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Posts posted by jarrad

  1. snap ftw.

    And i still looking for hard copy of mate fate kill repeat. That one are hard to find, with proper price.

    I doubt they would go on after losing Paul Gray though :(

    They still haven't decided yet, still going through mourning but they will decide after Corey finishes with Stone Sour and Joey with Murderdolls

  2. If only Versailles could come here... but what are the chance of them coming over to Australia. Knowing my luck even if they did I wouldn't be able to go.

  3. In my opinion there are bands that are better, well should I say I prefer, in melodic death metal. I kind of got over Arch Enemy quickly, sure they have a female vocalist that sounds somewhat manly screaming but, eh, there are better. They got kind of boring to me.

  4. Lycaon are awesome, but I've only got their album. I bought it a while ago. I wonder what the new pv will be also. I got into them a bit late to get attached to Mio or Eve.

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