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Everything posted by Devilish_Eye

  1. Devilish_Eye

    Bye bye money ;w;
  2. Devilish_Eye

    From B7klan: Dear Clockers, tomorrow you will know more about European tour! Along with our friends Speakeasy we have managed something more comfortable for fans... with more tickets to sell.. For those who don't know why we call you Clockers, note that One Ok Rock comes from One O'Clock... Stay tuned tomorrow!!!
  3. I won't buy a VIP ticket.. I don't know these guys.. But because it is cheap and not far away I will go~ More people going?
  4. Devilish_Eye

    I guess that was the problem. ^^;
  5. Devilish_Eye

    I checked the English OHP? Maybe the forgot to change it or something? When I saw it I was in shock :'D
  6. Devilish_Eye

    Nobody noticed this yet? Copied from their OHP.. ■「MONSTER baSH 2013」 [DATE] Octber 24-25, 2013 [VENUE] Kagawa ■「Sky Jamboree 2013」 [DATE] Octber 25, 2013 [VENUE] Inasayama Park , Nagasak Edit: And just when I post this message I found this: (thanks to a friend) http://www.universal-music.co.jp/universal-j/spitz/news/2013/05/0524/ Their OHP isn't up to date? :'D
  7. Devilish_Eye

    I wish I could go ; 3 ;
  8. Devilish_Eye

    For actual updates, please check my SALE album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.505145982870839.134161.100001263264936&type=1
  9. Devilish_Eye

    New date! 11 July: Rock Box, Luxembourg!
  10. My 2 MiA chekis arrived safely and fast! Also, the envelope is a nice souvenir ^^ (I don't get mail from Japan very often, haha!) Thank you so much!

  11. Devilish_Eye

    Let's see what will be add in this tour instead. France I heard?
  12. Devilish_Eye

    So I guess I can pre-order soon again? Haha! Thanks for the information!
  13. Devilish_Eye

    Here it is ^^ https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/294893_558741140844656_2082226836_n.jpg
  14. Devilish_Eye

    Added some chekis!
  15. Devilish_Eye

    Some stuff is sold already but if you're interested in something don't be afraid to ask ^^
  16. Devilish_Eye

    PM sent ^^
  17. Devilish_Eye

    Do you have photos of the MiA chekis? Is it still available?
  18. Devilish_Eye

    I ordered type E, maybe I will order more but I am not sure yet~ I love it that they will remake their old songs!
  19. Devilish_Eye

    I ordered their album! Can't wait!
  20. Selling CDs, DVDs, Chekis, Stickers, Tradingscards right now. Please check this album for updates: https://www.facebook.com/superxshizuko/media_set?set=a.1376369029256587.1073741831.100006505081000&type=3 Thank you! You can also comment and PM me at MH!
  21. Devilish_Eye

    I ordered Stargazer and Missing, both the limited edition with only the titlesong but I don't have not much money and I still want to support them so it is great that it is only 500 yen ^^
  22. Devilish_Eye

    About the Adams Tour: Right now we have two dates save: 12.7. Cologne at Werkstatt 14.7. Warsaw at Proresja and we have Berlin on Tuesday 16.7. We also work on Sweden for 13.7. We have to fix some things with Sweden. When we have the 100 % Ok for Sweden - we go on the sale for Berlin. If (for what Reason ever) we do not do Sweden? If this happends: We do Berlin on 13.7 instead of 16.7. I want to have everything fixed before I start the sales. I guess this all is fixed until Thursday, which is a feastday in germany. So on Thursday at 13.00 we start ticketsales for the german concerts. Everybody will have no school and no work, so equal chance for everybody to get a low number and / or VIP Ticket. Stay tuned and thank you for your patience. Great news, right?
  23. Devilish_Eye

    Does anyone know if it is available for overseas? I guess not :/
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