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Posts posted by jarrad

  1. There will be a lot of people that would disagree probably. I, myself have only seen the first season of it so I haven't experienced the Endless Eight. But that's basically because I'm lazy. Yes it is good though but not, in my opinion, the best.

    I did recently buy and read the first novel though, and it was basically the same as the anime so that means they did make a good adaption. Which was good and makes me want to buy the next one too.

  2. Already Christmas here, but I spent Christmas Eve with my mum and got a present off her before coming home and spending Christmas here with my dad. So far we haven't done much, but that is because it is still morning and we are doing more stuff in the afternoon.

  3. I think fillers don't work very well in some long shounens because they are rather terrible. But most anime I watch I haven't read the source material so I wouldn't know what is a filler unless someone told me because most of the time I stick to short 12-25 episode series. Sometimes you can tell if there is a decline in story or something but most of the fillers I see in the short series I watch are bearable and okay. I just hate the constant comparison between source material and anime. But as long as the fillers are enjoyable I don't care.

    But what I did notice with Bleach fillers are that there is a very big decline in animation and the arc usually starts out okay but turns to shit about half way through.

  4. Fuck, fuck, fuck... There happens to be a crack in a dvd my friend lent me, I don't think I did it, but I am very, very worried because it took them ages to find it and it cost them a bit... But I don't think I did, but I can't help stressing out... fuck...

    Well good news for me, it wasn't me who broke it, bad news for my friend doesn't change the fact that it is broken

  5. Ensiferum - Heathen Throne

    Wintersun - Battle Against Time

    Some really good shit, probably Jari Mäenpää's best work yet. Now if he only released the new album Time. u__u

    I am waiting so long for this Album now and i don´t know what's going on. The Album was already recorded but no Signs or Infos about the Release, just Delay after Delay...man, they sure know how to tease. -.-'

    Rheinkaos - Beta Religion

    I think we are all waiting for it, but that is all we can do, wait. I didn't think it was fully recorded either... but oh well... will be released when it is released.

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