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Everything posted by golffy_aoi

  1. Hooray!!!! glad to see Vocalist.ex-VesuVio back in action again >.
  2. golffy_aoi

    Awesome!!! thx for this great news!!
  3. golffy_aoi

    This really sucks!!!! they will not disband, right?
  4. Awesome!!!!! SuG SuG SuG all the way
  5. golffy_aoi

    YaY R.I.P.
  6. golffy_aoi

    Hopefully, it's not gonna be like !!!Disbandment due to musical differences!!! = ="
  7. Awesome!!!! Thx for the preview
  8. golffy_aoi

    Major already!!!!! O___O;
  9. golffy_aoi

    Finally!!!! Love these guys <3
  10. I was about to order it (so cheap!) as it's on CDJap now. But the cover looked weird for the vk band indeed. Thank god you pointed that out :/ Same here
  11. I really want their jazzy sounds back!!!! this is like a typical Oshare dude band
  12. ^ I thought it was a mini WakaWaka
  13. golffy_aoi

    They need to recruit a guitarist asap. That vocalist/guitarist dude really needs help
  14. golffy_aoi

    Cool! hopefully, he will be the official drummer soon. ena <3
  15. golffy_aoi

  16. I really love his voice >.< Great lineup btw
  17. golffy_aoi

    Thx for this great news!!!! Inartistic might upload this single here Lol
  18. golffy_aoi

    OMG OMG!!
  19. golffy_aoi

    Big announcement that Mei is going to pre order and upload this single for us here....hopefully....Lol
  20. golffy_aoi

    this is Shi*t!!!!!!!! They are one of my fav bands Y^Y I play guitar their songs every single day OMG!!!!!
  21. golffy_aoi

    the drummer is so tall D:
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