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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 15 Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ 10 ZODIA 11 Megaromania 11 D 10 Matenrou Opera 12 E'm~grief~ 10 Kiryu 9 SIAM SHADE 1 Awoi 11
  2. jurideluhi

    No.(like just a bit) Like to eat coated chocolate cookies?
  3. jurideluhi

    open minded..? cool. um.high school. To have great speaking language in Japanese or Spanish?
  4. jurideluhi

    Haha.Its not arrive yet. I will kill CDJ if I receive late -.- I'm pretty sure I will receive either this week or next week since I live near Japan(Malaysia).I've been dying to hear fuyuuzuki. ^Has a very cute avatar =)
  5. jurideluhi

    Tokyo Michael-Yasashii Ame <3
  6. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 13 Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ 10 ZODIA 11 Megaromania 10 D 10 Matenrou Opera 10 E'm~grief~ 8 Kiryu 10 SIAM SHADE 8 Awoi 10
  7. jurideluhi

    CD cos its cheaper(most of the time) Would you rather to live with mom or dad?
  8. jurideluhi

    Well,she's cute
  9. jurideluhi

    I hope its a damn good release! I like Yumehito's vocal. <3
  10. I can easily get disrupted if I got lots of cash on my hands especially after months working part time. I didn't do the "things-to-buy" list.So I think that made my money run out. Using money as if like using water in Somalia. That said,I'm just an average person.
  11. jurideluhi

    One republic-secrets
  12. jurideluhi

    yes.but..sometimes watched kimi ni todoke anime before(?)
  13. jurideluhi

    DETROX-Roila very inspiring.
  14. jurideluhi

    evil number XD ^Likes gothic fashion(?)
  15. jurideluhi

    Gold.cos I get more money if I sell gold. buy or download?
  16. jurideluhi

    has ameba blog.
  17. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 13 Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ 10 ZODIA 10 Megaromania 10 D 10 Matenrou Opera 10 E'm~grief~ 10 Kiryu 9 SIAM SHADE 8 Awoi 10
  18. jurideluhi

    Then what about the bands? If so,are all the bands will disband?
  19. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 12 Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ 10 ZODIA 10 Megaromania 9 D 10 Matenrou Opera 10 E'm~grief~ 10 Kiryu 10 SIAM SHADE 9 Awoi 10
  20. jurideluhi

    @gin the band is "Like absolute Myself (lam.)" =) keep A feather pillow?
  21. jurideluhi

    DETROX-Wash Away So touching..
  22. jurideluhi

    keep A santa?
  23. jurideluhi

    Yes^^; Do you really like 2NE1?
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