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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. Not going to do a proper review because I am really lazy.

    I think this album is fucking amazing. Much better than Meikyou. The variety has made me fall in love with it :wub: in Meikyou the songs sounded more similiar to each other. In Mugen the songs are really different and developed. The things which made me happier was that I heard Hiyori's bass A LOT. Aw, thank you guys not to have disappointed me ;__; so happy to have bought it.

    Best songs: 夢幻鳳影, ??カ彼方ヘ…, 丑刻??, ??

    Overall rating: 5/5

    It could be easily 2011's album.

    So Mugen houyou > Meikyou shisui

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