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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. what symbol is that on the dvd cover? (the one with transparent red colour)


    There is a lot of historical and religious symbolism in MONSTERS-era releases. .... In all of D'espairsRay's releases, actually.

    For example the instrument fans joked about being a vuvuzela was, if I remember correctly, a horn used to signal death, which Hizumi used to lead his "parade." The masks they wore in the LOVE IS DEAD video/photoshoot were based on masks worn by doctors during the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) to spare them from infection. The crossed arrow is a mixture of (or their own interpretation of) Latin/Christian symbols that mean death or that the person marked with it had died in battle, which makes sense since the song CROSSED ARROWS relates to war and death for love. I think the symbol has sort of been modified to form a "D" and "R."

    All in all death seems to be a theme throughout. :oshi:

    Awesome concept.

    Damn, and here I thought D'espa were losing their touch.

  2. UCP event "地下線ボーカリストシャッフル祭!? VOL.2(chikasen vocalist shuffle matsuri!? VOL.2)" will be held at ESAKA MUSE at 2011/05/04

    [participating artists]

    凛(lin) feat.春人(haruto)(PERESTROIKA)

    Megaromania feat.苓(ren)(Dali)

    Dali feat.RIKU(凛(lin))

    PERESTROIKA feat.翠-Sui-(Megaromania)

    2 more to add:

    Arc feat.ユーイ(yu-i)(シンディケイト(CindyKate))

    シンディケイト(CindyKate) feat.KO-JI(Arc)

    I'd love to go ;_;

    anyway, I LOVE the preview <3 hope they will seriously go to EU!!

  3. They're coming to Swiss as well... to two anime conventions, Polixmanga in Lausanne on 24/04 and JapAniMangaNight in Winterthur on 14/05

    I might go to Lausanne date, seems a nice opportunity and it's quite close to my city!

  4. They have finally reached the point where I can no longer hear any differences between their title single songs.

    B-sides are okay, and desert apple is the best one so far.

    Sad, but true.

    The single as a whole was not bad at all, but it's not really memorable, at least not for me. If I randomly played one of these songs, I would not be able to tell on which album/single it belongs.

  5. For any interested fans:


    Venue explanation:

    Lamentamos informar que, debido a un problema de fechas con Europa nos vemos obligados a aplazar el concierto planificado para el día 10 de Abril de 2011 del grupo de j-rock japonés 凛: LIN -the end of corruption world-.

    Las entradas podrán devolverse en los establecimientos de TicketMaster y recuperar el importe integro. Trabajamos para poder dar una nueva fecha para este verano u otroño, lo antes posible.

    Gracias y disculpen las molestias ocasionadas.


    We are sorry to inform that, due to problems with other European dates, we have been forced to postpone the concert planned for 10 April 2011 of the Japanese band 凛: LIN -the end of corruption world-.

    The tickets can be returned to the TicketMaster shops, and the money can be refunded. We are working on planning a new date for summer or fall this year, as soon as possible.

    Thank you and our most sincere apologies for the problems that may have been caused.

    post & translation by Necrae

    Argh, so it's true they want to come later! I repeat... Coupling tour with Nega please.

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