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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. I like it, but I prefer really more muddy cult.

    I agree about Jin's voice. He has an unique and awesome voice. never heard a voice like his one!

  2. fucking yes, muddy cult is my favourite visual rock PV. I really like it. I don't like who says OH MY GOD IT'S A COPY OF OBSCURE or OH MY GOD IT'S SHOCKING I AM ALMOST VOMITING.

    I think it's awesome and I don't think it's a copy of obscure. anyway, talking about PVs, I am really curious for NEO DESTRUCTION one ;_;

  3. maybe we will meet us without knowing it! XD since it's my first concert, I don't know what to do exactly XD

    I hope to be able to go in the first rows! and not to meet too many horny fangirls and elitists who are like "I saw Despa 529155 times, I know everything of them, I am the only one who deserve to see them live" blabla >_>' and hope to see italians behave DECENTLY.

    It's awesome they play different set so it will be a surprise XD I don't like when you know before the concert the song which will be played (but it can be useful if you want to sing them perfectly XD)

    I hope they will play maverick, Infection and sixty-nine, talking about quite old songs XD

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