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Posts posted by jduv86

  1. I agree with Maiku. The quality for these songs was just so off putting.

    Muyuu no Kago - I would have love this song if they cut it about two minutes. It doesn't have enough variety in it to keep my attention. Quality aside, this is a very nicely done ballad (I love the piano work) that just got extended for too long. 3.5/5

    Bara Iro no Jinsei - The quality really is shown on this song...it's terrible and makes the vocals sound horrible. I actually couldn't finnish this track. The instrumental sounded decent, but the vocals on top just sounded...:( 2/5

    Yokujou Biyori - Nice adrenaline pumping song! Something really great to rock out to! It reminds me of their older songs like Blackout or Jack the Ripper. Favorite song from this single. 3.5/5

    Overall: 3/5. This is probably And's best ballad track and had it been the quality of their other singles, I think it would have been much better. The B-sides aren't nearly as good as the ones off their other major singles, but they are decent to listen to...well at least Yokujou Biyori is...Still excited for this album.

  2. ....there's nothing wrong with Kpop ... :*(

    Personally...I wouldn't mind it happening. I'm just eagered to get more Gazette. They will always have a soft spot in my heart no matter what they do b/c they were the ones who really got me into japanese music.

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