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Everything posted by freesia

  1. freesia

    Kick a Shoxx magazine?
  2. freesia

    Never Been to a j-rock concert before?
  3. freesia

    Kick Hong Kong?
  4. cocklobin MUCC deadman NightingeiL Kuroyume -OZ- PENICILLIN Violet UK Mar'derayla Merry-Go-Round Metis Gretel Kiyoharu
  5. freesia

    no ever been chased by dogs?
  6. freesia

    Keep Job with low salary?
  7. freesia

    Yes Likes pizza?
  8. freesia

    no likes post-rock?
  9. freesia

    a strawberry cake
  10. freesia

    no ever went overseas?
  11. cocklobin MUCC deadman 9GOATS BLACK OUT Plastic Tree NightingeiL X JAPAN HISKAREA Kuroyume MoNoLith -OZ-
  12. freesia

    keep stage-diving?
  13. freesia

    keep sesame?
  14. freesia

    I think so. Feels tired?
  15. freesia

    Yes Ever visited MH during work/school time?
  16. freesia

    Plastic Tree - 雪月花
  17. freesia

    Work. Not too satisfied with the wage :/
  18. cocklobin MUCC kagerou deadman Hitotsume 9GOATS BLACK OUT inspire:tion Dir en grey VELVET EDEN Eve of Destiny Plastic Tree
  19. freesia

    So so. Would want to work from 9am-5pm?
  20. freesia

    What?! This is so hard to believe. I hope he R.I.P. in another world. It's such a pity to lose such a talented musician.
  21. freesia

    Yes Is Asian?
  22. freesia

    likes visual kei
  23. freesia

    The latest episode of Gintama
  24. freesia

    i'm only familiar with gimp so yeah. needs to do more exercise?
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