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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    ^ Cool look.
  2. Jigsaw9

    STRIPE PANTHER PV preview on Facebook! (sorry, dunno how to link the video itself)
  3. Jigsaw9

    Thx for the info. I'm looking forward to hearing her new music~
  4. Jigsaw9

    ^ Knowing K-pop, we'll probably only have an exact date about 2-3 weeks before release. xD
  5. Jigsaw9

    According to latest news the girls' new album will be released around October. (source)
  6. Jigsaw9

    Cool, thx for the info.
  7. This is my first time listening to the album; let's see what these guys cooked up! Acceleration: fun and energetic, a good start. Has all the elements of a typical FaLiLV song, and that synth (?) solo is a nice touch. Has a pretty wild/unexpected ending. Scream Hard as You Can: maybe a bit more metallic/beefy, I approve! The little bits like the random piano bit, the aggressive synths or the backing shouts make this song great. Crossover: ever since seeing the PV I can't help but love this song. It's so crazy and relentless, even for FaLiLV standards, surprisingly without clean vocals. The breakdown and that bass interlude are insaaane. How Old You are Never Forget Your Dream: more mellow and melodic, with nice piano and acoustic guitar parts. After the previous sensory overload this one's kinda plain though; average. Interlude 1: continuing the piano vibe from the last track, blooming into a nice little mini-song. Most of it sounds kinda new from these guys; pretty cool. Just Awake: the ending of the interlude already foreshadowed the more electronic qualities of this song (nice transition!). Can't say anything new about this track, it's still cool, still lovin' it. Defeat and Beat: pretty badass beginning, topped off with an equally awesome guitar riff. Has that rollicking kind of beat characteristic of "dark but poppy" industrial rock/metal. The middle reminded me of Maximum The Hormone with its vocals craziness, then it's back to familiar territory. Awesome song. In the End, the Choice is All Yours: lol old-school synths and accordion. Typical song for them, but with added craziness. Totally works for me. Love that short mellow part in the middle too. Oh god, that breakdown part and folky synth...this is almost too much. But so amazing, haha. Ley-Line: when I first experienced this song as a PV it didn't strike me as anything special (more like irritating), but I like how it fits here. Kind of a breath of fresh air after the extravaganza of the previous track. Not bad at all. Interlude 2: well this is...nice I guess, lol. A bit of a symphonic touch and all-over-the-place. For an interlude it's okay, though a bit disjointed. Don't Suffer Alone: very epic melodies, pretty good. Nothing special till the middle, then it breaks into this crazy screamy metal part followed by random piano, lol. The last minute has some pretty cool stuff going on too. Overall this was a pretty awesome album. Especially since I found the NEXTREME mini album kinda lackluster, with only a few interesting moments. While here the fun and craziness almost lasts from start to finish, very impressive! The sound is impeccable too, crystal-clear and full of power where it's needed. I think I might have to buy this too, like their first album, it's that good. I'd give it a strong 8/10. Good stuff!
  8. Jigsaw9

    Yay, another B-T fan! Welcome!
  9. Jigsaw9

    iPqIs9A1FLc Remixed by 68 (MONICAURANGLASS) Guitar Played by Közi (ZIZ) Movie Directed by VJK5 (MONICA WORKS)
  10. Jigsaw9

    Manson's on tumblr (new single artwork btw!) http://marilynmanson.tumblr.com/
  11. Jigsaw9

  12. ^ I think they do release previews before their albums (at least for the last few). Dunno how it will be this time around, seeing that they're on their own label/etc. - if I remember well, previous previews weren't on their own OHP, but the label's site. But I think if there will be previews/samples I'll try to be strong and not listen - to save the magic for later.
  13. *high five* Btw, to stay on topic, Atsushi and Imai are pretty big Dalí fans as well.
  14. ^ Cool; thanks for the info. ^^
  15. Jigsaw9

    Me, after walking a few miles in the forest (with the horrifying mental image of many more miles to come in my mind) ...but saw some cool/beautiful places so it was alright. ;D
  16. Jigsaw9

  17. Jigsaw9

    oIqxYFy07Ms Holy shit. Waiting for the new Necrophagia album just got harder.
  18. This! There might be a connection there too, since Atsushi is known to like Klimt's works. ^^ Btw the band pic and other cover is also kinda amazing. Bring on the album!!!!
  19. Jigsaw9

    ^ Cool, so there will be like 7 new songs? Nice!
  20. Jigsaw9

    Well... they were one of my favorite UC bands back before their hiatus. So I should be sad I guess, but the quality/direction of their post-hiatus stuff wasn't my cup of tea at all (with literally 2-3 songs that I "kinda liked"), and they haven't been really active up-front with releases lately, so I'm kinda "whatever" about this. Still, sad to hear them disbanding.
  21. Jigsaw9

    Cool setlist. I hope they won't cut much of it out for the DVD.
  22. Jigsaw9

    Read these from Chuck Palahniuk in the last couple days: Fight Club [best one] Damned [second best] Fugitives and Refugees [kinda okay] Plus, I'm reading David Bowie's biography now (the one by Paul Trynka), interesting stuff.
  23. Jigsaw9

    The Dark Knight Rises ...again. xD Still awesome!
  24. Jigsaw9

    ^ Cool, thx for the heads-up! ^^
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