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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. I agree nothing will stop people from sharing. I just really disagree and hate the mentality that people who don't create things expect artists to do it for free. 


    I do wish there was more discussion about music. I feel like that's one area sorely lacking on MH. The only artist topics that seem to stay afloat is the Dir en grey circlejerks.


    How many people are listening to KAMIJO's and Jupiter's new release yet there's barely any discussion regarding the actual releases. Except for a few posts in a review thread, it's pretty sad. I guess can always troll the Last.fm page but trying to have a discussion in the shoutbox is a joke.

    what are you talking about? kamijew and jewpiter are always well-discussed in the news treads and actually HAVE some reviews. the most of the bands i'm following don't even have a review topic :/

  2. I don't want to discuss the sense or nonsense of cosplaying bands here, but I made my first visual kei cosplay about 8 years ago and still enjoy it. It's a fun hobby, especially if you have a group. (btw! Since Ikna mentioned Austrias cosplay scene: half of my dir en grey group is actually from Austria and they are awesome. So naturally I thought things would be much better there... turns out I'm wrong. depressing.)

    Maybe somebody likes to look at some of my costumes. They are far from perfect, but made with lots of love.


    Shinya from Dir en grey

      th_858294710_cos001_122_198lo.jpg th_858298313_cos005_122_395lo.jpg


    Hisui from Madeth Gray'll

    th_858295920_cos002_122_470lo.jpgth_858304279_cos010_122_31lo.jpg th_858305784_cos011_122_144lo.jpg th_858306852_cos012_122_58lo.jpg



    Toshiya from Dir en grey



    Rame from Vidoll

    th_858297525_cos004_122_113lo.jpg th_858299601_cos006_122_340lo.jpg th_858300676_cos007_122_6lo.jpg th_858301439_cos008_122_392lo.jpg th_858303790_cos009_122_251lo.jpg th_858307710_cos013_122_534lo.jpg th_858308852_cos014_122_70lo.jpg


    holy cow! :o how did i missed all these pictures? T__T love every single cosplay, you are just fantastic! marry me pls

  3. Just found this picture from my old phone. : D




    It's me cosplaying as Hisui (Madeth Gray'll) and my boyfriend cosplaying as Kon (La'Mule).

    (We look super serious but actually we were cracking up all day.)

    omg, you are so awesome! please be so kind and post more pictures of yourself here >///< 

  4. Bands I am going to check out already: Ru:natic, MILKY EMILY, The Gallo & Cell.

    kinda weird to not see grieva in your list, oh well :v

    i want to recommend you some great kinda koteish bands, maybe you already knew about them, but fuck it anyway


    La'veil MizeriA


    Lost Angel (ex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5pNcEZVhAQ'>Viscaria members new band)

    no preview, but if they as good as Viscaria was, you definitely should see them live 



    dl here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/22078-mess-paradise-lost%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%89-20130222/



    no preview. just go to fucking live and tell me how they're sound like :>

  5. so what do you guys thinking about new gazette's single? i found it quite boring, sadly =/ 

    don't even want to review song by song, because i have nothing to say about it.

    listened once-->deleted-->forgot 

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