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Everything posted by ginHigure

  1. ginHigure

    lol, sorry
  2. ginHigure

    ^ _____apologizes_____
  3. ginHigure

    awwww, small winnie
  4. ginHigure

    I 'ped like 5 times a day. now try it in different locations and take a snap shot while smiling and ping.
  5. What about underground places to live? like an underground fort. If equipped correctly and no mistakes it can hold out better?
  6. ginHigure

    We'll have to let him know You better leave our FAB. kitty-CAT alone or kai and i will take care of you.....oh, and WELCOME TO MH!
  7. isn't that what getting a life is Seriously though, no need to. Find something you like doing and make sure its something you like.
  8. ginHigure

    pointing at you to show a pic of yourself peeps!
  9. ginHigure

    At the moment im glad im single. I dont need liars in my life.
  10. ginHigure

    lol dude, just watched it on your fb post. He is funny.
  11. ginHigure

    yGO84ZoYXts FULL ALBUM IS OUT! I LOVE IT. What you guys think?
  12. ginHigure

    wanna dress up as a zombie
  13. ginHigure

    talks about it here http://www.last.fm/forum/21713/_/1016353
  14. ginHigure

    it's Armageddon !
  15. ginHigure

    i feel your pain!
  16. ginHigure

    be back soon and take care!
  17. ginHigure

    fucken korean netizens....
  18. ginHigure

    Seen this! he is amazing.
  19. ginHigure

    Yes, those are basic human urges. Let me ask you this: "When you were born, did you know you were straight/gay?", "As you grew up around 2/3 years old, did you know you are straight/gay?" People put you into what they think it is "true/natural" about life. In my psychology class we talked about boys playing with dolls and the answer is that dolls are much more sophisticated than your action figure, does that mean you are gay if you play with them when you are 2/3 years old? No, because you do not know about them, you consider them to be toys and that is all. We do not pick whether we are straight or gay, but that is the way society turned out to be. Yes, we wanna breed and all and that is why we have straight people. But we did not know who to breed with, did we? Specially at the beginning of time. There many books of ancient history that in many civilizations it was a must to procreate with men. Nobody really knew, but when females came into the scene: "hey we get babies out of them". Plus the body does urge for "sex" not for breeding and sex can happen with either men or woman. As many as there are straight people then as many as gays there are. It is a natural balance in the world....now that i mention that, you heard about how when one human dies 2 new babies are born. 2 babies=1grown person. 1 baby=1 baby born. That is kept in balance as well and another thing that is kept in balance is nature. You know how some parts of the world end up dying due to natural causes, well other parts of the world do end up blooming into something beautiful. But the ecosystems are being "controlled" by humans, which delays a lot of these things, for example: maintaining a park and not letting natural process settle in will only cause more places be deserts or wastelands instead of having a natural cycle of change. For that is : 1park=2 new deserts/wastelands It is a cycle in nature that must be left alone. In my geography class, my professor discussed how things that are given by nature, nature also takes something in return of equal value. It is also mentioned in alchemy books. What THIS SAYS &: Honestly, that argument holds no merit. Being black is perfectly natural, but it seems that white people had a problem with it for many many years... Ito do not forget Jews,terrorists,asians,mexicans.......so on..... @bukimi_heishi: Well, first thing: WE ARE MAMMALS. We are only different because of our thumbs are our brain is bigger than that of most mammals. Other than that we do the same things animals-mammals do. We eat, sleep,have kids, parents,breed,think and so on. Also read what i told Disposable. @MOST PEOPLE WHO ARE ASKING WHY THIS AND THAT: I BELIEVE MOST OF YOU ARE ONLY LOOKING FOR CORNERS IN A CIRCLE. WHICH IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY IT HAS NO CORNERS. @Everyone else answering people: I Agree with most of you.
  20. ginHigure

    You are neither born gay or straight. Kids do not know what is gay nor straight. They see what they are taught to see. As mentioned in the documentary most species in the world do include gay ecosystems. We are part of the that chain and so we ourselves are that way. Nothing wrong with that. Because you said "god created a man and a woman", does it make sense to you that he would create animals that also are gay? Makes no sense, it's like TROLLING with nature...if you think about it is not, it was made perfectly the way it was meant to be. The "BIBLE", the biggest troll ever to have been created. It is only a written text by people that has been passed down from generations to generations...simple as that. I am catholic myself, i do not practice it often, i do pray every single day of my life and i can proudly say that i believe in my one God and nothing else-which excludes the bible, church and anything related to those. All you need to do is be a good person and that is a given. When i truly think about it, what is lacked the most in this world is "LOGIC". People do not try to make sense of it, they only find any explanation that is given to them, which satisfies people psychologically. So basically it does not satisfies what it truly means. You can check a lot of books in relation with this situation, philosophical books work a whole lot. There is this quote that i will always remember: " You like philosophy and you are christian, has it driven you mad?" Both contradict each other, but i noticed that if you combined both together-they become one.
  21. ginHigure

  22. ginHigure

    Very interesting topic indeed..same reaction my parents got as those from the videos. Mom came a bit to her senses but dad is still hurt "lost of his dreams". Funny how my parents pulled all the bible said about gay/lesbian/bisexual people. I told them the bible did create a lot of fear and made things seem dangerous to the public, plus it persuaded them. They do not believe me on that. They do not believe that people used the bible as hate for black, segregation nor they believe that most animal species are gay. I totally agree with the message this documentary has sent. I do believe that people do need to educate themselves before acting or reasoning things that do not make sense. There are always misunderstandings/misinterpretations of the bible. The bible is only a written told of society, the believe is inside everyone only and nothing else.
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