture lol. Thanks for the translation! I'm very happy to now the meaning of TRA TRA TRA. Also, nice interview, I wish I could see their first one-man, I really like their music, oh well =) You'll go, right? If possible, make a report! That would be AWESOME! And now, I really want to hear KAMIKAZE, just how they describe it, omg lol, I'm dying inside. Thanks again! :D 

  3. 18 hours ago, echo said:

    I'm not sure if they're planning on releasing a full album any time soon. They haven't hinted at it at all from what I've seen. Hopefully there will be one soon though!!

    Altighy then. I'm following this thread so I'll know when they will announce one or any pvs/mvs :D

  4. 20 hours ago, echo said:

    Yeah I have it! I can try ripping it for you when I find it! I just moved recently so everything's in boxes still haha


    Omg Inazuma! that's also up there for me haha. and they are ALL epic live!!


    Yeah I've heard of Rentrer en soi. I don't think I ever got super into them though. I think I was too obsessed with Gazette at the time haha

    OMG. If you ever rip that dvd, I would be eternally thankful to you lol. All of my favorite songs were played during those 3 lives, the set-list is badass.

    Yeah Inazuma was badass, loved that single. I also enjoy their days as Dice & Joker (I own the album). Always loved the moto they put at the beginning of their career : Mental disorder to be the basis or something like that. I swear that their songs always helped me in life, and will always. 

    Rentrer en soi has a lot of good songs. Their best-of album contains most of them! If you ever want to re-listen to them, I can always suggest some songs.

    What about 9GOATSBLACKOUT? The song 690min is purely amazing lolz. Anyway, we can chat in inbox if you prefer =O.

  5. 5 hours ago, echo said:

    They're so good live!!! I hope they're back by the time you come to Japan!! 


    I bought the limited edition DVD for the last few lives they did before hiatus... is that different than the live-limited DVD?


    Favorite song is... difficult to say.. so many!! haha. hmm.. top five (in no particular order) are maybe KILL THE KING, STARLESS, D.9.N, FLASH BACK, and Peggy-O.... but I also love Life of Sorrow, Cynical and Adrenaline... yeahh.. lol How about you?


    Just looked up Para:noir and D.I.D. They basically have the same sound... which makes sense if it's mostly the same members haha. I'm loving the bass in Para:noir's Merciless sorrow! Not really the vocals that I'm usually into, but they sound pretty good ^^


    Wow I was really surprised when I looked up Galneryus! His English sounds so good! haha I'm liking what I hear so far! :D

    Wow, now I'm really looking foward to seing them live :)

    Yeah, it's that dvd lol, the one with their 3 last shows I think? The one with like 37 songs live XD I wish I would find it on the net, omg. 

    I agree with your favorites songs! Those are killer!

    Mine would go, KILL THE KING, Life of sorrow, F-99, Hero, Inazuma. But I love every single one of them.

    Glad you enjoy Para:noir and D.I.D.

    Galneryus changed their vocalist since like 2010, but they sounds amazing now too! 

    You probably know the band Rentrer en soi?

  6. 2 hours ago, echo said:


    aww that's too bad. I hope you can see them whenever they get off of hiatus!!


    and yeah, I saw them a bunch haha. Especially right before they went on hiatus cos they had so many one mans. I even skipped work for one of them haha


    sweet! thanks for the recommendations! I'll check them out!

    Oh wow, that's so nice! I'm sure they sound amazing live!

    I would of skip work for them too lol. I would skip a bunch of things just to hear them live and hear all my fav songs.

    What are you favorite songs from ALSDEAD?

    Did you buy their live-limited dvd? I'm dying to see it, someone uploaded the audio but never the video. Just curious =O

    Thanks! I'm hoping to be able to traval to Japan in the nearest future but before they need to get back from hiatus lol.

    No prob for the recommendations. For Para:noir you'll have a hard time to find songs on youtube, they made people delete their songs.

    As for D.I.D. (Most members of Para:noir formed that band) I would recommand : the Point of No Return, the resolution (there's a newer version on youtube), acedia (most of their songs from the album of 2012 are good).

  7. 14 hours ago, echo said:


    haha thanks!! Have you ever seen ALSDEAD live?? ^^


    ooo I'll try both those bands!

    I've heard of THE BLACK SWAN! I saw them live a few times!

    I wish I would of seen ALSDEAD live lolz. I live in Canada and never went to Japan, they did came to USA but I wasn't able to made it.

    I presume you saw them live a lot? :)


    The only jrock band I saw live was Dir en grey in 2008 and it was purely amazing!

    For Para:noir, I suggest lily of the valley, identity, December 24, Nihilism, blindness MARIA and merciless sorrow -666-.

    For Galneryus, Quiet Wish, Alsatia, Angel of Salvation, Everlasting, The Flag of reincarnation, Wind of change, Silent Revelation.

    On my profile I wrote some of the band I like, you may or may not find some that you don't know!

  8. Hey! Since I stumble upon your lyrics of ALSDEAD, I thought I might welcome you to the forum as well!

    I also like Deluhi, the GazettE and of course ALSDEAD.

    I have many bands to suggest, lately I've been into Para:noir (now it's D.I.D.)

    If you like power metal, you can try Galneryus. 

    There's also THE BLACK SWAN which is nice, if you ever listened to Nega.

    Feel free to ask for other bands! And have a great time here!

  9. 11 hours ago, echo said:

    Alsdead is one of my favorite bands too!! I really hope they come back from hiatus soon ><

    I would like to eventually translate all of their songs, but it's a slow process haha. I'll try to do Trickster next!

    Cool! They are so talented, Maki's voice is so powerful and Shin's solos are tight. They are all good lolz. Nikky's drumming added something new to ALSDEAD as well.

    I check the news here everyday in hope to see a new topic titled : ALSDEAD to come back from hiatus. lol. It's been 10 months and I really need new music from them! I own every album and single they released except for the live dvd, I crave to have it so much.

    Thank you! I would really appreciate even if it's not Trickster :) I'll make sure to check it out once you translate any new song!

  10. 16 hours ago, echo said:

    @Alsdead14yeah I loved this song the first time I heard it. Hits me right in the feels haha and yes, himitsu means secret ^^

    Ok cool! I love every song of alsdead :) It's my favorite band haha.

    And yeah that song is very emotional.


    Will you translate any of their songs in the future?


    I very like the song Trickster but I was never able to find translation for it as far as I remember.

  11. Any news on D.ID.? I'm relistening to Para:noir and D.I.D., and I haven't heard anything since they anounced the digital release of songs. 

  12. Thanks for taking your time to find the picture, I appreciate it. I love all kind of art, as I write poems myself. But they are all in french (I'm french btw lol)

    My dream is to go to Japan, honestly. 

    A trip around Japan must of been cool, visiting the big cities or countyside.

    and yeah, shopping and concerts must cost a lot. So you must have lots of goodies, cds, dvds of bands? 

    I buy a lot from cdjapan, but now it's mostly Nokubura or lynch. stuff that I buy.

    I just listened to Kasumi, it's quite a nice song. I remember hearing it. But the name didn't ring a bell.

    and for the 3rd birthday, I think I listened to 1-2 songs, I don't know them much but I did listen to Balalaika's new song, it's quite good.

  13. Wow. That's an awesome list! And yes indeed, there's probably people who saw more live bands.

    D=OUT, Satsuki,  Girugamesh, Miyavi and D, OZ, and the 3rd birthday. Those bands I would of like to see them live!

    D=OUT in 2010 means Carnival Ukiyo, my favorite album by them. Wow just wow :)

    You guys in europe are lucky to have so many bands that comes.

    I did had the chance to see Matenrou Opera in Canada and One ok rock this month, but no one to go with and I was working too, so yeah.

    Kasumi? Probably heard it, I'll have to check it out.

    On another note, have you thought about posting your paintings? I'm pretty sure they're very nice, because of your skills with doll painting. (I won't ask you again and sorry if I ask again :) ) 

  14. Oh ok :) Still, first row is amazing, you get to see them very close and stuff :D

    Omg, I would die to hear Genesis live! Or Sphere, or the original Libra. and Strike in fact. XD there's too many.


    On another note, I still remember my only j-rock/v-kei show, Dir en grey, 8 years ago. I had no voice at the end of the show, best show ever. They rocked the crap out of it! They played Kodou, my favorite song ever. I screamed my lungs out when he does the scream when the song stops a little and then the other scream. I swear all the people around me were like wtf XD anyway, this song means so much to me.

    Have you seen any other jrock/v-kei band in show?

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