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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    This deserves more attention ^^
  2. Something tells me i might sort of maybe have misjudged their popularity among japanese fans... Anyway, nice. I expect important announcement at their tour final.
  3. Thedane

    F-yeah! Rei! Better make a new band soon, his voice in aim was amazing ^^
  4. Np, i love when bands interact with their fans like that, and especially when it's for international fans as well =D
  5. Well i gave them the info and stuff, they appreciated the interest ^^
  6. Thedane

    Aw sadness D=
  7. Thedane

    F*** yeah! =D
  8. Thedane

    Good to see him active, but i certainly wouldn't like him to join as an official member. That would bring Virulent down one member, not something i'd like to see.
  9. Thedane

    Wow, cool mix =D
  10. Thedane

    Nooo... i want cd's ._. Oh well, thanks for sorting that out for me, you too as well filth_y
  11. Thedane

    They did. Don't tell me it was that online release thing?
  12. Thedane

    Well, although it didn't sound too promising, i will still try to get both types, as well as kiss my way's single. Hopefully i can get the pv thing. I just wish they'd release to song they've had a sample of at the end of almost every single video they put up on youtube.
  13. Thedane

    I had hopes for something better, their look indicated some sort of darker sound, but oh well, they disappoint yet again.
  14. Not bad, any info on which store to order through, in order to get the pv?
  15. Thedane

    And there went my interest from amazing to non existing!
  16. Thedane

    Darn, nothing even remotely close to me, would have been fun to see them live ^^''
  17. Hahaha omfg so Jin will sing songs from REALies??? XD Omg, they better record this live on a dvd, i simply have to see those mixes.
  18. Thedane

    Didn't know there were something called vocoder in existence. Doesn't matter what it's called though, still sounds horrible :/
  19. Still interested in the NaiL stuff, if you got it that is.
  20. Thedane

    I'm sorry everyone, but i actually enjoyed this ^^
  21. Thedane

    True, it might be so horrible it's good... or something.
  22. Not bad, they're improving =D
  23. Thedane

    Not buying this album... if all the other songs are okay, maybe... but if they have autotune in them... i'll pass.
  24. Thedane

    Seriously? Just 30? And yet they kept on going for quite some time... wow
  25. Hopefully it's "just" going to be like that. Better stay positive in these times of disbandment!
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