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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    ^ LOLOLOL, sounds pretty random. 8D Oh well, one more reason for me to watch the movie~
  2. Jigsaw9

    Antichrist Didn't particularly like it/"get it". The visuals were good though.
  3. Jigsaw9

    I don't really like Hope, it's pretty meh... I like crunchy distorted stoner-y Boris better (or spaced-out fuzzy drone-y Boris).
  4. Jigsaw9

    It's been a long time since I last watched anime but these really stuck with me: - Cowboy Bebop (series and movie) - Ghost in the Shell (movies) - Hellsing (series, not the OVA)
  5. Jigsaw9

  6. Jigsaw9

    Tomahawk - Capt Midnight
  7. Jigsaw9

    THIS. I especially love the Come to Daddy cover. Actually I never bothered listening to FNM, but maybe I will one day. It's just that all these other bands of his seem a lot crazier, so naturally I'm drawn towards them more, lol. xD
  8. I'm surprised there isn't a topic for the musical genius that is Mr. Michael Allan Patton! To me he is one the most awesome and amazing musicians ever. He has a really versatile voice (at times beautiful, at times psychotic), and his sense for quirkiness and the avantgare brings out some interesting musical journeys in whatever band or project he may be participating in. Some notable bands and projects: - Faith No More - Mr. Bungle - Fantômas - Tomahawk - Peeping Tom - solo career, etc. Favourite Patton stuff? I got to confess, I heard almost zero FNM. My fave band is Mr. Bungle I guess, but Tomahawk and Fantômas are close seconds. His Mondo Cane album's also really sweet stuff. VNuxlJNFl3o Adh3db-fiuQ Jt856_nRxQk mwrMdusKOMw
  9. Jigsaw9

    Do the BUTT DANCE!! OD1suHZ3lcM At first I don't like the song as much as ZEROTICA but the video looks totally awesome~
  10. Jigsaw9

    LOL I loved Ichi and Martyrs (and there are a couple of movies on that list I'd like to see xD). I can't think of anything right now...maybe the American Ju-On or Tale of Two Sisters remakes. But those weren't so terrible to make me want to "unsee" them, I just simply don't want to watch them again. XD
  11. As a small extension to their Japanese Spring Tour 2011 -Philia-, the guys are having a few gigs in Europe, subtitled Spring Tour 2011 -Philia- EU...but it's in the beginning of summer basically. xD 2011.06.01 - Nancy (l'Autre Canal), France 2011.06.03 - Uppsala (Uppcon), Sweden 2011.06.04 - Cava de Tirreni (Cavacon), Italy (source)
  12. Jigsaw9

    The mini album is up for preorder on CDJapan! HERE
  13. Jigsaw9

    Yeah, Matenrou's vocals are surely weird (took a bit of time for me too). I'm glad you're beginning to enjoy them!
  14. Jigsaw9

    Because they're awesome. (2005-present) Kanon Matenrou - vocals, guitars -Memai- - guitars E.D.E.N. - bass TELL - support drums MUNIMUNI was formed in the spring of 2005, Kanon Matenrou being the core song/lyrics-writing member. They had their first live in July that year, and as they say, the rest is history. Their sound can be described as a hazy psychedelic mix of dark/goth-rock and post-punk, laden with references to classic visual kei. Their music is at times energetic, at times very melancholic but always has a certain dreamy quality. Any fans? (I know there are XD) Maybe anyone who went to an actual concert of theirs? Favorite releases? I think their full album was really good, one of the best of last year. But basically I love all their stuff. I can't wait for their new mini album!! Hopefully we won't have to wait as much as for MAGICAL MOONIES, lol. A list of songs that haven't been recorded yet (good candidates for the mini album IMO): - I my me you your yours - the ghost song - Shiranai no - boys - woo pee haa pee - The doguu song - [untitled new song, played on January 11th 2011]
  15. Jigsaw9

    Cool! Kinda interested.
  16. Jigsaw9

    ^ Oh wow, so it'll be 6 songs in total? And yay for the Uchoten cover!!! I already love these guys.
  17. Jigsaw9

    Ah okay, that makes sense!!
  18. Jigsaw9

    LOL this thread. =DDD
  19. Jigsaw9

    ^ Well that's what's written on the OHP. Maybe they're being generous (or just mistyped it, lol).
  20. Jigsaw9

    Interested in how this will turn out. Looking forward to it!
  21. Jigsaw9

    ^ Same here, lots of exams around that time (plus every place is like a few hundred kilometres away from me XD).
  22. Jigsaw9

    Aww that sucks. But I guess it's for the best. I hope they'll return "fully-charged" then, when they feel like it!
  23. Jigsaw9

    ^ Yeah, I hope he continues to make music with Cuckoo too, those guys are too good.
  24. Jigsaw9

    Thanks, cool tracklist (I love that PV).
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