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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

    @gin indeed XD listening to NightingneiL (?)
  2. jurideluhi

  3. jurideluhi

    has long hair (?)
  4. jurideluhi

    Yes. ^^ Like cheesecake?
  5. jurideluhi

    knows how to speak/write/listen Japanese(?)
  6. jurideluhi

    kinda.yes anyway. Like japanese guy a lot?
  7. jurideluhi

    likes UnsraW
  8. jurideluhi

    Nope.Just 164 cm.. Are you an enthusiastic person?
  9. jurideluhi

    ^That's awesome! =D
  10. jurideluhi

  11. jurideluhi

    Yes. Is your weight 50 kg?
  12. jurideluhi

  13. jurideluhi

    you mean the software? No. xD do you own a pet?
  14. jurideluhi

    ^ awesome! much better than previous one O_O *drools*
  15. jurideluhi

    will be as Kyo's mattress sooner or later ^^
  16. jurideluhi

    Neon-namida hoshi
  17. jurideluhi

    ^lol.baby/kid? XD its nano from tnc anime oh im a "she" btw does not have avatar and siggy =)
  18. jurideluhi

    Anyone ever dream of ghosts? I experienced it before until I was paralyzed on the bed.Can't get up from the bed. I remembered the ghost was standing at my window. I did tried to open my eyes and get up but I failed. I don't know why I dream about ghosts and the exact location at my place! Probably ghost can also enter our dreams? :/ Another one. I dreamt about my family was killed, and by the time I woke up,I realized I was crying!! A dream that made me cried!
  19. jurideluhi

    ^Welcome! =) lol.being a gackt's hairstylist is better at least XD anyways,Let me guess.. is 20 years old(?)^^
  20. jurideluhi

    is Wataru's punchbag! ^^ @ yu-i he's a guitarist(I think?) from Cu[be] http://cube.jpn.com/CubePChonmono/CubePCHP/member.html
  21. jurideluhi

    ^without make up yes XD gonna meet your boy today?^^
  22. jurideluhi

    D UnsraW Rin Versailles D'espairsRay Vidoll DaizyStripper EAT YOU ALIVE exist+trace D=OUT Malice Mizer
  23. jurideluhi

    likes chocopie(?) ^^
  24. jurideluhi

    yes^^ Ju-on especially! I get to hug someone(my bf) if I watch j-horror movies<3 Like Tainted world forum?
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