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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

  2. gyakutai

    ENDLESS König Rin David Bowie NightingeiL Derail D DuelJewel Megaromania Homosapiens Matenrou Opera
  3. gyakutai

    DELUHI 16 Versailles 12 Megaromania 8 D 25 Matenrou Opera 31 Awoi 6
  4. gyakutai

    10/10 <3
  5. gyakutai

    loves Kaya
  6. gyakutai

    I'd like to go, but D goes first XD
  7. gyakutai

    Another band which won't last a lot. But never say never!
  8. gyakutai

    Bonjour honey
  9. gyakutai

    I thought Necrae is the mod. No, Necrae is the admin!
  10. gyakutai

    鬨??声 by D
  11. gyakutai

    it's bUongiorno :x Why does he like Italy? D:
  12. gyakutai

    Anyway... Could someone help me getting the tickets for the concert in Lyon since I am from Italy? Thank you in advance!
  13. gyakutai

  14. gyakutai

    Yeah, maybe the mysterious band they're forming right now it will be in UCP! *cross fingers*
  15. gyakutai

    I want also some Mar'derayla/brodiaea-Synside/ClearVeil/Lamina members back >D
  16. gyakutai

    D:!! Anyway, the rest is nice.
  17. gyakutai

    omg, awesome!
  18. gyakutai

    LOL XD but it would be cool.
  19. gyakutai

    definitely buying this!
  20. gyakutai

    D'espa :Q_ Welcome! Hope you will have fun with us (?)
  21. gyakutai

    I don't know who are you, but welcome back D: *quite new here*
  22. gyakutai

    Oh, I like Vallquar and Pan-d-ra too! I left you a peta on ameba. Welcome to our comm!
  23. gyakutai

    I fucking love your music taste. I am the mod in the Megaro's LJ comm btw x3 You're totally welcome *w*!
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