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    Thedane reacted to CAT5 in Ever feel like supporting an artist isn`t worth it?   
    Supporting the music you like/love is wonderful, but as many have noted already, buying all of the merch/CDs in the world does not mean you get to control the will or fate of the band. If the band is going to change styles, disband, or use their money snort cocaine from the dirty asses of prostitutes - that's simply beyond your control. It's a bit egotisitcal to think that you own a band because you own their CD, or to think that a band has to conform to your whims because you spent money on them.
    You see, there's this wonderful thing called "free will" - so if you like it, feel free to support it - if you don't like it, you don't have to support it.
  2. Like
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    Thedane got a reaction from Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    At long last, the stuff arrived.
    Technically it arrived pretty fast, but the customs held it back for a bit, I have no idea why.
    No damage, just perfect.
    Thank you!
  4. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from Niku in EAT YOU ALIVE 2 best albums & maxi single release   
    So for the European eat you alive tour, hide yo' women, hide yo' sisters, hide yo' mothers.
  5. Like
    Thedane reacted to cruel-crucible in Where are people here from?   
    Originally from Slovakia, currently living in Denmark
  6. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from Dark Kinma in Last Thing You Bought   
  7. Like
    Thedane reacted to Jigsaw9 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Unpopular opinion: MEJIBRAY has nothing to do with the GazettE in terms of "rip-offness"
    Sure, Tsuzuku is a fan of Ruki's and the GazettE's, admittedly. And this moderately shows in his visuals at times.
    Sure, the band has some songs in their catalogue that seem to have some similarities to a few of GazettE's tunes.
    ...about 3 songs out of a total 48 (and counting).
    ...which usually only resemble GazettE stuff for like half a minute each.
    (remember DIE KUSSE where everyone shouted "ripoff, hahaa!" only because of the introductory part that never ever repeats again? ;> )
    So it's getting a bit weird and old to read all the "durrrr Gazetto copybando" stuff. Feels just like around 7-8 years ago when all I heard everywhere was "durrrr Gazetto sounds like Diru" (no they didn't, lol).
  8. Like
    Thedane reacted in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    My unpopular opinion:
    I don't like the GazettE.
    (or has this become a popular opinion? -haha-)
  9. Like
    Thedane reacted to nullmoon in D.I.D. new maxi single "Paranoid Personality" release   
    I listened to them a bit more and my opinion has done a 180. The D.I.D versions are much more powerful i think i prefer the original Amaryllis too...mainly because of that sweet pinch harmonic in the verse Lilley of the Valley is actually really good, you should give it a try
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    Thedane reacted to VkBrutaliaN in Last Thing You Bought   
    my newest CDs.

  11. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from urumi in Hello ! I'm an awkward potato   
    Welcome, please enjoy your stay.
  12. Like
    Thedane reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    At least buying a few forever ago is better than never buying any and then bitching about the state of things or when a band disbands. I've been seeing a lot of posts from members where they criticize bands for being money hungry when everyone in any modern society is money hungry. I didn't mean criticize or praise a band artistically, that is everyone's right and of course artistic opinion matters very little since it is very subjective. But when a band has CDs or DVDs or lives that are expensive or the band fails or proclaims their money troubles in the form of conditional disbands with the need of attracting enough fans to a concert so the band can at least break even and someone says "OH HEY THEY R SO GREEDY CAN'T STAND IT," is just ridiculous. We all live off money and we all need it to live and I just get disgusted when people act like its wrong for the musicians to actually need money. I'm sure most of the people here understand that the bands need money to keep going and that in most cases, especially VK, there are a lot more different aspects to being in a band such as  design professionals from artwork to makeup and other production costs. A lot of VK fans on the net are spoiled rotten from all the free tunes, they get bitchy when things aren't shared for free in a timely manner if it is known someone has a release not uploaded yet.  The same people that don't understand why a band would disband for monetary reasons or why a band has to charge so much for their services. Sorry for not making myself more clear~. I just think that if everyone at least bought even just one CD for every so many they download then maybe things would change. A lot of Japanese media was doing well here in the states. Anime and manga and Jrock used to be very popular but it has since dwindled. Some caused by bad decisions on the part of companies bringing the stuff over (like Tokyopop trying to become a multimedia power house that produced music by Courtny Love's daughter and tried to make live action anime movies but ran out of money when they should have just stuck to manga, which is what caused a major leap to pirating manga on manga reader websites) to how Adult Swim and Cartoon Network periodically taking down their anime scheduled programmings due to the high amount of fansubbing and pirating. It's all rather connected. Most of the people here probably came across japanese music from anime. I'm not sure how well Adult Swim's current reanimation of Toonami is doing ratings wise but that market directly affects the music one as well in terms of exposure and other factors and since everyone is just downloading everything all the numbers aren't really matching. Pirating is just a problem in general is all I'm saying and it's causing little ripples in the ocean of content that are causing bigger problems for the intellectually created content. Yeah I've downloaded some stuff for free but I buy things and support with cash munny when I can but there are some people that don't even make that much of an effort and just go tra-la-la-la-ing down this path that causes the creative individual to wonder if they will be able to afford cheese sandwiches to live off of if people just keep stealing things for free. Yes I understand that most of the members here are drawn by that elusive downloads section and its all fine and dandy that that stuff is available right at your fingertips but it's the same essentially as robbing a CD shop. Yes there are some good things from sharing this stuff for free with everyone and it creates more exposure but at the same time how is there going to be any support at all? How are these bands going to keep going? It's hard for the little bands just starting out to last and the whole state of VK right now isn't doing that well. (Bands disbanding left and right, magazines ending publication, collapse of management companies.) And then people whine about that stuff and don't realize is that it's because the pirating fans are causing there to be no money in it on a scale that it should be compared to how often these things are downloaded. But this is the same for all bands worldwide and all creative content and I don't believe that my stance is wrong at all Dispo. Creative content is a service like anything else and we live in a world that runs on money, a world where everyone HAS to be greedy in at least one small way. And I'm in no way saying that people do creative things JUST for money. I'm saying that if someone has done something creative and it's being sold that it should be paid for more than it's stolen.
  13. Like
    Thedane reacted in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This 110%. This is honestly why I don't come on here much anymore. Anytime I'd mention I'm purchasing or purchased something visual kei, I get requests to share it... Then people bitch at me when I won't share with them. Buy it yourself. Period. 
  14. Like
    Thedane reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    UNPOPULAR OPINION NUMERO ICHI: I don't think people that don't buy any VK albums should be allowed to criticize or complain about band qualities when they aren't doing anything to help the genre economically. Money is a voting system for bands and the bands that get more money will live longer and disband less. (Look at how often bands disband.) Also don't think people should criticize a band for disbanding conditionally if they can't get a minimum number of people to a live. Yes it sucks. Yes the economy is bad for all. Yes Japanese cds are expensive and it's difficult to go see bands perform but I also think it's bullshit to refer to conditional disbandment as a trend or blackmail. Being in a band is a job for these people and they need the money to keep the band going and if they can't afford to buy outfits and make up and equipment and rent live houses for a night then they aren't going to be able to keep being a band. Everything costs money and being a greedy spoiled gaijin getting shit for free and bitching about the state of the scene (that you aren't even a part of locally in the country of Japan) is just redundant. 
    Which leads to:
    UNPOPULAR OPINION DOS: THE VISUAL KEI SCENE FOR PEOPLE NOT IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF JAPAN IS THE INTERNET AND THE RANDOM TOURS. VK scene for us is THE INTERNET. With out we'd be screwed. The only way you can bitch about the scene is if you've been to concerts in Japan and have experienced what the scene is like in it's native home land. Here in America the scene is American's laughing at Dir en Grey because they went to see Korn and Deftones and don't understand how the band got on stage or the random acts at lame ass anime conventions. Maybe if us foreigners support the bands then we'd have better lives and more incentive for bands to tour this country more. So if you really love save up your pennies to buy cds and dvds. I can't tell you how many Girugamesh, Dir en Grey, LM.C, etc CDs and DVDs onsale at American CD shops for 3-6 bucks a CD and 10 for a DVD. Which just proves how much isn't being bought.
    UNPOPULAR OPINION SURII: Don't request high level rips if you rip your own shit in low quality bullshit. 
    Unpopular opinion FOAA: Tacky bands that recycle boring sounds and don't keep it fresh (The GazettE being the first to jump to mind,) aren't trying hard enough and need to step it the fuck up before I track them down and throw excrement in their faces. Blending slipknot riffs with luna sea sounds isn't innovative or interesting. It's lazy. 
  15. Like
    Thedane reacted to TheBistroButcher666 in La'veil MizeriA 3-month consecutive live-limited demo tapes release   
    Some of us like to support our favourite artists by purchasing their releases. Especially since these bands aren't living it up like some multi-millionaire rock star, y'know like working shitty day jobs to support themselves and the band. People complain that it's so unfair bands sell things like 500 yen chekis or live limited releases when it's the best way for them to get anything back. A lot of venues are pay to play venues and they're lucky to even break even half the time.
    Sure we all download but bitching and whining at people is why I don't share with ungrateful brats like all of you.
  16. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from orangetarts in Biggest crimes in Japanese music   
    If they want to be in the scene so bad, they're willing to work their a*ses off on the side, then respect.
    Can't see the that being funny, it's rather admirable if I have to be honest.
  17. Like
    Thedane reacted in Show Yourself (again)   
    Hehe yup XD this is from a few days ago...I herp till I derp a lot :w:" yahhhhh one eyes like WAH but the other knew where to go lol xD also I look tired xD
  18. Like
    Thedane reacted in 蒼-AO- Afterglow   
    This is my first time ever writing a review, so I may not be the best at this, but here it goes...
    I received my copy of 蒼-AO-'s 3rd maxi-single, "Afterglow" today. I've been a fan of theirs since they first started, and they have improved greatly in sound production quality and overall music. This single shows that very well in my opinion.
    The first song, "Afterglow" starts off with a symphonic, almost operatic melody that quickly turns into symphonic power metal with heavy guitar riffs. The song continues with this melody, throwing in long, nice guitar solos here and there (obviously from ShuN, their guitarist who composes all the music). NEON sings clearly and powerfully with the music; I feel he has adapted his singing style to the symphonic power metal 蒼-AO- wants to play. (in their first single, it seemed like he wasn't sure how to sing along with the music.) The second song, "Insane Rose" is similar in how it starts out but is a heavier song than the previous one with faster guitar riffs. Again, NEON's voice compliments the music, singing about the struggles one experiences from a breakup.
    Overall, I think this single is the best they've released yet. It seems they've figured out where they want to go musically, sticking to symphonic metal and their theme of love and loss. I'm looking forward to what 蒼-AO- has in store for the future. 
  19. Like
    Thedane reacted to PumpkinPatches in Meku from GALEYD leaving the band due to musical difference   
    If they go the Lycaon route, I will kill something. Well, not literally, but I will flip some goddamn tables.
  20. Like
    Thedane reacted in everything about cheki   
    Since I don't live in Japan, it is difficult to purchase merchandise and chekis of my favorite bands. I do my best to support them by buying their music/ DVDs, but I am envious of people in Japan, to be honest... I wish I could buy those live-limited singles / DVDs, chekis, other merchandise of my favorite bands. Now that I am aware of chekis making bands money, I would love to go to an 蒼-AO- live and an ANSIA live to get all the cheki haha.
  21. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from DistraughtK in girugamesh free preview live "absoluteϕdecision"   
    In new style? New style as in "something never seen with girugämesh before" (behold, the new barbershop quartet!) or "just something different" which would, in theory, make their previous sound, the sound I miss dearly, a possible return?
    You got my curiosity.
  22. Like
    Thedane reacted to Trombe in Ba.ENYA has joined DEPAIN & band name change to "SAVAGE"   
    ^ they will perform under DEPAIN at their live at 2013/07/23, and then will transform to "SAVAGE" after then
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    Thedane reacted in Pimp with your collection   
  25. Like
    Thedane got a reaction from DistraughtK in Post a lie about the person above you   
    DistraughtK had a leading role in the movie E.T, as E.T
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