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Status Updates posted by DistraughtK

  1. The possibility that Depain may be disbanding... makes me sad...

  2. Im unfamiliar with this site but Psycological Junkie can be bought here! I don't have money for it though :(http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_374924091.html

    1. DistraughtK


      It's a Japanese auction sight though i believe.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Japanese auction, you does have an shoping service or intermediate for have any chance to purchase this...

  3. All I know for sure, is we need more Ryo vocals on the next album!

  4. Still getting use to Adult Swim/Toonami playing the Inuyasha Intros instead of just the ending.

  5. I am not your enemy.

  6. Would when Blood Stain Child is gonna release a Demo with Kiki.

  7. I swear do some people really have nothing better to do then rip on BVB? I mean yes, they aren't the greatest band in the world but they are pretty damn good. You don't see me going under EVERY RAPPER and post faggot,gay,ect., I totally would but im not a immature little punk. Im very glad J-Rock fans are mature enough not to do that shit with Visual Kei.

    1. GazeRockSnob


      I think people should rip on Blood On The Dancefloor more. They are absolute shit.

    2. Zeus


      You obviously haven't met my good friend sumostig.

    3. Nightmares4ever


      oh god blood on the dance floor are more then just shit

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Obvious troll is obvious.

  9. Stalkers gonna stalk.

  10. Hope Marianna was right about Depain returning this month.

  11. Think im almost done with Phantasy Star. Well main story wise. Is there a chapter 6, or do I just not get anything for reaching it?

  12. I really doubt Desperate End will be shared any time before True Cry come out.

    1. Danao


      Buy it, you will have even before somebody up it !

    2. DistraughtK


      I would but I want type B type A is gonna cost way to much to have shipped to the US if I can get some money soon I am planning on getting type B of True Cry. But it's very slim ill even have enough for that.

  13. Don't remember who made it but the Luka album Unfinished Eden has alot of variety and doesn't stick with one genre. Which makes it awesome!

  14. Im just now founding out about all the session bands ex-GHOST members were in. And thought, wow... Could could had done what Dio did and reform under a new name. I miss GHOST ;-;

  15. Damn ear is acting up again.

  16. Well looks like nobody shared Starting Over and I appere to be the only person who wants it. Bummer , Its the only Vampire release im missing to. Well that and the Original Suicidal Agitator.

    1. stylelover


      that song sucks. no loss

    2. Nightmares4ever
    3. DistraughtK


      That's true , there really isn't a Vampire Song I don't like. But Suicidal Agitator Remix isn't really my favorite.

  17. Cut my tops down to Luka and Nightmare on lastfm.

  18. Trolled yet again. Why do I even bother fucking trying. Im once again stuck with these old ugly ass artist photos on Lastfm.

    1. DistraughtK
    2. DistraughtK


      But none of the other in my library did. Its not as simple as just photos changing.

    3. Nightmares4ever


      few others did but think that was awhile later

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. Listening to old school GazettE 2006-2009 era.

    1. GazeRockSnob


      Ah, those were the best years.. :3

  20. Why is it so hard to find Caz's Vermillion single!

    1. nick


      Seems it doesn't exist online. I love Caz's music too. Corruption Garden is EPIC.

    2. DistraughtK


      If that't the case that sucks. I basically have the single im just missing Ultimate Symphonia.

  21. I still see old Sono when I listen to Matenrou Opera , his looks sense Helios just don't work for him.

  22. Matenrou Opera use to be good , guess they lost touch after going major...

    1. Wonrei


      nah, new songs are pretty good.

    2. fitear1590


      I don't have a problem with their music (aside from Ayame's cheap sounding keys), but since around Murder Scope or so, I just can't get into Sono's voice anymore. It's a shame...

  23. Been playing Digimon Adventures (PSP game) and I am loving it! <3 Now if only I could read Kanji to know what im doing in this Sora side-quest.

  24. Feels good having full internet speed again.

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