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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    Here's Ooh La La. It's the ED to The Smurfs 2 that she wrote specifically for the movie. That's about the only connection to it. She wrote it for her kids, so that's why the lyrics are kind of.. sugary childish. It's still a good ass song though imho. However, I highly doubt it'll be on the new album like 'Work Bitch'.
  2. Furik

    New single is.. different. I like it but its not as good as "Ooh La La" which was a fun sugarpop summer jam. I guess "Work Bitch" is the official first single of her upcoming album. Sounds like it'll be Femme Fatale pt.2.
  3. Furik

    girugamesh has now been redeemed. It's easy to just say anything released after MUSIC was their downfall with their mainstream pop singles like Alive, Border, Crying Rain, etc. I kind of just forgot about them but this.. this single is nothing like their "make pop songs, get famous" eras. It's as if they found a nice medium between catchy pop choruses and mixing their trademark rock sound from their earlier releases. INCOMPLETE, the title track off this single, is a great introduction to their new "comeback" era that they have been promoting for months on in. It's catchy and really let's every member shine - from the rough bass, the guitar work and of course Satoshi's dreamy voice. They implement newer EDM sounds that really do work well considering girugamesh was one of the earlier bands to master the mix of J-rock and electronics (unlike a few bands we won't name). Limit Break is what you'd expect - just a simple filler B-track but it's not band at all. It might be a little heavier than INCOMPLETE. Along with the title track, the song has a catchy chorus and some great vocal work. 1:58-2:11 has some amazing guitar work here along with the last few moments of the song. takt, however, is a weird song. It doesn't know what it wants to be. The introduction makes you think it's going to be a ballad you would immediately just skip. However the heavy guitar work and generic bass wobbles kind of makes you want to keep listening. The piano incorporated with the song is a nice touch. All in all, this is an interesting release for them. It pretty much touches base with, i'm assuming, everything the album is going to end up like. In fact, this could be a teaser for fans. It has the single, the b-side and the ballad. While it's nothing truly groundbreaking - it is nice to see girugamesh back in action as it's been too long and I am excited to see what is next for them. I give the single a really low 4 out of 5 only because I really did enjoy every track on here and I didn't skip which is really rare for me.
  4. If it's anything like GRIMOIRE, this mini album will be solid. Very very excited.
  5. Furik

    The Future Diary. Omg its so good. Best series I've been watching in years! So iipressed. Four episodes in.
  6. Furik

    Okay, the new EP samples are growing on me. I'm really stoked. Sounds like an even mix of their self-titled and DEICIDA. And I'll never understand the self-titled hate. It's, to me, a really solid release. Granted it's nowhere near their older material but.. c'mon.. it's incredible compared to their pop era.
  7. Furik

    no a thief. clearly gaga is using knife to be terrorist. shes illuminati NATO.
  8. Furik

  9. Furik

    I'm really disappointed with the band nowadays. Them, Her Name in Blood and Before My Life Fails. They all came out with shitty "hardcore" releases around the same time like they were all congregating together to kill off their bands. Breed of the Sun was such a stellar solid release. If they were to make anything else like that ever again, i'd be so happy.
  10. Furik

    Oh yes, hon. Indeed it is. I'm the master of making gay porn gif avatars.
  11. Furik

  12. Furik

    They're gonna have a fun time when they change their band name to English like most bands decide to do.
  13. Furik

    BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY? Didn't they already have a song called that? J/K Excited like always.
  14. Meh, i'm excited. Just hope it won't suck like past post-DELUHI projects.
  15. I'm actually enjoying this era of Gaga. Thanks for the rip! Now i'm excited for the album!
  16. Furik

    WHAT. No. They aren't. If they were, i'd be all over this release. Sounds decent but.. I don't think it'll be as good as Deicida of Silence.
  17. This is how I feel: I always support artists I really feel that depend on the fans. Lesser known bands or artists and artists who self-release their music deserve my money - because they really put their heart into releasing EPs and albums. I'll gladly spend $10 or more on releases on Bandcamp, etc. I have an All Access account on Google Play Music so I can stream the latest releases from major artists. It's kind of a hard subject when it comes to streaming music services like All Access, Spotify, Rdio, etc. I don't really have an issue with that - I feel if i'm throwing up a monthly fee, record companies are getting a percentage of that. I don't really know how it works but.. works for me! For artists outside of the U.S., it's hard unless they have a major contract with a U.S. distributor to stream their music. Popular bands like Rammstein I can find perfectly on streaming services but bands like 2NE1 and lynch. only have certain releases on such sites so I have to... download them. I don't feel bad about this at all and here's why: I use the releases only for my personal collection. In no way am I illegally distributing them for financial gain. I just want them to listen to. If I REALLY like a release and it's EASILY accessible in my country, hell yeah i'll buy it (like 2NE1's recent singles, lynch.'s new EP, Dir en grey's new EP, etc.) Another rough thing here is Grooveshark. I have been a proud supporter of the service and have been using it for years. The company itself is awesome and always sends me free monthly codes, stickers, guitar picks, etc. They are free - for the most part on the site but for access to their mobile apps and custom personalization on the site (and no ads), you have to pay. They are pretty much the underdog when it comes to streaming sites because they don't have any deals with major labels and every single song (for the most part) on the service is user-uploaded. I use it mainly for video game and anime music. Think of it as the newer generation of 2001 Audiogalaxy and Napster. While I feel good supporting them because I have access to a crap-ton of anime and video game music, the companies aren't making anything from it. They are changing though as they recently signed a deal with a major label but.. they've got a long way to go. Anyway, my two cents.
  18. Furik

    I love you. Thank you!
  19. Furik

    Thanks to both of you! The lyrics are awesome!
  20. Furik

    I really really enjoyed this EP. It blew me away. Makes up from the lackluster past albums after SHADOWS. Solid release. I give it a 7/10. There's like one track I didn't care for like BE STRONG but everything else flows perfectly and keeps my attention. I'm really pleased with it.
  21. Furik

    I actually really enjoyed the single. It's a nice throwback to old GazettE. It feels like i'm back in 2007. Sure, FADELESS isn't anything too impressive but it's nice to hear GazettE without the electronics. QUIET wasn't even listenable, to be honest. It's quite boring and couldn't keep my attention. FORBIDDEN BEAVER is just another B-side we expect from a GazettE single - it's nothing groundbreaking but still fun to listen to - only once. All in all, I give it a 6/10. The A-side is worth a handful of listens and i'll probably enjoy listening to it again on the new album.
  22. Furik

    I haven't been this excited for an anime special ever. This has been all over Facebook and news sources everywhere. This thing is blowing up like crazy. Let's hope it extends to an actual series.
  23. Furik

    god they are delicious. does that make me a pedophile?
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