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Posts posted by Devilish_Eye

  1. 9 hours ago, frayed said:

    Say what you want about MiA being boring, but when it comes to Negator or Acme, he's the guy you want to be in front of. xD


    Although as for event lives, Tsuzuku has said that he really prefers to do one-mans - so even if he's not half-assing them or anything, it's understandable why people would get the impression that he's not really feeling it.

    Ah I didn't know that from Tzk, thanks!

    But it's a good sign that fans don't see really bad changes or something and enjoy the lives~ 

  2. 3 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:


    thats interesting...

    i was also there at their zepp tokyo live on june 2nd and i thought *aside from no MC's* that they did a pretty good show!

    and lets be honest the only guy which really performs on stage is tsuzuku anyway since mia just stands there all the time and is boring af and the only move koichi does is that lame "hipswing-dance movement"....

    although seeing 'em live i was VERY positive surprised how much "vocal-work" koichi did on that live! from their live DVD's it always looks like he just "plays" like saying something into the microphone.

    Good to hear it from two sides! I don't know how to explain it but it felt different? I saw them in 2014 and 2015 on event lives too and they changed (maybe just not in my liking? And that I just blame it on the upcoming hiatus? :o)  

  3. 22 minutes ago, Nyasagi said:

    Am I the only one, who's not surprised? They've been releasing way too much, their music just sounds the same all the time, it feels like they're out of new ideas. A break will be good for them, because they've been too busy with shit. I highly doubt they would announce a hiatus if they were going to disband, stop being such drama queens.


  4. It's the first time in my trips that I'm following bands and I try to go to many lives as possible. I don't mind that my hostel/hotel/guesthouse isn't that comfortable because I have a scouting past so I'm used to sleeping on the ground and grass haha. I bought the Japan Rail Pass for the 3 weeks I follow them. It's good to read other experiences so I can learn for maybe next times! 

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