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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

    Im sad because today this band has come to its end I really love their music after all.
  2. jurideluhi

    ^your dreams bout asagi is AWESOME!!! I never dream of jrock artists but I did dreamt of my future guy
  3. jurideluhi

    Ahahaha.XD certain people doesn't look attractive with septum ring. LOL! to be frank,hitsugi totally ruined his facial face all over D:
  4. jurideluhi

    ME TOO !! She is perfectly gorgeous
  5. jurideluhi

    OMG OMG OMG. THIS IS REALLY A GREAT NEWSSSS! I thought this band were to disband after Saki's departure! D:
  6. jurideluhi

    not sure that it's be exactly like, but guniw tools, glacier, the novembers, weather, doremidan, neon, toon factory, red universe, sweet madonna, luna sea, anachro clock, kasumizuki, glay, libraian, halcion and my favourite cindykate I knew toon factory,Red universe,doremidan,Glay and luna sea before and you know my cup of tea! So I will listen to other bands you listed. Thank you for the recommendations yu-i
  7. jurideluhi

    SHInee - replay <3
  8. jurideluhi

    ^COOL! ^_____^ I never had relationship with girls before
  9. jurideluhi

    PEACE GUYS.. chianti is right.. thanks chianti <3
  10. jurideluhi

    >__< AWESOME!!!
  11. *awwwww* at chianti's story btw,mind if i asking to u chianti? why did he passed away..?
  12. I'm straight^___^ Hi guys
  13. jurideluhi

    ALDIOUS : Across
  14. jurideluhi

    ROFL! I'm glad I wasn't the only one!
  15. korean drama i got to say i wasted my precious time! I still have lots to do
  16. jurideluhi

    successful story of a bright girl (korean drama) ep 12-16(end)
  17. jurideluhi

    -OZ- : SKY HIGH
  18. jurideluhi

  19. jurideluhi

    It happens to me every time and it hurts Me too
  20. jurideluhi

    I really like the samples!
  21. jurideluhi

    RED universe : I FEEL BLUE
  22. jurideluhi

    i don't really like zoro but i will try to listen back n look forward for this!
  23. jurideluhi

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