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Sakura Seven

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Sakura Seven last won the day on October 14 2014

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  1. as some1 whos been in the vk scene for awhile im getting p sick of children who listen to one or two bands and then trash the scene once the novelty wears off. fuck off panpi.

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    2. Raburr7
    3. hiroki


      nothing amuses me more than ppl who feel the need to passive aggressively denigrate vk every 2-3 posts they make ("ya know, that's vk you're talking about, wad else did ya expect?!') even though topic in question has nothing whatsoever to do with vk, and these are people who happily admit that they don't even listen to vk in the first place.

    4. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      [4] fucking signed

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