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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. you mean stuff as Merciless sorrow?XD

    aw, ClearVeil disband was really a pity, but I wasn't the biggest fan, so I am not that sad. Just hope to see them again soon. UCP disbandment who really hit me were hurts, ZODIA, Lamina, SIVA and many more ;_; sigh.

    yeah, me too. but I really dislike his fangirls who are like NEGA = SAN >_>. I think the member who give more contribute to Nega's music is Ray, such an awesome bassist. But San is my favourite member 'cause he's so funny XDD so I think it's ok having a favourite member, but DAMN, he's not the only one in the band! anyway, ok! XD Tell me what do you think about them then XD

    oh, cool! You Germans have TONS of visual rock lives! You're lucky at this.

    ah, anyway don't worry, your English is quite good!

  2. yeah ;_;

    yes! XD I am from Milan! such an awesome city. (MILAN IS THE NEW ROME! *proud of her city* sorry, patriotic feelings tonight LOL)

    I don't know how Japan would be living (not about going on holidays, I want as soon as possible to visit it! It would be so interesting going to visual rock lives and visit all its places), so I really have no idea. I think anything can happen, so I will never say never. I just hope to be always happy, no matter where XD

  3. They are fucking awesome. I suppose they are undervalued 'cause they are not visual enough for lots of people, LOL. My favourite song is Kuroi Uzu ;_; love the basslines.

    wow, I am from Italy! XDD good luck! Sometimes I think I want to go away too, but I don't know. I mean... sometimes I want, sometimes I don't care. you're welcome anyway!

  4. oh, that's a pity D: I hope also for you they will return! where do you come from? I am from Italy. Only a few bands come here, meh.

    I listened only to some random songs ;_; should listen to them better. I know today their new full-album was released!

    me too. I think they will become harder anyway (which is a thing I'd appreciated XD), because Eve composed all ballads/softer songs, and Mio didn't compose any song. But I hope they won't lose their style.

    You should listen to Saruin anyway XD I prefer THE VIRTUES single btw. the code number [13.] is the song I prefer.

    Yeah! *_* He's SAN from Nega. I love them! XD You should listen to them also. They are really great. They are a kote kei band from Kansai, I don't know if you are into UCP/kote kei XD. Even if they are under UCP, they are really original and different from other kote kei bands.

  5. nice introduction! XD

    DELUHI, Awoi, 12012, D, Crows, Otogadead, cocklobin, dummy children, lam., VelBet, Core The Child, VII-Sense, LIX, BAELSCOPE

    great music taste! happy to know someone else who like Crows, they are so undervalued ;_;

    and just for curiosity, where will you go to live?XD

    anyway, welcome in old-new tainted world!

  6. oh~

    I love Lycaon! Still sad that Mio and Eve left ;_; but they are recording new pv and songs yet! I like so much also Matenrou Opera. hope they will come back to Europe someday, with a oneman tour XD 12012 is a nice band but I listened to only some works by them. I listen sometimes to Para:noir, but I prefer reaaally much Yuuya (previously called Ranmaru) in his ex. band Saruin, which is my favourite visual kei band with Nega ;_;

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