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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    (no XD) anyway... fuma (immortality)
  2. gyakutai

    ehm, I suppose I should say "welcome"
  3. gyakutai


    welcome in old-new tainted world then!
  4. gyakutai

    nil delete heads are f*cking great! o_o wow. AWESOME *_*
  5. gyakutai

    00 by nil delete heads
  6. gyakutai

    uhm... nowadays I can't remember not much about it. Should listen to it again!
  7. gyakutai

    Armatus by nil delete heads
  8. gyakutai

    yes. I won't die, but I will stay really bad. I am allergic to pollen btw. Do you like old-new tainted world on zetaboard?
  9. gyakutai

    in fact! you are totally right. But too many American people think that for we Europeans it's so easy to travel. IT'S NOT. and I hate the fact that too many of them shout on despa's bulletin "PLEASE COME TO *insert random little city with less than 500.000 abitant name*". Damn. Can't you go either travel in your own state? I mean. Despa can't go directly to your home to make a show, lol. there are NOT private show.
  10. gyakutai

  11. gyakutai

    ??-??- by gallo
  12. gyakutai

    no have you ever wanted to be a model?
  13. gyakutai

    yes are you bored?
  14. gyakutai

  15. gyakutai

    thank you! I love Putumayo ;_; but I always buy clothes new-with tag from yahoo japan/mbok 'cause from official webshop are BLOODY expensive @_@ can't wait to wear it! XD I fucking envy you :/ was thinking to buy one of them anyway. Which one is better for you? can't afford both of them now >_>
  16. gyakutai

    that's good, because I don't want this to be a repetitive album. I mean, I know despa will balance well melody with hardness, but seriously, fans should understand that heavier doesn't mean better all the times. anyway, I agree with you, we should wait to listen FULLY to it to give a judgment, for now I have only suppositions for the previews and songs I've listened to them yet (LOVE IS DEAD and FINAL CALL)
  17. gyakutai

    even if I like ALSDEAD so much, I prefer Lin, and so I voted for them. I love old Vidoll though, but not new one. So, I've made my choice yet and I don't regret it XD'
  18. gyakutai

    can't wait to hear them, even if I am quite new to -OZ-! (anyway, best album will be interesting, I suppose, also because usually in BEST OF songs are re-recorded). also hoping to know more details about Europe tour soon!
  19. gyakutai

    lucky Americans. I think Diru really prefer them to European fans. I think it's not right :/ We Europeans have only show in UK and Russia. Americans instead have almost all important cities and they also WANT MORE. I know America is really bigger than Europe, but damn. I hoped for more dates in Europe.
  20. gyakutai


    GoDeath isn't a all female visual rock band, isn't it? I think to have heard a song by them. Anyway, nice to meet you and welcome in old-new Tainted World!
  21. gyakutai

    It would be cool, but even Coll:set, which is their harder album, got some ballads. I think it would create a nice contrast. I don't want another album like Diru's THE MARROW OF A BONE >_>
  22. gyakutai

    Born by Nega
  23. gyakutai

    appparently, new song will be called FRAGILE. Yuuki posted on his blog FRAGILE's and Love song's lyrics btw.
  24. gyakutai

    (LOL sto facendo diventare Tainted World davvero Little Italy...) anyway, welcome/benvenuta! XD mi sento così carismatica XDD
  25. gyakutai

    I have no fancy ;_;
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