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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    DRUNK PARTY WITH @SHINSYOKU AND @FREUNDIN (also wicked teletubby if he wants to come too 8D) this pic is much less 'sexy' but....i got a cat. and i named her catbug. 8D also. angry beavers shirt. because reasons.
  2. orangetarts

    *winks* You think so~ kekekeke.
  3. orangetarts

  4. orangetarts

    from my 21st bday that just passed recently. YAY ME. also hi im not dead (yet)
  5. orangetarts

  6. orangetarts

    So i watched this korean drama called flower boy next door and the guy Mizuta Kouki was in it, and apparently he's in this band? I need more info on them ;___; Miura Haruma is in the band as well..... HALP T___T idk if this is the right place for this topic even....sighs
  7. So this isnt really a total goodbye post but this seemed like the most appropriate place to post it. as many of you may-- or may not have noticed I havent really been able to come on here as much as before, It's just due to school and crap and its causing me to take a semi-hiatus from everything i love (other than nail art lol) sooo,....i guess I'll be back when i can <3 LOVE YOU ALL T__T
  8. orangetarts

    ahaha well thank you! xoxo~~~
  9. Graduate in 14 days.....oh god.

    1. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      LOL I'll graduate in 3 months| O.O

  10. orangetarts

    ive been really busy so i havent been able to come on as much, but here's some pictures I shall grace you with my sexiness.
  11. Goodbye has never been as sweet.

  12. http://www.last.fm/music/Vodka+Rain I will be posting their 3rd album in the downloads soon! how do you guys like them?
  13. orangetarts

    Hello Belen, I'm Rie nice to meet you n_n
  14. orangetarts

    hello and welcome! hope you enjoy yourself!
  15. orangetarts

    Hello and welcome! i suck at intros too XD Hope you'll make some awesome friends here n_n
  16. orangetarts

    Im the kind of person who cant listen to the same things over and over and over again, they tend to get played out. So about 3 years ago i decided to venture into kpop and i just didnt listen to any vkei at all and now when i do listen to it its like it's brand new all over again! also, I looked into some non-vkei bands and found some really awesome stuff!
  17. orangetarts

    hi there and welcome! i hope you enjoy yourself here n__n
  18. orangetarts

    My Chemical Romance - MAMA
  19. I just hang out in the Downloads thread. Such a leecher.

  20. orangetarts

    I feel like that happens to a lot of us, we stop listening to vkei and then its like brand new all over again and its an awesome feeling XD welcome back!
  21. orangetarts

    hey there and welcome to MH! hope you enjoy your time here
  22. orangetarts

    hey you~~~~ omg that sistar19 gif in your sig :Q____ CAN I JUST DIE
  23. girlfriend gonna be here tomorrow. glad that panda and val took good care of her for me kekeke :3

  24. orangetarts

    before & after pic ^ ok mh, I'll share my secrets with you...I trust you. BUT DONT TELL ANYONE HOW HIDEOUS I AM WITHOUT MAKEUP OK? n____n
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