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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    Rasen (Spiral)
  2. gyakutai

    Ruri (Lapis lazuli)
  3. gyakutai

    no, all my teachers were old and ugly! XD do you like foreplay? (LOL WE ARE DOING A YES OR NO GAME ALL ABOUT THAT XD)
  4. gyakutai

    No, LUCKILY, LOL Have you ever had a threesome? XDD
  5. gyakutai

    gave me a peta on ameba! XD
  6. gyakutai

  7. gyakutai

    Akuro no oka by Dir en grey
  8. gyakutai

    raison detre by Dir en grey
  9. gyakutai

    NEVER REBELLION by Phantasmagoria
  10. gyakutai

    I like it, but I prefer really more muddy cult. I agree about Jin's voice. He has an unique and awesome voice. never heard a voice like his one!
  11. gyakutai

    sometimes I ask me what would have happened if Erina didn't leave Dio. I like Juka's voice, but I prefer mikaru's one :/
  12. gyakutai

    fucking yes, muddy cult is my favourite visual rock PV. I really like it. I don't like who says OH MY GOD IT'S A COPY OF OBSCURE or OH MY GOD IT'S SHOCKING I AM ALMOST VOMITING. I think it's awesome and I don't think it's a copy of obscure. anyway, talking about PVs, I am really curious for NEO DESTRUCTION one ;_;
  13. gyakutai

    7.5/10 XD
  14. gyakutai

    you seem to like Lupo Label! XD I liked their remake of densha otoko by °C on coupling single. loving their style LOL. such a pity both of them disbanded :/
  15. gyakutai

    Gothikaroid re-recorded version will be theme song of movie ??????? (Goth loli shokeinin)
  16. gyakutai

    No XD Have you ever run away from home?
  17. gyakutai

  18. gyakutai

    no have you ever been in the USA?
  19. gyakutai

    didn't know I haven't seen him yet and later I'll go to check for curiosity.
  20. gyakutai

    FREAK Party by ClearVeil
  21. gyakutai

    yes XD have you got any pets?
  22. gyakutai

    ???????? by cocklobin
  23. gyakutai

    (? XD) remaining in pictures-topic, has seen my picture on topic "show yourself" D:
  24. gyakutai

    maybe we will meet us without knowing it! XD since it's my first concert, I don't know what to do exactly XD I hope to be able to go in the first rows! and not to meet too many horny fangirls and elitists who are like "I saw Despa 529155 times, I know everything of them, I am the only one who deserve to see them live" blabla >_>' and hope to see italians behave DECENTLY. It's awesome they play different set so it will be a surprise XD I don't like when you know before the concert the song which will be played (but it can be useful if you want to sing them perfectly XD) I hope they will play maverick, Infection and sixty-nine, talking about quite old songs XD
  25. gyakutai

    revelead me his true identity 8| wow. X°DD
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